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Apr 10, 2012
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Well, the preparations are coming along on the rig, and I'm to the point of having to actually hit the road to find out what I've missed. Just having some trouble with beginning the second month of retirement - seem to be finding myself grinning for no apparent reason. I received my renewed passport to keep the folks happy at the Canadian border, and I'm running out of excuses for not hitting the road - looks like one last obligation in Beaverton, OR, this weekend, then head for Fairbanks with no itinerary, no schedule, and probably poor preparations, but it just doesn't seem to worry me at this point.<br>&nbsp;I don't yet know if my little(19 foot) class C is going to prove trustworthy, but I'm thinking that if it'll do 25 miles, it'll probably do 2500.<br>&nbsp;So far, if there's a downside to this hitting the road with no worries, I have yet to find it, and the calculations seem to indicate that a modest pension will keep me in beans, rice, and gasoline if I don't get too carried away. The ol' farm boy in me has never "stirred with a very big stick " anyway, so I'm thinking that things will go just fine.<br>&nbsp;I'm beginning to realize what it's like to own my own time after 43+ years of serving the system, although I still am appreciative of the pointers and helpful encouragement I've been getting from this site.<br>&nbsp;I'm going to try and stay in contact along the way, and report in - it may be amusing to see just how much I'm discovering as the mobile, free life takes hold.<br>&nbsp;I hope to hit the road this weekend and experience some of those surprises out there, and thanks again for all your pointers and insights, all of you.<br>I'm off to the store for some DEET repellent - heard those mosquito stories for years now, but when my daughter in AK told me about the mosquitos in the hotel she works at having the fire alarm set off by them, I've just gotta see that for myself!<br>&nbsp;Still smiling to myself,<br>Joe<br>
Wonderful!&nbsp; No, there's no downside.&nbsp; Enjoy and <i>vaya con Dios. </i><br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Good luck and GodSpeed, Joe <img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><img border="0" align="absmiddle" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Bob</p>
Keep smiling and maybe we'll bump into each other one day!<br><br>
Best of luck OlJoe and many happy trails to you...<br>bri<br>
Yep, Deet is death to plastic.&nbsp; Be careful not to handle cameras, binoculars, etc. with any on your hands. <br>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Enjoy your trip north Joe.&nbsp; Your destination is well worth the effort.&nbsp; If you get to the Kenai give me a shout. I'll direct you to some of the most gorgeous sites in AK.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Rae</p>
My sister went to Ghana a few years ago. Swears that fabric softener sheets stuffed in pockets and/or pinned to clothing keeps the evil critters away! I think I would wear long sleeves, gloves and a net over my hat.<br>Have a great trip!<br>jb<br>
Well, I'll (maybe) try anything once - the dryer sheets COULD work, after all, and might have the added bonus of making the bears just shake their heads and wander off, after seeing some ol' tourist with dryer sheets tucked under his cap..but it could work, and I'll give it a try!<br>&nbsp;Joe<br>
Good luck Joe and have a good trip, I be looking for images in your log <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br>oh btw, I found that walmart has those nets that go over your hat &amp; head for only a dollar in the camping area, I use it when I go fishing.<br><br>
Not sure about dryer sheets keeping bugs away, haven't tried it.&nbsp; <i>Used</i> dryer sheets, with soap and water, are great for cleaning dried bugs off your vehicle.&nbsp; I can attest to that.&nbsp; <br><br>My head net only cost a few dollars.&nbsp; Don't be without one of those.&nbsp; Mosquitoes can bite through clothing so wear loose clothing or layers.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>
Enjoy yourself, and keep us briefed. Our turn is next year.

A mairine corps secret for Mosquitos: Skin-So-Soft.

Never wondered why marines smell so good? Lol
<P>Dryer sheets, it was a big thing a few years ago with horsemen.&nbsp; We still use them some&nbsp;even though we don't really think they work all that well.&nbsp; Maybe for moskitos but not for deer flies.</P><P>from seraphim A mairine corps secret for Mosquitos: Skin-So-Soft.<BR><BR>Yes, skin so soft, it works for skeeters and horse flies, even those nasty green headed ones. Adding some eucalyptus oil from the health food store works even better.<BR><FONT color=#ff00ff><B>Dragonfly</B></FONT><BR></P>
The military treats its clothes with a product called Permithin which kills bugs on contact. It is a pesticide but has been approved to treat clothes. You can treat your own clothes with it at the beginning of summer and it should be effective all summer even through washings. Probably by the end of summer it will have washed out but thats okay, the bugs are gone. Just retreat it the following summer. I've done it and it works. No ticks in Alaska, so when I moved down to the states I was horrified the first time I had a tick in me. Permithen works on them too. Make sure to use treated socks and hats. Amazon sells it here;<br><br>
<p>I used Bounce for quite some time to deter the skeeters...Alas, overnite, I became allergic to Bounce and most other scents.&nbsp; I can't even&nbsp;go down the cleaning isle at the grocery stores!</p>