How Important Is Viewing A Website On Your Phone?

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How important is viewing a website on your phone?

  • Not at all important

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Somewhat important

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Extremely important

    Votes: 15 48.4%
  • Don't know, or it depends

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters
Over half of web traffic is phones / tablets, iOS or Android mobile devices.

For me maybe 2% is from my PC.
somewhat but mostly don't care.
use phone for very small use and use computer for needing to see, research and read for real. phones are just too small to do things I want to do, besides I don't own a phone :) use hubbys every now and then.
I have no smartphone--I have a stupidphone. Mostly it is turned off all the time, and I only use it occasionally when I need to make a call.
I use my phone for quick lookup stuff on the WEB because it is handy and already on.  If I am shopping or researching, etc., I use a computer.  The small screen with tougher navigation is not enjoyable.
lenny flank said:
I have no smartphone--I have a stupidphone. Mostly it is turned off all the time, and I only use it occasionally when I need to make a call.

After retirement I rarely used my phone and so eventually went with straight talk. I sometimes don't check it for days at a time. I use my IPad, mostly.
I think a lot of nomadic type wandering heart people don't care about phone calls 24/7 in their day, instant total access, like you can't live without it. OH boy can I live without it!. My kid can't live without a phone in her hand, I think I am the last generation to do so :) whole new phone world out there and I won't be part of it, I love that about me :) no want ever on how the mobile phone has taken over lives. social media, OMG!! heck no HAHA
Yes never use social sites, hardly use it for voice, but it's a little supercomputer phablet fits in my pocket what's not to love?
I will use my phone for reading things that are mostly text based. But if I have to interact with any kind of user interface more complicated than swiping to the next article, then I will switch to my laptop. 

This is mostly because all the mobile user interfaces on web sites are poorly designed for mobile. That is why so many big-name players have mobile apps for people to use.
Mostly, my phone is my watch--I use it mostly just to see what time it is. :)
I have to flip mine open to look as it is sometimes hard to see but me too Leny!
I don't have a smart phone. I can't deal with browsing on tiny screens, you can't see much, and have to scroll around far too much. My 7" tablet is just usable in this regard, but much better than a 3" phone screen. Laptop is preferred for browsing and email. Email on the tablet is a PITA using 1-finger on the virtual keyboard. I've never sent a text msg on my flip-phone, poke,poke,poke,poke, ad infinitum. I'm definitely not into modern.

Of some interest is that so many people are addicted to screens nowadays 24/7. I go into a restaurant and there are 4 people at a table all looking at their smart phone screens. I went to my niece's place, and she and 2 friends were sitting 3 feet apart and texting each other. In France, they have now passed a law that school kids cannot use their electronic devices in school. Breaking the addiction. 

The next generation of americans will be droids. There used to be 3 ways for gommints to keep people in line: by dictatorial force, by zillions of laws, and by controlling purse-strings (ie economically via taxes). Now there's a 4th way.
bullfrog said:
I have to flip mine open to look as it is sometimes hard to see but me too Leny!

Mine is a flip, too.  I like the whole "Star Trek communicator" feel of it.   ;)

(Although Paramount has now ruined the Star Trek franchise utterly, and Disney is in the process of destroying Star Wars. But don't get me started.  ;)    )
Social media rehab will get bigger and bigger as treatment for the addiction.
Thanks for the replies guys & gals, keep 'em coming! :) So far it seems that for the most part, phones are used for small & easy things and laptops/PC's are used for many other things.
I am in the no smart phone camp. the screens are to small for my old eyes and the larger ones I don't want to lug around in my pocket. I do all my internet from my laptop. highdesertranger
HerzeleidMeister said:
Thanks for the replies guys & gals, keep 'em coming! :) So far it seems that for the most part, phones are used for small & easy things and laptops/PC's are used for many other things.
Young people can use anything. 

If you're past the age, ie early 40s, when most people start needing reading glasses, all of the screens are PITN. Tiny text is hard to read, larger text is generally readable only in a specific distance range. I use reading glasses of different powers. A stronger one for general reading, and a slightly weaker one for work on my laptop screen which is a little further away.
When I need to do anything online I use my laptop on public WiFi or my phone as a hot spot. I use my phone for some things but very seldom for internet alone. Usually have no problem with navigating on CRVL with phone however.
Yeah, that's the other thing. If you have a smart phone with internet access via the cellular system, you can set up a local wifi hotspot and then access the internet via the hotspot using your tablet or laptop wifi. But someone else will have to tell you how to do it.
- cellular --> smartphone (wifi hotspot) --> laptop wifi