I'm failing at Van Dwelling

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It has been my experience that a happy person is happy vanning; an unhappy person is unhappy vanning. It is the person, not vanning that is the issue.

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The fear can be almost overwhelming. I don't know how to cope with it most times. I'm in a Wal-Mart parking lot I can't stay in and I've got a radiator leak. Can't get it replaced for another 2 weeks.

It's not the repair I'm worried about it's that I'm alone. I could find a campsite but what if it started leaking more? It's nice to have some kind of back up, human wise. I don't need hugs but could use a good dose of friendly banter on occasion.

The 2 weeks is easy. It's the doing it alone where I stumble and sometimes fall.
Van Lady that is mostly true. However, if I had started out in something else a little bigger I can almost gaurentee that my chances of success would have been better. I would have been a little happier and definitely in a lot less pain.
I think it would help to have a few people you can call for backup and support if the situation becomes desperate. We should be able to help each other, not to provide money so much as to provide emotional support and maybe even company if you're within range, in difficult times.
I could definitely use the company although I can be a grouchy f___. The best case scenario would be to camp somewhere with others. That way I can at least get supplies and maybe an occasional ride into town for trash and water. No joke, 2 weeks to the day. The length of time couldn't work out any better.

Right now the "desperate" is avoiding getting ticketed and towed.
travelaround said:
I think it would help to have a few people you can call for backup and support if the situation becomes desperate. We should be able to help each other, not to provide money so much as to provide emotional support and maybe even company if you're within range, in difficult times.

I really do believe if a person posted in this forum the general area they were located and that they needed help of some kind, someone would reach out to them.
There are a lot of good people among us.

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Van Lady said:
I really do believe if a person posted in this forum the general area they were located and that they needed help of some kind, someone would reach out to them.
There are a lot of good people among us.

I did in topics that don't fit other areas.  Don't know what you mean by general. I'm in Mesquite, NV at the Wal-Mart for now.

The Wal-Mart won't allow it for more than 48 hours and Mesquite has no aid services.  I'd have to go to Las Vegas for anything and I can't get in a shelter with my pets.

My risk is building pressure in a seam where plastic and metal join together. Everytime it builds pressure(everytime I run the van) I magnify the chance of it blowing out.

I don't mind going to a camping area but I would all but have to park for that 2 weeks. Without camping with others it would be a very tough gig.

Here it is:

Van Lady said:
It has been my experience that a happy person is happy vanning; an unhappy person is unhappy vanning. It is the person, not vanning that is the issue.

"Wherever you go, there you are."

--Buckaroo Banzai
Maybe pleas your case to WalMart management, and see if they will make an exception for you for the next two weeks.

If that fails, notify law enforcement of your predicament and see if they can advocate for you and/or have access to any kind of emergency services.

There may be something county based, not just Mesquite.
It's tough that you can never have enough money in a situation many people are in because they don't have enough money in the first place.
Churches are sometimes generous to people in desperate situations. Most Christians I know really want opportunities to help and serve others. They might have a place for you to park, or even might know someone capable of fixing your problem.
For short trips, you can loosen the radiator cap so it doesn't build up pressure. If you drive very far the coolant will start to boil off lowering the coolant level. You're in a Walmart parking lot, go in and get some distilled water jugs to carry. That way you can at least drive for short distances. I wouldn't go more than about 10 miles before adding water to the radiator. Top off the radiator before you leave.

You want to use distilled water as it does not have any minerals in it to cause further damage.

Maybe you can get in to Las Vegas to get an earlier repair. You could call some shops to find out and also see if they will let you stay in their lot until repaired. There have been a couple of times the shop couldn't fix me that day but let me stay there overnight. They even threw me an extension cord so I could make my morning coffee. Folks are helpful if you explain your circumstances.
Headache, you have had your trials with that van. Isn't that an early 90's Ford van? Did the shop say to replace the radiator?
No I won't be driving it with the cap off, it's not a mechanical motor.  

I already talked to Wal-Mart.  Nothing will change in that regard.

I've already called other places.  I'm pretty self sufficient in that regard but as usual I get nowhere.   Maybe tomorrow will be different.  TBH this forum is a last resort to ask about anything for me.  It's why I don't feel part of "the tribe".

My going to Vegas will not get it fixed any faster, unless someone wants to convince Social Security to send my money faster.

This all really should be in the other thread.
How about finding a spot to just park the van for the waiting time, try to get a friendly couch to crash on, and get in on a nice Friendsgiving?

Possibly all in one place, but not necessarily :cool:
wanderin.pat said:
 the same old debates which will be shut down by the moderators. 





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