I'm failing at Van Dwelling

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Yes you are right that is a good deal. I myself need my house to go with me. Everyone has different situations. If my lady i'm failing reaches out to you for more info please help. Thanks for your input.
You'd have to choose carefully. Even in small towns, the cheapest places tend to be where violence, crazies, and druggies congregate, and you live with the kind of people who love to break into cars, blast music to insane levels and randomly scream and fight in the middle of the night. If it's peace and safety you're looking for, you may have to do a great deal of looking.

I say that from personal experience in bigger cities, but in the smaller city I live in now, people tell me plenty of the same, including some who moved out because of it.

Not that there aren't oases; but they aren't all that easy to find.
Where I live there are quite a few apartment complexes for low income seniors and families. The building I'm in rents for less than $600/mo. and you have to be low income to get in, but later if your income rises, you can stay. It is only 6 years old and very, very nice with all energy saving features and appliances. A lot of people here qualify for a subsidized rate so their rent is even less.
"You'd have to choose carefully. Even in small towns, the cheapest places tend to be where violence, crazies, and druggies congregate, and you live with the kind of people who love to break into cars, blast music to insane levels and randomly scream and fight in the middle of the night."

the towns I am talking about would never put up with that type of behavior. if you are doing any of that stuff you are going to escorted out of town on a rail at the very least. even the trouble makes tow the line. think under 500 people. highdesertranger
ladeeblaze said:
Refuse to fail my dear, If you do decide to go home... I will understand. 

I'm quite sure you mean well, ladeeblaze.  But deciding this life is not for you is not failing , you've merely tried something, and found it was not working out for you.  "I tried about 100 things, and found about 100 things that didn't work" Keep trying, if you feel so inclined; or take a break and binge-watch some TV.   

As Jimi once sang, "Others don't have to die, when it's time for me to die.  So why should I live my life, the way you want me to?"


QinReno said:
+1 for W.P.

Agreed. +1 for quoting Jimi.  

But Ladeeblaze means well, and doesn't want to see anyone fail. And the word "fail" was chosen by the OP.
travelaround said:
Agreed. +1 for quoting Jimi.  

But Ladeeblaze means well, and doesn't want to see anyone fail. And the word "fail" was chosen by the OP.

Thanks to you and QinReno... 

But I misquoted Jimi!!!  :blush:
(my only defense is I was going from memory, and I'm 66. hahaha)

The correct quote (from "If 6 was 9") is
I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.
I'm 67 and I think that was a great "pair of phrases" See what I did there! YARC at work.
Headache said:
Oh wow the responses(aside from the ones about it being more difficult for women, kind of confused there) are awesome!

Is there an assumption that you are a woman and that's why its so hard?  I think life has always been more difficult in someways for women.  
There were probably good reasons in why women were more cloistered in the home. I do think, physically, emotionally and nerve wise  women can be destroyed more easily than the average man (ok before some idiot put all the BPA in the plastic bottles so every thing is a hormonal mish-mash now).  But in other ways women are stronger, more fierce when pushed into a corner, esp. for children, able to multitask, manage, et.cetra... just my opinion but I think the outer world will tear women up rather quickly.  And I think when men are bad they are bad, but when women are bad they are worse... some things we're better at 'lethal/fierce'  

 But in the end home or work life if they aren't supportive, aren't healthy they can really tear you up.   Then your stuck in patterns and habits that you take with you everywhere you go.  

So you can't run, you can't hide, you have to go through it to get to it.  

The aspect of this life that is healing to all of that is those periods alone in Nature.  You relax and when you relax deeply you can release old habits and places where you are stuck.

Relax and remember 'you will be ok'
that is your anchor to the shore of inner peace
Headache ....

Do a YouTube search for "VANLIFE FAILl".
It might make you feel better.

I'm totally not buying the guys do it better thing.  I've been backpacking in small groups and ladies do very well.
Men are better at this?! I doubt it. I've been backpacking and camping in small groups and the ladies do as well as the men, in my view.
Women have to be careful with their shoulders. You can tell the sex of someone by their shoulders, women's turn more forward.

I know quite a few older women who destroyed their shoulders with heavy lifting or excessive activity when young.
I don't know about better or worse. I think being aware is a good idea and imo this culture is excessively abusive to the body in youth
and there are a lot of problems when old because of that. Its not a pride thing about whose the best its just biology and mechanics.

