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Oct 25, 2019
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Howdy Y'all.  I'm so new to vanlife that I'm at the "I just purchased my van" stage.  It's a 2013 Ford transit connect (Yeah, I know that's small). For those who don't know what that is, I'll save you the Googling by saying it's a minivan that wants to be a cargo van -an odd combination.  Right now I have the sub floor in and I am working on ceiling insulation.  I'm using polyiso and Great Stuff for the cracks.  I will quit my job on December 20th and finalize my divorce on January 3rd.  Oh, and I sold my house.  Kind of crazy right now, but I'm rolling with it. I hope to be in Quartzsite on January 13th!  I hope to connect with people and make new friends.  I'm not used to being alone.  Here in Houston it's hard to get by yourself so I'm used to commotion. 

Anyway give me a good ole internet shout "hello". And if you have any advice on how to make friend connections, let me know!
Welcome Sparker to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.

don't use Just Right spray foam. everyone I have seen use it against sheet metal it has rotted the sheet metal.

Really? Great stuff is closed cell insulation.  It's not supposed to hold water.  We have been using it for exterior stuff for years without issue.
it might say it's closed cell but only the skin is sealed once that is compromise it holds water like a sponge. I don't even know if that is the issue all I know is people that I have seen using it against sheet metal have had terrible results after a few years. highdesertranger
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :)

Yeah, it sounds like you are headed down the rebound trail.  But that ain't necessarily a bad thing. 

There's a book we talk about around here from time to time.  It's titled "Blue Highways: a journey into America".  Blue highways on a map are the secondary and  back roads printed in blue.   It's about a guy who finds himself in a situation much like yours now. 

Blue Highways

All  the best in your new life ! :thumbsup:
highdesertranger said:
it might say it's closed cell but only the skin is sealed once that is compromise it holds water like a sponge.  I don't even know if that is the issue all I know is people that I have seen using it against sheet metal have had terrible results after a few years.  highdesertranger

Wow that sucks.  People use this stuff on windows and doors all the time.  Yeah most of that does not see the light of day, but if it did . . .
It sounds like January in Quartzite might be the start of your new life (lots of space, and quiet to get your bearings back), congrats, and welcome.
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :)

Yeah, it sounds like you are headed down the rebound trail.  But that ain't necessarily a bad thing. 

There's a book we talk about around here from time to time.  It's titled "Blue Highways: a journey into America".  Blue highways on a map are the secondary and  back roads printed in blue.   It's about a guy who finds himself in a situation much like yours now. 

Blue Highways

All  the best in your new life ! :thumbsup:

Well, I wouldn't call it a rebound.  It's just another stage of life.  Things happen.  learn your lessons and move on to better things.  Thanks for the book suggestion  :thumbsup: