Loud Music at the RTR - split from Summer RTR 2017

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2015
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Pahrump Nv.
Just watched Bob's VLOG. I wonder if there will be a summer RTR. More people usually equates to more problems. A lot of people turned out for the winter event, and unfortunately some of them are selfish and self centered, (everyone should like their brand of music). Bob got run out of his own camp just so he could have some peace.

It might be an idea just to have a common meeting area with everyone needing to disperse and find a camp somewhere else.
DannyB1954 said:
Just watched Bob's VLOG. I wonder if there will be a summer RTR. More people usually equates to more problems. A lot of people turned out for the winter event, and unfortunately some of them are selfish and self centered, (everyone should like their brand of music). Bob got run out of his own camp just so he could have some peace.

It might be an idea just to have a common meeting area with everyone needing to disperse and find a camp somewhere else.

Some people are on the road in the first place because they are so self-centered that other people don't want them around.
I guess they thought this was going to be a burning man type of thing. I was at the Jammie build out thing this last fall. I usually tried to get in bed just after sundown, (which wasn't really that late). One guy was playing loud obnoxious music over outdoor speakers. I daydreamed about going over and doing some malicious things to his stereo. Then he put on music I liked, I went to sleep.
I certainly can understand Bobs frustration. My boondocking is for the isolation and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay in the main group as it is simply too crowded. I did hear parts of the discussion today and my first thought is a few will ruin it for the many. Add in the issues he had with the summer RTR and I know I would be thinking twice about holding them.
Well crap, poor Bob. It's gotten too big for him. Maybe if he wants to continue there could be separate section for different lifestyles. The Escapees has BOF (birds of a feather) groups who park and group together in different areas.

Loud music is always annoying. Sorry Bob. Sounds like you really need help policing the rtr.

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I watched Bob's video about an hour ago, I was shocked to hear what was happening. I hope the tribe can come together and rally around Bob and work on a solution going forward.
Probably Bob being a figurehead needs to have a separate camp and not be available to everyone all the time. Make the meetings, and take a walk around once a day for meet and greet, and then get the heck out of there.
It sounds like there should a committee of people Bob knows and trusts to run the coordination, planning, scheduling, and yes, policing of the RTR. The RTR seems like it has gotten too big for one person to handle.
Being a tribe, hopefully the tribe can come together and come up with a solution to handle problems like this.
I had really wanted to go to the RTR this year but couldn't and was planning on going next year. With the amount of people going and the issues that are surrounding it I am beginning to wonder if it is such a good idea. Seems like the whole things just got too big. I'd love to connect with people like me, but not at the expense of my sanity. I'm thinking if I do go next year I'll camp elsewhere and be social when I want to be.

Sorry to hear how this is going Bob.
I agree. I would love to attend the talks but the thought of 100+ people plus loud (and perhaps obnoxious) music is a bit much. Why aren't these people more considerate?
All these talks should be recorded for YouTube. Would reduce the impact. Don't know why any large meeting does not get recorded for YouTube.

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Frankly I find the whole idea of 'tribe', as expressed in the present context, to be a quaint notion but almost amusing. I understand people who feel alienated, disconnected or isolated in their everyday life might seek contact and community. But the idea of joining up with some merry band of soul buddies among a bunch of strangers found on the internet is magical thinking at best, incredibly naive at worse, and all the while one just might be missing a chance of real community living next door right where you are.
waldenbound said:
It sounds like there should a committee of people Bob knows and trusts to run the coordination, planning, scheduling, and yes, policing of the RTR. The RTR seems like it has gotten too big for one person to handle.
Being a tribe, hopefully the tribe can come together and come up with a solution to handle problems like this.

Policing the RTR! OMG! I am in instant cat mode.

All of the pompous whining I have seen here about Evil Society imposing their Evil Rules on Noble Free Spirits --- and now the Noble Free Spirits yelling for rules! 

