HONEY ... renovation thread

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Well....warm weather (50s) meant the entire thing could be opened up...finally got to the bottom of the rot!


Amazing...a layer of aluminum was wrapped over the fiberglass exterior.   Go figure.   
But..it provides me with the scraps I need to close that side compartment door I wanted to get rid of.


So, took it all apart.  Tore the gas soaked wheelwell out.  Took the compartment door off.


Now it's ready to start rebuilding.

First the floor areas need to be replaced...the bottom base replaced, then the exterior was rebuilt.   I have the piece of fiberglass ready to put into the hole left by the compartment door.  I have both fiberglass and aluminum fairing compound...so ready to proceed to repairs on the exterior when it is done.  

Coming next weekend is a predicted 50s every day...so..may have the walls done by then.


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You're making progress.
I have a bunch of that rot to dig out too ,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe some day.
Living in it makes it so much harder!
I got the messy panel cleaned up....its the right size....I put it in this week and close that hole! Yea


Best glue remover? I tried everything, I found that the stuff called contractors solvent was the best! Really works fast!


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Wow. I'm impressed that you are taking on this project by yourself. Well be starting our Reno when it gets warm here, probably in may. I sunspectacular well have a lot of dry rot as well. Our outside is fibreglass as well. The backside got hit several years ago and a guy we knew worked with fibreglass and fixed it. I wasn't there when he did it but other than the color difference you can't tell it was fixed. Don't know how he did it. I love the outside looks of it. Nora
I Got the floor done.  I decided to get a look under the compartment that had the inverter....found more rot there too.   So I ended up cutting out the rottenness wood on both sides, rebuilding both sides, and rebuilding the wheelwells 


Then painted what remained with sealer.  Both for stains and odor


Pulled all the flood lights off....

An finally, took the compartment door off the passenger side.  I am going to flip it up side down, attach a table top to I take and turn it into an outdoor fold out table.  I can store BBQ, etc behind it.


Next week is supposed to be cold and rain/snow...this project is back on hold for better weather.  Meanwhile, I pulled all the compartment latches and locks.  They are all rusted shut or open.  I am going to try to clean up the rust and hopefully get some of them back to working.    Easy job I can do sitting down!


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Got a couple hours work in....then the rain came.   

So..got the new roof rafters sistered in.   Everything screwed together and sikaflex to the outside strip


Next the walls.   All the studs are cut.  Of course no two of them are identical.  That's the nature of renovation...everything moves a bit over time.    

I hope to have the walls complete next week.    Feels good to not have to keep those posts holding the roof up.   Won't want a snow load on it till the studs are in...but progress is tangible now.

Btw...I am seriously impressed by sikaflex!!!   It is my "go to" adhesive henceforth.


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VanKitten said:
Btw...I am seriously impressed by sikaflex!!!   It is my "go to" adhesive henceforth
Sometimes I feel like I overdo recommending the stuff, like I'm browbeating people into trying it...so it's nice to hear you were also impressed with it  ;)
DBradKW said:
Sometimes I feel like I overdo recommending the stuff, like I'm browbeating people into trying it...so it's nice to hear you were also impressed with it  ;)

I've renovated a pretty fair number of old houses through the years...wish I had known about this stuff earlier on.
Got another decent day for working.   Above freezing till Monday.

Built the wall, and put that chunk of fiberglass in place to close the hole from removing that compartment door.

Finish the wall tomorrow, and get some misc done.   Then it just sits for another 7-10 days waiting for weather above freezing again.





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After weeks of being out to a shop for the complete electrical overhaul...the rewire of the entire truck is complete.    Backup and side camer installed too!   

So it is on to finish the framing and get the reflectix in

The wet bath is being framed.   I have to make a small box over the gas tank vent, and also a place for the composting toilet vent to exit out the side.

