How are you all doing in COVID-19 times?

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bullfrog said:
Well the hospitals and doctors still are asking you do those things but they are learning more about the virus as we get more experience dealing with it. Supplies are still hard to come by here to sanitize. I have gotten so used to going through the procedures it really isn’t much of a bother. Sort of like automatically putting on a seat belt. I for one can’t afford financially or physically to catch it, I have a hard enough time with colds and regular flu which these procedures will help prevent as well so I will hopefully start doing this every flu season. I would like to be vaccinated once they have a safe reliable one. It is here with lots of new cases and deaths every day. When all the stores shelves are packed with spray cans of Lysol maybe that will make me change my mind. I’m not really afraid of getting lost but still carry a whistle. I’m not really afraid of the virus but I still do what needs to be done as I don’t want to get it or give it to anyone. I make sure to stay away from anyone else that doesn’t feel that way and so far it is working for me.
Bullfrog, if more people thought like you , the fatalities would be quite a bit less, me too, waiting on the vaccine, I'm 65 and don't need that virus wrecking my organs. oh,  and I am not to worried about the "government Nano  transmitters" that will be in the vaccine.
Today Arizona has the highest infection rate in the US followed by California, Deleware, and New York, and I am in one of the top 5 counties in AZ as is Quartzsite. I am up for another 14 days by myself here, will do some phone checkins and make the most of my fresh food that is left. Time for a vitamin C fizz pack yahoo. 
bullfrog said:
Basically this first batch will be distributed to the states based on 6% of the population. States still do not have money to support everything that needs to be done to get everyone the vaccine.
Well then, good thing I still have time to wait some more. This is a very long and slow race we are running.
I'm thinking about heading out that way (Ehrenberg etc) again from Florida. I have about 3 weeks or so of food stocked in the van right now because I remember how hard it was to get supplies last winter. I just called the Walmart in Parker and they're still not doing outdoor grocery pickup in that store but the dude told me they do have it in Lake Havasu. That's about 90 +- miles from Ehrenberg. That sucks. I understand Albertson's in Blythe offers it but that place is really expensive. Looks like Smart and Final in Blythe doesn't have pickup either. That sucks.

I'm currently at home and the van is in the driveway. I've been doing outside pickup at the local Wally World here in St Pete Fl and I've grown accustomed to not having to deal with crowds. I've been doing nothing outside of this dot on the map I call home. That said, I'm tired of sitting around waiting for the vaccine. I'm 66 but it still looks like it may be a good long wait. I was tested last week and came up negative which is good and I'd prefer to keep it that way. There are no mandatory precautions being enforced in Florida at all and it's spreading like wildfire again.

So, should I stay or should I go? That's how I'm doing. I've done most of the preparation for hitting the road just in case I have a brain fart and decide to turn the key. If I decide not to, I have an abundance of supplies.   :s
It would be very nice if men would quit trying to hold the door open for women or at least step well behind the door to put a shield in front of them.  

If it is important to assist someone who has their arms full or a very feeble  elderly or otherwise impaired person then do it so that they have the door acting as a shield from your face while they enter. Grab the door, open it and stand well back from them. Those are tne persons who are often vulnerable to any type of virus.
Every grocery store + all the Walmarts that I have ever shopped at have had automatic sliding doors.

I guess that may not be the case at smaller, mom and pop stores.
Quartzsite only has mom and pop stores.

Albertsons is expensive but they are surely masking in CA. That’s where I’ll be shopping. You have to hit the sales and the meat bins they have to sell right away and it’s fine.

8:16 here. Wayyyyy past my bedtime zzzzzzzzzx
Not traveling, especially if you can basically self isolate, having in place a safe system to obtain the necessities you need to survive is much better than exposing yourself and then others needlessly. Try a day trip to somewhere if you want to get an idea of how difficult it is to avoid people on the road. I tried to go fishing last night, I found an isolated spot, within a few minutes a 90 year old man that couldn’t hear well was a few feet from me with a mask around his neck. Mine had been on since I got out of the car. I told him in passing he could have my spot as I was going home, which I did. From now on I see any vehicles parked near my spot I won’t be getting out of the car.
The large grocery store chains put more effort innto things like cart sanitizing and not allowing people who dont have mask on into the store. Dont go shopping on weekends or in the afternoon when people are on tneir way home stopping to get something to make dinner.  Do go shopping when there are major sporting events on TV, the stores are pretty empty then.

