New member
I was living in my Honda odyseyy when I was illegally evicted suddenly last year. Then I was hit by a kid and the insurance only covered enough to buy a 2007 partial converted van. It has a seating that pulls out to a full size bed and a counter with a small sink using 2 water jugs for clean and Grey water. It has large solar panels that run all the electricity I need. But the interior is wood and tapers down near the top and bottom so I've only got about 24" by 48"inches of flat wall space. I'm considering trimming the bed because I'm 4'11" and don't need that big a bed. That would give me about 15"x 24" near the back which seems like the best place for the camping toilet. I'm thinking hanging storage that I can transfer to a tension rod when I'm driving so they will sway instead of just tossing my stuff out. Anyone try this or have any better suggestions?