The cab area has been a real pain.   Originally there was just a large piece of fiberglass stuck on...no insulation, and not even screwed or nailed.    So, I have been putting up nailers and preparing the area for a 

It is going to be a while before the reflectix is complete.   Meanwhile, I am also waiting for the vinyl materials to begin working on the cab shelf area.   

My spare time has been spent hunting down solar panels.   The place doing the new roof will install them and the vents at the same time.   I hope to get to that point in the next 2-3 weeks


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VanKitten said:
...My spare time has been spent hunting down solar panels.  

Spare Time?
Hard to imagine how you'd find any, with all this going on. 

BTW, I *really like* your RV. 
I've been drooling over a similar aged Born Free "Marco Polo" (21 ft)
that I'd like to check out in person were it not ten hours drive away.   

Your rig has beautiful, clean lines.  
When I went to get this RV...I was in N. Carolina and it was in central Florida.
It was about 8 hour drive.

I just did it.

The first one I decided to go see was sold the day before I could leave to see it.

This one ... I just went.... I figured if I didn't see it before the weekend..it too would be gone.

Planned 3 days off...and went. Drive down first day. Second day to test drive and have a mechanic check it out. Third day back. Only hitch was the flat tire on the drive back.

Like you, I kept seeing good possibilities .. but they were too far away. Finally had to just bite the bullet.
RoamingKa said:
Like you, I kept seeing good possibilities .. but they were too far away.  Finally had to just bite the bullet.

I am tempted to post a link to this Born Free, but still holding out the slim chance it will still be on market when livestock is sold & I could manage the long drive.  It's uncanny, the resemblance of the coach to your rig.  Looks identical. 

I wonder about this listing, tho, since Born Frees are consider the absolutely finest RV on the market.  They hold
their value, even better than Lazy Daze.    This one must have something *wrong* with it tho, for it has been on the market for over a month. despite an amazingly low asking price.  Cosmetically needs nothing more than fresh upholstery.  It is sophisticated and minimalist. 

My little farm is still going, and getting away is difficult.  But I am finding the RV quest amusing.  I am downsizing, have whittled my bookshelves from 2000 volumes to 200.  I've sold one piano, and emotionally nearly ready to part with another.  Next comes my alto saxophone. 

In the next few days I may be going to inspect a little Toyota motorhome.  Yes!  I am a fan.  My daily driver around here is an '82 Toyota PU/22r, which simply will not quit.  I have been traveling happily in a series of VW pop top campers since the 60's--thus am no fan of speed/power.  A Toy motorhome would suit nicely.  I have an open mind re a new RV.  Who knows what I will choose? 

Life on this planet is trending in a troubling direction.  I live, usually happily, moment to moment, grateful for all the remaining beauty, mystery, & adventure. 
Started pulling wire today.  

Got the 120 outlets on the port side wired....panel will be on the starboard.

Started to pull wire for the port side 12v systems.    

I have about 40 feet of extra wire from the camera.   I am going to have to figure out what to do with all of it.        Does anyone know if this can be cut and spliced?    This is just to bulky to keep like this.......



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Still working on the electrical installs.

This is the fuse panel for the port side.   Switch and ground busbar haven't arrived yet.

Well..I am going to be at least a week before I can get back to doing more work. This coming week my Mom has a few medical appointments and possibly surgery will be scheduled. So, no more work on the RV till maybe about the 18th or so.


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Well, I spend my spare time going over the whole plan and looking to see that I have the material I need for the next step. I am the sole caregiver for my Mom from 4pm till 9am the next morning...so I have lots of time in the evenings to watch "how to" videos and research new stuff.

Having the van in the shop must be a bit maddening for you. Forced to wait ...eh?
Well...I spend a couple hours ... went to wait for the plumber...who didn't show up!   AarrrrggggH!

Well...I pulled all the boards that I screwed to the sides ...filled holes with marinetex.   Fairing compound is next.   

Didn't really get much else done....just didn't have time to spend this week.


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