Hi there, I'm van living curious and almost ready to be free

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Oct 23, 2012
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Hi, I'm raisingarizona and I am very curious about the van living lifestyle. I'm on the fence but almost ready to pull the trigger. A few life situations have me at war with these thoughts though. I love freedom, being in the outdoors, and the idea of bucking the system. I don't want to just loaf around, I work but live in the perfect place for this lifestyle. I play hard too, mountain biking, back country skiing, hiking, and back packing are my primary interests so a life not going into debt sounds very enticing to me so I can continue my lifestyle and enjoying the things I love. 
Welcome aboard, RA!
Sounds like you're ideally suited to this lifestyle! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">

Thanks yall, still trying to figure out if this is the right decision for me, I have other things I have to figure out but I truly desire a debt free and play intensive lifestyle. I am at a big crossroads and have some heavy decisions to make.&nbsp;
A little more info on my situation. I'm currently engaged but having mixed thoughts on this. I don't really want another kid and she does, I want financial freedom and not a mortgage, she wants a house. I'm already paying child support and cannot afford much more, I want to kill my rent and many other bills. Every time I get into a relationship after a while I begin to feel trapped, depressed, and overall bored. I want to travel, climb mountains, ski big lines, and ride bikes. I'm a good Dad and want to continue being one, I'm scared about what people will think if I do the van thing......just a little tho. I kind of actually think....F em! My kid will grow up with some cool values and beliefs if I go through with this. Any thoughts? Please help me, I am battling this within myself right now and I feel like I am loosing my mind!
Raising,<br /><br />I like to mountain bike, ski, and race recumbent racing bikes, so we have some in common.&nbsp; If your fiancee and you don't see eye to eye on the mortgage thing, I think that is a dealkiller.&nbsp; I'm not sure why most women cringe at the thought of living in an RV!!!&nbsp; I mean, it is going to help you be so freaking rich, and you can retire early!!! I mean...what is not to like.&nbsp; To be blunt, I think you should call off the engagement and think about this.<br /><br />And don't think, "I'll just marry and her, and then she will know that I love her, and she will then love me enough to live in a van or RV."&nbsp; Never happens.<br /><br />I bought a house basically for my exwife, and it cost me $250,000 and that royally sucks.&nbsp; I'm mitigating the costs by renting out 3 rooms in it, and still...its pricey, but I feel a lot better now.<br /><br />Take your time with marriage, don't rush it, and if you feel that you are truly incompatible...break it off.<br /><br />Blessings and prayers!<br /><br />John
Thanks John for your thoughts. I really do love this girl and this is why it is so confusing for me. I'm now 37 and I'm finally feeling good about who I really am and just beginning to understand what that means but love can make things complicated. Hopefully I get this one right. Sometimes loving someone means knowing when it's time to let them go for the right reasons. Right now I'm feeling like the clock is ticking and I need to make some big changes to make sure I get to do the things I am craving for in my life. I'm giving this decision to be made by May then I have to come to a conclusion. I'll keep posting and I'll give updates if the van thing happens. Thanks again to all on here and for this forum, this place is a really good resource for people like me/you/us. Thanks Bob!&nbsp;
Its a big decision.&nbsp; My marriage failed mostly because expectations got in the way of happiness.&nbsp; Make sure you guys are on the same page before you commit.&nbsp; Marriage doesn't change who you are and what you want out of life, and sometimes people forget that about their partner.&nbsp; Finding out later what you really want for yourselves and each other can devastate both your lives if it isn't the same or what you believed going in.
Welcome!&nbsp; If your heart tells you to do it, then do it.&nbsp; I've never been married but feel like the only way to succeed is that old... "to thine own self be true."&nbsp; <br /><br />I don't know if this makes any sense in your context but to some degree there's applicability in most situations... at least in terms of being happy.<br /><br />Best wishes.&nbsp; Hang out here... There are lots of supportive, friendly people ready to listen and give you encouragement.&nbsp; I suspect that the people who long for this lifestyle might outweigh those of us doing it.<br /><br />V.T.