How are you all doing in COVID-19 times?

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Just because you got the shot you are not immune immediately or even quickly and doesn’t mean you can’t infect others. My soon to be 93 year old mom got her first vaccine shot two weeks ago and is/was scheduled for her second on the 11th of this month. Because she is in a nursing home that has had an outbreak of Covid 19 she is tested twice a week. Today she tested positive for Covid 19. She has no symptoms, not even a fever although she may have and it was not caught as they only take temperatures when symptoms occur or the resident tests positive. She was immediately isolated in a private room in a wing of positive tested residents that nurses and attendants have all tested positive at least 10 days prior before returning to work ( I don’t understand why they don’t require a negative test but I guess since they test twice a week they do shortly after returning get tested) and is being treated with zinc, high doses of vitamin D, aspirin and pepsin? I believe for upset stomach caused by the drugs. She will stay in isolation for 14 days. At the end of 14 days if she has no symptoms she will be considered cured. Hopefully the single shot will have helped. They are unsure whether she will receive the second shot as she may now be immune compromised and are awaiting answers from the manufacturers of the vaccine and county health department. So far so good she was tested last Friday and was negative so they caught it early and is being treated. I hope this encourages people who get the vaccine to continue to wear a mask and do those things necessary to prevent others and themselves from getting the virus while we find out for sure how transmissions occur and how effective the vaccines are at preventing spread.
So sorry to hear that your Mom is positive. 

 I read somewhere that there is no immunity from the vaccine until your body has built it up, at least 10 to 14 days after the shot.

We are being super cautious. 
I am sorely frustrated at the cluster**** feel of the handling of this pandemic from the beginning, the faltering vaccine rollout and inefficient distribution into the arms of citizens, and with having no idea when or if it will all end anytime in the foreseeable future.

I am safe within my own home, but feel generally and overall unsafe.  Because of the pandemic, and the never ending election.

We’ve been living a slow motion train wreck for months, and with no foreseeable end in sight.

There, I said it.  :(
Covid 19 has shed light on many problems that we have allowed to fester because under normal living they didn’t affect the people that had the power to do something about solving them. Hiding from the virus works to keep your physical health which if you can afford and have the means is most important. Staying sane while doing it is a challenge but you can do it. Educating, informing and getting everyone especially those people in charge of dealing with the problems we now have will require everyone to focus on doing what they can to help each other as best they can.
BFrog sorry to hear about your mum, at 93 it is not a good scenario, my mum is the same age similar situation, one of her caregivers just tested positive, now in room lockdown waiting for test results, if she gets it I doubt she will survive, already very compromised, however she says she has had enough so has made peace with the situation.
My mom has been in the nursing home mainly due to falls and not allowing treatment. She finally lost a lot of her mental capacity due to bleeding in the brain and when she went in for a broken leg it became obvious she thought she was in her house so she has been okay staying there for more than a year now thankfully. Physically she is in pretty good health, we will just have to wait and see. Thanks for sharing.