Rosie, think of the down side to what you just said. Which is that the boys have to use those nasty yukky restrooms "every" time they go. You'd swear the establishment owners never do clean them. Boys were just born dirty, and they never change.
QinReno said:Blanch, I wasn't belittling anyone. I was pointing out that people with TTs have the 3 **MOST** important things that van dwellers do not typically have ... a regular toilet, a shower, and room to stand up. That is the major downside to the van.
Also, no room to walk around, no room for a couch or nice easy chair. I don't even have a refrigerator because they use too much power. I use a cooler, and most of the time don't have any fresh produce or meat. A van is really little more than a "metal tent", which is how I think of it. The only real difference from tent camping is you don't sleep on the ground. Totally different world from an RV or TT.
Rosie, just so's you know what to expect .... Speaking about "roughing it" and waiting in line, people who are not self-contained at RTR will have those johnny-on-the-spot toilets. They will certainly be unisex, have long lines, and tend to be unbelievably gross. I won't use them myself.rosiemartinez1211 said:ME TOO!!I'll be damned if I'm gonna wait in a women's long line when there's no men waiting. BUT I check to make sure it's not gross first.
QinReno said:
RVTravel said:Yeah, how would a male ever know what a female is suited for.
Q, darling, I think you might have a more chivalrous view of ladies than many of us ladies do....FYI, many of the ladies I know who drag Casitas or Scamps use their lil bathrooms for storage. My two vans, the smaller I used the bathroom for storage and the larger one I used it for an actual bathroom. Many ladies live in cars or tents. I now have a 5th wheel, but only because the opportunity to acquire it came up at a time when I actually had the money, which was guaranteed to never happen again, and as I am old and decrepit I decided to jump on the chance for creature comfort. I miss my van....and am also grateful for the apartment on wheels!QinReno said:To Headache and TravelAround, I really do think the van life is not that well suited for ladies. Bob literally gloats about poopng in a bucket. I prefer to camp in CGs that have toilets myself. However, everything is a process of partial solutions and compromises. Nobody said life would be simple, certainly not our parents.
Perhaps a better solution if the van works out to be too inconvenient would to pull a small trailer like a Casita or Scamp, which provides standing room, toilet, and shower. RV-Sue did this quite well, and brought her 2 dogs along for fun and company.
That is an interesting observation, Ding. I have been pondering this lately. Our parents' generation seems to have been the first to specifically not care about the well-being of the next generation. "We're spending our children's inheritance!"Dingfelder said:Wow, mine sure did I think "traditional" society in general -- meaning white folks -- by and large swallowed that hook, line, and sinker and used it aggressively to get off the hook for taking care of their kids or any generations after their own.
But hundreds of millions are paying a lot of money for housing every month.RAILROADGREEN said:THERE IS NO SUCH THINK AS CHEAP RV LIVING ! RV's are expensive to BUY , and that the cheapest part ! RV,s are really expensive to maintain , big time ! everything cost double , oil changes , tires , labor cost , towing service , hell you can spend $80.00 a month just dumping your tanks , and the biggest killer of all is GAS , on the west coast $4.00 a gallon and up ! LIFE IS PRETTY ****** OUT HERE WHEN YOU ARE BROKE ! just my 2 cents .
RAILROADGREEN said:THERE IS NO SUCH THINK AS CHEAP RV LIVING ! RV's are expensive to BUY , and that the cheapest part ! RV,s are really expensive to maintain , big time ! everything cost double , oil changes , tires , labor cost , towing service , hell you can spend $80.00 a month just dumping your tanks , and the biggest killer of all is GAS , on the west coast $4.00 a gallon and up ! LIFE IS PRETTY ****** OUT HERE WHEN YOU ARE BROKE ! just my 2 cents .