How to Stop rain inside the van

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Annie W

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
Reaction score
Undoubtedly some thought my previous thread was crazy. Oh well.
Undoubtedly some think this discussion is just as crazy..... Unfortunately also true.
Even the Body Shop thought so, until proved it one day.
(after the neighborhood pedophile tried at 45 mph, to kill me in it, they managed to put it back together,
because buying a much bigger van not an option at this moment as you might understand now).
Yup, I drove the Honda Minivan back for yet another Check-up, because it's still raining INside.

When it freezes outside, the inside rain is enough that overnight an ICE sheet accumulates on windshield, & both front windows. Obviously you can't dump a bucket of water on it to melt it faster.

The shop replaced the windshield thrice, & cemented it down real good, so no leaks anywhere there. Other tests show no water on the inside. Yet the 2 days I returned it, sure enough, water ran down from the mirror thingie, plus the windows, right in front of their eyes. - And get this: the SUN was shining, & the PNW-skies blue as blue can be.

So how would you current experienced Vandwellers repair this little challenge ?
Also if you sleep in it are you ventilating it at night. How are you heating it?
jimindenver said:
Also if you sleep in it are you ventilating it at night. How are you heating it?
Until that leaking gets resolved, No sleeping in the minivan.

And can you explain how the heater-core could possibly make it rain from the mirror on down ?
Annie W said:
Until that leaking gets resolved, No sleeping in the minivan.

And can you explain how the heater-core could possibly make it rain from the mirror on down ?

Condensation.  If the core leaks a fine mist it can condense on the window that are a different temperature. Even if it drips and evaporated the same thing.
Short of an exorcism I agree with Jim.  It was sunny out with no rain.  The next closest water source would be your heater core with heater and wiper pisser hoses a very distant and almost negligible chance because they are outside the firewall.
Also check for water drain holes and inside door jamb drains and be sure they are clear of mud and debris. Sometimes they can get packed pretty solid and not allow water to escape. Check A/C condensation hose drain and make sure that it isn't plugged. That happened in a car of mine once, and soaked the carpet. Had to pull the carpet out and dry it out and unplug the drain which took care of any condensation inside of the car. A shot of compressed air can be used to clear drain holes in many cases, or a length of wire clothes hanger can be used also.
ratfink56, & Headache, & jimindenver, & Artsyguy, & GotSmart THANK you all.

Strangely enough, the heater works just fine.
Everything else (as far as I know & as far as vehicles are concerned practically nothing), works good too.

They wanted to TOTAL the van to begin with, but I begged them to fix it as best they could, for obvious reasons.
Now when they see it, they're none too happy.
Going to print out this thread & as soon as I can take it back to the Shop, wonder how much it costs to fix that "heater-core" ?
(been hit in traffic over nine :exclamation: times, but this was the worst: he's a registered sex-offender,
who stole a heavy-duty Ford truck, & has No license, no insurance, no registration, etc.
And shortly after this 45mph stunt, for attempted murder went to prison.)

So while > tootlin' around the country-side, inside a car as housing... might be a Fun-party to many <,
it's more than a tad daunting... to others.
Can you understand that ?

What makes this whole concept doable: driving in a caravan... as I said before, & away from urban centers.
After this last winter, some one spilled something in the van, & while cleaning up the mess, I saw on the van's ceiling Mold  :( is growing inside on the top of the driver door. - Too been noticing the seams (where parts of the van sorta meet) incrementally separated more, undoubtedly because the Shop was unable to resolve completely the twisted mess, caused by the horrific collision a few years back. - So (other than buy another vehicle, which remains outa the question), what if anything can be done to get rid of the mold.. ?
Annie W said:
Strangely enough, the heater works just fine.
Everything else (as far as I know & as far as vehicles are concerned practically nothing), works good too.

They wanted to TOTAL the van to begin with, but I begged them to fix it as best they could, for obvious reasons.
Now when they see it, they're none too happy.
Going to print out this thread & as soon as I can take it back to the Shop, wonder how much it costs to fix that "heater-core" ?
Annie just watch this video so you get a better understanding of the heater core problem. Mechanics do find it difficult to talk to people who don't have any understanding of the subject and the work required to fix the problem. Then if you want you can search youtube for a video about replacing the heater core on your own make and model of vehicle.

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