I won't be able to afford my house in 2 years!

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May 23, 2017
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Well, hello to all of you! A little bit about me, I have just turned 66 this month and in about 2 years from now I plan to retire. I've worked as a vet tech for 30+ years. The sad thing is that I made a good living but spent all of my money on 2 homes during 2 marriages. My home now is over 100 years old, on a dead end street that is surrounded by industry and trucking companies. I WANT OUT! I might also add that I've owned horses all my life. And dogs. So, I found a little barn out in the country for 325 a month (including electric and water) and I will be able to board a couple of horses for a little extra income. Currently I have to drive out there, 45 minutes each way. My landowner told me she has no problem if I got a camper and stayed there whenever I wanted to instead of commuting. The town doesn't allow campers so I want a van. Since I can access a kitchen and wash up area at work and at the barn, I was thinking about just a conversion van for comfortable sleeping. Any comments? I will be living on a SS check and that's only 900 a month. I will not part with my animals. I have a chance to "live" on this beautiful farm land and still drive to visit my family once in awhile.
Welcome! A conversion van or even a small cargo trailer might be exactly what you need! I'm guessing you can't build a bedroom into the barn? From what I have read about conversion vans, you'll still probably want to build a comfortable bed because the "seat to bed" conversions are pretty uneven and hard!
Hello Addie,

your story seems cool, you'll be able to live on an environement you like...good for you ! About conversion van, I think it's a good ''hybrid'' option, cause as far as cost related to the vehicule, it's like a car (low cost) a class B camper van will cost you much more (purchase price, taxes etc...) The seat-bed in conversion van is not that bad at all. it's true the back rest portion of the seat won't go totally flat, but my wife & I are sleeping confortably anyway.

Good luck with your project !

Frenchie from Canada !
:)  Hello Addie and Welcome
 Free advice is worth what you pay for it.  Having said that I think you should follow your heart.  How lucky are you to have found something so soon that sounds like just what you want/need.   If your current home is in an industrial area have you considered selling it?

  I recently acquired a 1998 GMC high top conversion van that my Mom purchased new.  The rear seat lays flat for a bed and seems to be comfortable.  I'm only 5ft 5in tall so I and my chihuahua fit just fine.  Since there are no campers allowed a van or large Suv might not draw too much attention if you just want a place to sleep.  If there is a place to park where there is a little privacy all the better.  Hey it's a barn.  Maybe you could place some straw bales around blocking people's view to where you are parking with the barn blocking one side also. 

 Personally I feel that if the owner is cool with it and you're not disturbing anyone folks should mind there own business.  I wish I could find something like that now with plenty of shade.  I could hide my Aliner in the barn!

Hello, and welcome, Addie!

Not sure what your vehicle is, but if you can tow anything I'd second AbuelaLoca, a cargo trailer might work great for you, super stealthy and very normal to see around a barn. LOTS of people here use them as their rolling homes.
Well, I won't be able to afford my house by my next payment without dipping in to savings.

I'm franticly building my rig and trying to sell the house.

Selling everything has been an adventure in how stupid and greedy people can really be! I have learned some interesting insults in Yoruba though!
This is what I needed, some encouragement! I'm happy to be able to talk to all of you! Yes, house can be sold in 2 years but not worth much, if I get 20,000 I'll still have to give the bank 17,000! Ex husband lived in this house and trashed it, porch is rotted, etc. and too much yard maintenance as well. When I told my co workers what I was planning to do they were shocked lol but of course they all have high maintenance lives! Barn owner said I could park inside the barn overnight, 2 families live in a duplex up front about 300 feet from the barn and they are friends of the barn owner. I have the option of renting if one side of the duplex becomes available, however at 800 a month even with utilities included I would still need a roomie to make the house and barn affordable.
I'm not very experienced in these matters and just started thinking along these same lines, so take my advice with a grain of salt.  However, after thinking about your situation, I think I would get a cargo van, probably a Chevrolet Express and built a few things in it, like a bed and a little storage (since you have access to a kitchen and bath).  With it, you can live in it, but if you need to pick up grain or hay for the horses or other supplies, it would be super easy to do and fit your life on the farm well.  With a conversion van, you might be a little more limited on things like that.
Since you don't mention traveling and did mention boarding horses maybe a pickup truck and a built out cargo trailer would be better.
Actually, I think Bullfrog is right - a pickup truck and cargo trailer might be perfect for your situation, especially if you can park the trailer in the barn.
FreeToBe said:
a pickup truck and cargo trailer might be perfect for your situation,

Not a cargo trailer....a horse tailer. Front for Addie, equine accommodations in the rear. Won't look suspicious next to a barn. Commercial ones are wicked expensive but here's a layout.


You might be able to get a used one something like this and build it out. Won't have as much room for tack and hay...but get creative and you'll probably have enough room to make do.


Just a thought.
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FreeToBe I\ said:
I'm not very experienced in these matters and just started thinking along these same lines, so take my advice with a grain of salt.  However, after thinking about your situation, I think I would get a cargo van, probably a Chevrolet Express and built a few things in it, like a bed and a little storage (since you have access to a kitchen and bath).  With it, you can live in it, but if you need to pick up grain or hay for the horses or other supplies, it would be super easy to do and fit your life on the farm well.  With a conversion van, you might be a little more limited on things like that.
slynne said:
It sounds like a lovely solution, that barn.

It is! And the key to this whole adventure is SIMPLICITY. The less I spend on "stuff" the better!
Addie - Aw, good points.  I live in the north and dated someone years ago that had horses.  Up here, we had to stock up on hay and feed for the winter (ground freezes solid with several feet of snow, in most years) and there was always something to have to carry around for the horses.  Not sure about where you live, but around here those white Chevrolet Expresses are everywhere and they still make them.  However, since you live in a rural area, the idea of a pickup and cargo trailer/converted horse trailer might make a lot more sense.

As others have mentioned, being able to park in or beside the barn should be great.
I understand, but simple is better in my soon-to-be low income situation, I wouldn't want the cost and upkeep of those! The least I can get by on, the better! Renting this little barn also means I can have my own garden during the warmer months, too. Ohio winters I hate! My family is all still here and I thought about going to a milder climate like Kentucky but not brave enough to do it on my own.
Welcome aboard Addie , your new situation sounds like a perfect fit !

I've seen those live in horse trailers and think they would be cool for a road trip into horse country.

A conversion van is basically just a van with a different seating arrangement and better windows right?

Telling you what you should get is useless....what do YOU want ?
Everyone has different needs in a rig....
I just want COMFY! But I've always liked those little mini blinds they have lol