If posdible do your grocery shopping before 9 am
The Fry's where I shop has the sanitizing wipes that you can use to wipe down the cart or basket.

I never really used them before but finally figured out that they are great for moistening your fingers so you can get those dang plastic produce bags open without having to lick your fingers.
I am still doing stay at home, as many others here have such poor hygiene and the toll of their bad behavior is so high. Today had the third highest covid 19 death toll in American history after the Galveston Hurricane and Antietum battle. They say that half a million americans will have died of covid 19 before we get the vaccine.    -crofter

Cali has the highest infection rate, while Rhode Island has the most daily cases. AZ is in third wave status still. Link to interactive map.
I recently accepted a job as executive chef at a restaurant in the Coconino NF, just south of Flagstaff. I start 3/1 but took a drive up (I'm at Imperial dam LTVA) to speak to the owners in person re: my new menu, staffing, etc.

The only AZ Health Dept. restaurant covid standards/precautions they are adhering to is serving food in to-go containers and limiting indoor seating. No disposable menus, no masks by anyone, not even a sign to wear a mask, and no disinfecting of work surfaces or menus. That's supposed to be done every 30 minutes!

I am preparing for a lot of moaning when I get there and change that, including the loss of some staff. Anyone wanna cook in the cool AZ mountains this summer for $20-30 an hour, shift meal, and a free full hook-up RV site? :)
Good for you to go in and shake things up!!!!

I’m in Q and follow a couple of camp groups on face and a couple of days ago one gal was tested positive who works in a nursing home and went to a big desert party anyway. Not even masked...
Arizona still has 16% of their ICU beds available today, and New Mexico is full with no ICU beds available. Nevada is 100% full, why they have beds set up in their parking garage. So you even get to camp out at the hospital in Nevada (from the link above in post #73).     -crofter
crofter said:
Arizona still has 16% of their ICU beds available today...
After looking at the stats for AZ we decided to stay at home again for a while, the risk is too high for grocery shopping when we can still cook up some rice and beans out of the pantry. I have some mung beans to sprout so we will have some greens in a few days.
-crofter (sipping on a fizzy drink containing 1000mg vitamin C)
Just an FYI. I'm not suggesting anything to anyone. I did a little more checking and all three Walmart locations in Yuma have outdoor grocery pickup and there's the one in Lake Havasu also. I'm still sitting on the proverbial fence about heading west but there's something about an Arizona sunset
MotorVation said:
...all three Walmart locations in Yuma have outdoor grocery pickup...
And soon you may be able to watch the sunset from your outside hospital bed, just like in Vegas.   

What I want to know is who is doing the scorpion sweeps at the outside hospital in Vegas if they don't even have enough staff to care for the patients.

As for my household, we put out a trap line of sticky traps today and are staying in to avoid infection with covid 19.
One of the few volunteers that returned to our office has been exposed, so they shut the office down again for deep cleaning and it won't reopen to volunteers until Dec. 28. I was scheduled to return this week as the spare bedroom my buddy has lent me since March for my remote office is now needed for his daughter, moving back home with her hubby, baby, and dog. He will set me up instead at a table by his washing machine if our office closes again, but I will return to the office on the 28th as I have a small office to myself with a door there and very few co-workers as most have opted to work from home. I was required to be tested before qualifying to voluntarily return and the test was negative. Knock on wood, so far so good.
We have been staying in, except for curbside grocery pick-ups.  Day before yesterday, 33 souls departed from the county I live in; yesterday, 30 more.  The weather has been mostly gorgeous, and we've driven the van a few blocks away on a couple of occasions for a walk in the park and an afternoon rest in our mobile cabin.  We have the luxury of staying put, so we do.  Part of the idea is that those who must take more risks really need priority access to resources.

Wishing everyone well!