HONEY ... renovation thread

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Kat you know it's real easy to flip your pics to be oriented in the right direction.

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Ok. They just come off my iPad that way. Figured it was just that you had to click on them to have them turn the right way. Ok...I'll look in the "forum" help

Nothing in the forum help for flipping pictures. Where do I look for this info?
Well.."I cannot rotate without it doing an automatic crop...so then I lose everything on the edges.

If I prevent it from auto cropping...I can only rotate 45 degrees.

Maybe because this is a very old iPad...only of the earliest. I stopped allowing iOS updates because I have some apps that will not function if I do. (Developers just stopped providing updates and warned everyone)

Well..when I click on a picture that is sideways here in the forum...a new window opens up and I see the full,picture oriented correctly. Does everyone see this?
VanKitten said:
Well..when I click on a picture that is sideways here in the forum...a new window opens up and I see the full,picture oriented correctly.   Does everyone see this?

Yes, when I open the attachment, it is oriented correctly!
interesting, when I click on the pics they are the same orientation as you see in the post. on some of them it's hard to figure out what end is supposed to be up.

regardless, I am not try to bust your ass. nice build and good documentation. highdesertranger
Thanks. Humm...do you have your system set up to open in a new window? My iPad does it automatically. Some pictures here are too fuzzy so small...but...when I click and open in a new window they are full screen...easy to read and see the detail.
on your pics when I click on them it opens a new page with a larger picture. most but not all the pics on this forum do that for me. don't worry about it I thought it was something simple like you were holding the camera upside down or sideways. highdesertranger
Good news today.

The folks putting the new roof on the beast called to tell me the second solar panel arrive....in one piece! Yea! So, they will probably finish the job and put the panels up this coming weekend. Then I will get it back to continue down my endless "do" list.

Started the fairing compound today (the green stuff)....
Finished the reflectix
Started pulling wire for the starboard side.   

On picture is too large.   I cannot resize on my iPad....how do I do this here?


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I don't think you can resize it on the forum. does anybody know, can you? just set your ipad to take lesser quality pics for the ones you want to post. I can do it on my camera or on Windows Paint. highdesertranger
I resize mine on the forum by changing the size parameters when I post a link, but that is using the insert photo icon above this composing box which requires a web hosted image... 

The size of the above image from walmart.com was 744 X 744, which is in the URL that I copied and pasted into the insert an image box... I then changed the size in the boxes below the URL to 367 X 367... again, this is for a "web hosted image".


This is the normal size of an attachment... Yes, that's me, the AbuelaLoca!

[attachment=12578 Width=20 Height = 20]

For experimental purposes, I changed the attachment tag to read "attachment=12577 Width=20 Height = 20" to see if it would work... now I'll post and hope y'all at least get a giggle out of the pic... then I'll probably delete the post because it's not really on topic???

ETA: Well, that didn't work... sorry to hijack the thread... maybe we could move this to the "Forum" files???


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I think the difference here is that the photo I have that is too big is one I was very careful to not turn the iPad sideways. Otherwise I did nothing different ... and it created this large image.

Well...the picture that fits .. fits. And those that don't, don't.
It is what it is
highdesertranger said:
I don't think you can resize it on the forum. does anybody know, can you? just set your ipad to take lesser quality pics for the ones you want to post. I can do it on my camera or on Windows Paint. highdesertranger
I thought the forum was set-up to resize automatically. I'm seeing it all on Tapatalk and it resizes as well as puts them right way up (mostly).

The guys doing the roof are moving along. Should be finished this week


Got rid of the old metal framing for the windows on the inside of the RV.   It was ugly...and besides it rattled something awful.   New frame is a simple oak...but the screws are mounted into to hold it tight.


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Hi Kat! Luv what your doing on your baby!

Not wanting to hijac your build thread, but I wanted to mention some image uploading troubles I have...
When I take images on my iPhone, and try to upload them, I can only get one to upload.
The forum comes back and tells me the next image has the same name, and wont allow it.
So I google how to change names on the iphone and that's not allowed either... YIKES, right?

So, I end up having to airdrop them to my desktop, where I CAN then upload them to the forum.
And by the way, they all have different names when they get there...
Go Figure...

I have never had these issues before with other forums and I have memberships in a big bunch
and have been doing this a very long time...
Not complaining, just offering my 2 cents worth...

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