I did a lot of camping and personally I was strong as a man in some regards, but never liked to carry a pack, my body wasn't designed for it.
Different body types have different strengths or weaknesses regardless of sex.

Personally I don't mind men being better at things than me. It's not all survival of the fittest, sometimes cooperation is the winning ticket.
And everyone has something valuable and different to contribute.
K9EZ said:

I'm totally not buying the guys do it better thing.  

I agree.   You certainly don't need my help.  

On the other hand, we could avoid trying to go totally off-topic and start the same old debates which will be shut down by the moderators.    So, perhaps we could STAY on-topic. 

So, as a reminder, OP Headache was sharing her disappointment that the boondocking life didn't seem to be meeting her needs.  I hope you don't mind me summarizing your Original Post, Headache.  

No, I'm not a moderator.  Just hate to waste bandwidth on things that have been discussed ad nauseum in the past. 


wanderin.pat said:
So, perhaps we could STAY on-topic. 

So, as a reminder, OP Headache was sharing her disappointment that the boondocking life didn't seem to be meeting her needs.  I hope you don't mind me summarizing your Original Post, Headache.

Not at all.  I'm an unrepentant, unapologetic stay on topic nazi and PROUD of it.

As far as women having a harder time at this I'm confused because I've seen plenty of women out there doing it and doing just fine.  I started out my young adult life doing things very few women were doing(mechanic, truck driver, racing cars) so its just a weird statement to me.

As far as women not being built for certain things again, that's a weird statement to me.  It's as if what you eat, conditioning and proper therapy had nothing to do with it.

Neither of the above have anything to do with my thread but I wanted to address them.  As a women proud of the things I've done neither of the above have any room in this thread at all.  If you want to continue this line of chat then please start another thread and invite Rhonda Rousey to join in.

Now, as far as my disappointment with this lifestyle what I wish every damn video proclaiming this lifestyle is the cat's meow would remind people that it may not be for everyone.  CAVEAT EMPTOR!  I bought into the romance, nostalgia and "freedom" these car salesmen hawked and it's been anything but.

For those of you with mental and physical issues DO NOT believe these videos of how easy it is and here's why; you must adapt this lifestyle to your needs and the only way to do that is by experimentation.  This can be costly, time consuming and if like me you had to start much sooner than you were prepared for it can be incredibly frustrating.  Yes, I saw some of the videos of disabled people doing it but most of them were either able to set up beforehand, had the money, had friends that helped or some combination. I can barely get a straight answer let alone trying to get info about campsites.

Also, I did myself a disservice by thinking that this kind of "freedom" would alleviate some of my mental issues like depression.  Nope, it's made it much worse.  

Now, time to get my grouchy ass out of OOHtah and down to Lost Wages.  I'll check back in tonight, or in the morning.
Headache said:
Now, as far as my disappointment with this lifestyle what I wish every damn video proclaiming this lifestyle is the cat's meow would remind people that it may not be for everyone.  CAVEAT EMPTOR!  I bought into the romance, nostalgia and "freedom" these car salesmen hawked and it's been anything but.


Also, I did myself a disservice by thinking that this kind of "freedom" would alleviate some of my mental issues like depression.  Nope, it's made it much worse.  

Here, here.  

I so totally agree with that statement.  In addition, you and I are not the only ones who have been grumbling about that for a couple of years.  

I've heard enough disillusionment to last me a long time.  

Again, I wish you well.  

being an adult one must not swallow every single vid. and story you read as a subject/lifestyle/whatever is perfect in life. I mean there are always 2 sides to every coin on every issue in this life. It does fall onto the person truly accepting some truths about these issues. Not like anyone sold you a guaranteed deal on any options we chose thru life. What adult really doesn't know there is good to bad in every decision we mostly make? Happens all the time. We choose what we are told might be fab and might kinda find the worse of it keeps hitting our lives. Then ya just change it up to suit you better, no use complaining about it. Change and adapt is what life is all about. Has to be, those stagnant and never moving forward thru their journey just sit and rot....at least if you bob and weave and eventually find your true fit in life, you are doing great then, still growing and adapting :)