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Okay, the flying turkey posts made me instantly think of a funny situation during my years in Montana. Turkey vultures in eastern Montana will roost together in a tree or snag come evening. I photojournalist I had on a tour there decided the silhouetted vultures in the tree looked cool. Her flash fired when she took a pic and, it turns out, vultures will lose control of their bowels when a camera goes off with a flash. It sounded like a sudden hail storm but quite a bit more liquid. I think she took three photos before she took pity on the birds.. yet they never did fly away.
That is part of their defense from predators, they empty their stomachs as well hoping that what ever is after them will stop and maybe eat their gift. I found out this when attempting to use a silo gate phone with one perched on the gate post above me. Some lessons you never forget.
Another one for my AH ha teacher file!!

Yes I do carry a calculator everywhere I go.

I have never used advanced algebra once and I am 51!

I did draw a real off road truck and the Model Twiggy does look like my Mom driving it!!!

OK , so it has a little wear and tear but it's good enough for someone!
Scott: "I have never used advanced algebra once and I am 51!"

From what I've seen, the public schools have scrapped math altogether. Also reading, civics, history, reasoning, etc.
Even today I follow the trends in education.  Like everything else the student must be interested in the subject.  I have met some brilliant products of todays system.  Advanced calculus, world political history majors that could make any politician look impotent.  

Speech and Debate majors that are the current leaders in law and governmental policies.  The parent controls the attitude.  

I challenge my children to prove they were smarter than Dad, then went back to college.  It is not the system, but those that will not understand it.
Queen said:
^^^^  When I was a rookie firefighter one of the crap jobs was fire extinguisher inspection... 2000 of them all over campus (it was actually a good job to teach us the buildings).  I was staring at my clipboard when I was inspection at the Vet Med building, saw my door and the note that the extinguisher was right behind the door.  I swiveled into the room and started working on the extinguisher and heard a weird sucking sort of sound behind me; slowly turned around and there was a row of horse backsides facing me with a row of vet students standing behind them up to their armpits in the back end of the horses.  Jaw pretty much dropped, quickly finished my work and bolted, felt bad for the horses.

I've got the T-shirt - and the green ring stain around my bicep. It's why I'm not a vet today. When palpating cattle for AI (artificial insemination) work your disposable glove goes over your entire arm, half way up your bicep. Unfortunately you usually have to go 3/4 the way up your arm (into the cow's anus) to guide the straw with semen inserted in the cow's vagina into the cervix. To add insult to injury, usually when you are all the way in the cow decides it's time to "go," as I'm sure your entire arm feel like a full load to Ms. Bessy. As you can imagine, the only thing you can do is turn your head, as you are too far into things (literally and figuratively) to pull out. Cow poo stain is like indelible ink that refuses to wash off - it must wear off. So if you see a rancher or vet with a green ring around the top of their arm, you know what they've been doing. BTW, it doesn't pay nearly enough.

Thanks Chip for the elaborate mental image !
Report to YARC for your award .....................
Bad Joke Central.

What does DNA stand for? National Dyslexia Association

[size=medium] A blowfly goes into a bar and asks: "Is that stool taken?"[/size]

[size=medium][size=medium]A statistician is someone who tells you, when you've got your head in the fridge and your feet in the oven, that you're – on average - very comfortable.[/size][/size]

[size=medium][size=medium][size=medium] Psychiatrist to patient: "Don't worry. You're not deluded. You only think you are."[/size][/size][/size]

[size=medium][size=medium][size=medium][size=medium]Why does Piglet smell?Because he plays with Pooh.[/size][/size][/size][/size]

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