If You're Hippie and Ya Know It - Drop Your Pants!

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Nah, not far for west Texas.....5 1/2 to 6 hours.&nbsp; Depends on if the state troopers are taking their lunch break or not <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>I don't blame him for calling it that.&nbsp; El Paso has gotten really rough lately.
I think Texas has always embraced the occasional oddball.&nbsp; I am a pretty darn good example <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif"><br><br>I think the early hippies would have drummed me out of their circle, since I went all Establishment and got an engineering degree and a non-dyed tie, but I'm with 'em in spirit.&nbsp; I just like to know that the bills are going to get paid on time LOL<br><br>I'm leaving Austin in the morning, heading for Jasper, AR.&nbsp; Not taking the van, a rental Impala.&nbsp; Family get together for my dad's 75th and their 55th anniversary.&nbsp;I think they'll search the rig for Birkenstocks when we hit Ft Smith.&nbsp; This will be a true time warp...<br><br>Bama
Bama I know what ya mean hippie at heart...<br>I'm still bummed out I was only about 13yrs old during Woodstock and the "Summer of Love"<br><br>I'm struggling to exist in the captivity of industrial America.... <br>I always tell them, "I'm not useless, I make a perfectly good bad example.&nbsp; I just set exceedingly low standards and consistently fail to meet them."&nbsp;&nbsp; ;-)<br><br>DanC<br><br>
Really cool, oops I mean, awesome pic there Wagoneer.<br>Hey is that the back of Hammond B3 and Fender stacks I see in the background?
Yep Fenders all the way. Me on drums shot by one of our loyal groupies. That stage was so crowded with gear not all from our band called the "LOOTERS' We opened up for a band called "STEEL PULSE' That was a while back. Ears still ringing.
<span id="post_message_1278411205">"I'm not useless, I make a perfectly good bad example.&nbsp; I just set exceedingly low standards and consistently fail to meet them."</span>
<br><br>That's funny, Fireman.<br><br><br>@ <strong>wagoneer</strong> - cool photo, that had to have been some of the best times, especially for a young man with "groupies"... I can only imagine... sigh!!&nbsp;
LOL.... I like it, Dogmom38. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I'm a hippie in the sense of my carefree mindset. I was a non-conformer most all my adult life but moved home close to my family who are preachers and very very very conservative and kind of fell "into line" so to speak.&nbsp;<br>I miss the old days of being free to be me no matter what.&nbsp;<br>Well, I am going back to the old mindset with a new view! lol I love working and I love being free to decide my own fate! I am finding I'm more libertarian as I get older and it works for me.&nbsp;<br>I have finally found out, albeit late in life, that I don't have to go along with what my family does or says....I'm next to youngest at 57 and to hell with it! lol<br>Still dress like a hippie I guess, can't conform there! No blue hair for me! lots of cotton and jewelry for me! LOL`&nbsp;
I too am at least a little weird.&nbsp; At&nbsp; less than 35 I find the brick and motor life dull at times.&nbsp; I like to be up in the woods camping, fishing and the like, but I do like some of the convenient devices of today.&nbsp; I typically don't conform to the left/right paradigm.&nbsp; To rigid for me.&nbsp; I go by a live and let live attitude for the most part.&nbsp; If I want to convince someone of something, I will use words, logic and action before violence.&nbsp; I will protect against those that are violent to be violent, the wolves of sorts.&nbsp; I love God's creation and wish to get back to the way it was intended.&nbsp; The hardest drug I have ever used is caffeine.&nbsp; I am a freedom/liberty oriented person.
@ <strong>cleanheart</strong> - We seem similar in all ways, with the exception of "love working" <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"> ..... Don't get me wrong, I don't mind working to provide for my needs.. I'm just disappointed in the choices I've made when it comes to work - I would, if I had the chance, volunteer my experience in some third world country (without pay, just food and shelter provided) and would probably be much happier. I'd think I would also enjoy working on a self sustainable (hippie) farm - doing things appropriate to my age and physical abilities of course. It would be sweet.<br><br>@ <strong>arizonatruck</strong> - You don't sound weird to me! I mean, you're obviously not normal, but that's OK.... j/k...&nbsp; but heck, I don't consider myself normal, at least not in the way of most of the sheeple. I also <span id="post_message_1278547385">like some of the convenient devices of today... couldn't do without my laptop. And, even though I have my own beliefs and values based upon a Protestant Christian upbringing.... as I grow older, I try my best to have the same attitude of "</span><span id="post_message_1278547385">live and let live". <br></span>
Good Words Ziggy Moon! I love working as in something to do. hahahaha! I tried to join the Peace Corps when I was in High School but my parents nixed that along with the Navy. Oh Well.....sigh!<br>I like what you said to arizonatruck. I too try to live and let live but most people really have a problem with that. So I just keep to myself mostly. I miss the interaction with my friends of "old" and the days when it was easier to "live and let live"!&nbsp;<br>I've done the backpacking/camping thing and now as I get older I'm more into "Glamping" and kind of like the style!&nbsp;<br>Nice posts!
Hey I'm from a small town in Texas lol I was born in seventies but I've been told I have a gypsy soul hippie style and redneck heart. I'm embracing my mismatched self.
May as well raise my joint .... I mean hand dude.&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img" title="Thumb - :thumb:">
<span id="post_message_1278259989">Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.<br />~ Bob Marley<br /><br />As they say on Craigslist ......Plus 5<br /></span>
12 years as a Rennie, 10 Northern Faires at Black Point, Bachelor's in tree hugging from a top State Uni... nuff said. <br /><br />Hey Clan, quite bogarting that roach, man! <img alt="[wink]" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img" title="Wink - ;)" />

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