HAHAHAHAHAHA (gasping for breathe and getting back off the floor) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......
thus has always been the Pioneer way
Too many rules! I'm going over there!
Me too! Freedom! (repeat many times)
Dang, some of these folks are annoying! we need rules!
Too many rules! I'm going over there!

and it repeats forever, or until there's no more 'over there' to run to
may we never see that day
The RTR is meant to be a gathering.  Not a burning man party.  If you can not respect your neighbors, don't have any.  

If you want music, use headphones. 

I hate to say "I knew it"  :(  But from the verbal attitude on the board from a few newbies.   :dodgy:

God made the mountains
God made the sky
God made the people
God knows why
He fixed up the planet
As best as He could
Then in come the people
And gum it up good
The first thing you know

They civilized the foothills
And everywhere He put hills
The mountains and valley below
They come along and take 'em
And civilize and make 'em
A place where no civilized
Person would go
The first thing you know
The first thing you know

They civilize what's pretty
By puttin' up a city
Where nothin' that's
Pretty can grow
They muddy up the winter
And civilize it into
A place too uncivilized
Even for snow
The first thing you know

They civilize left
They civilize right
Till nothing is left
Till nothing is right
They civilize freedom
Till no one is free
No one except
By coincidence, me
The first thing you know

The boozer's in prison
And the criminally isn't
And only the rascals have dough
When I see a parson
I gotta put my arse in
A wagon that follows the tail of a crow
The first thing you know
I pick up and blow!
The first thing you know
gcal said:
All of the pompous whining I have seen here about Evil Society imposing their Evil Rules on Noble Free Spirits --- and now the Noble Free Spirits yelling for rules! 

Irony is just honesty with the volume cranked up.
George Saunders
When people mass together there will be folks you don't care for; people who act in ways you find distasteful or rude. These are the types you would not interact with normally; so why interact with them when they are near you in a forced environment?

On the upside; a gathering of a large crowd of folks results in a greater number of souls who think like you, act like you, and appeal to you; you "like" these people.

If you make a decision to put yourself in a situation that is not ideal to your liking, then you should be mature enough to cut everyone some slack, even if it means having to tolerate some unpleasant moments . . . or, don't attend.

In any organization or calling, "When you get the masses you get the asses."

I believe it shallow to take out the actions by a few through limiting the opportunities of the many.

Just my opinion . . .
A first hand account of the RTR. This is our forth RTR. We missed the first few but we attended the 2013, 2015, 2016 and are at this year's. Every year the amount of people attending has almost doubled from the previous year. This year it's huge. I'm estimating that it's the first RTR for 70% of the people. Many came because of Bob's Youtube channel and are not even aware of the forum. The desert is crowded and people are parking very close to each other but the majority of them are very considerate of their neighbors.

We've not joiners of clubs and we prefer camping on public land or in small public campgrounds. Ordinarily we would not choose to camp in such close quarters but the RTR is a once a year thing and good fun. We've been up and down the lanes numerous times meeting up with old friends and chatting with first timers. We're camped very close to the main campfire which gathers a good crowd in the evening but they aren't especially noisy and break up by 10:00 or 11:00. Some of the attendees must run generators sometimes for health reasons or because their batteries are depleted but most of them do not run them excessively. The dog lease rule is being followed.

I can't really speak for Bob but it seems like a group near him has been very noisy. He has stated many times that he is not a social person and he always camps by himself so the extra noise along with the demands of such a large gathering is very stressful. I hope that the RTR gatherings will continue because it's been a great experience for us and for most of the other people who have attended through the years.

Overall our impression has been favorable and we're having a wonderful time. Yes, it's crowded and we don't like listening to generators but there's a lot of desert out there so it's still possible to find a quiet spot. Be considerate of your neighbors and be aware that people are here to learn or visit quietly.

If you're here at the RTR and have another viewpoint please post.
speedhighway46 said:
In any organization or calling, "When you get the masses you get the asses."

No truer words were ever spoken. Doesn't have to be a very big mass either.

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