Hello! Started off with a bang! Er, I mean break.

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Nov 8, 2017
Reaction score
Southern Nevada, USA
Hello all! I'm so very excited to finally make my first post.

I'm in a GMC Savanna 2500 high top. Moved in full time in March, and after a couple of weeks, broke my leg. So now I've lived more than twice as long in the van with a broke leg than without. :rolleyes: So much for getting a high top, I've been on the floor most of the time. :p

Anyway, I'm stationary and I love it so far! Keeping it simple in as many ways as possible, and building out little by little. Well, only organizing right now. :D

Nice to meet you!
Duckie! Welcome to the CRVL forums! Sorry to hear about your leg! That's a tough way to begin. It'll be a piece of cake, when you get that cast off!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi Duckie and welcome. Sorry to hear about the leg, in theory, things should only get better. :cool: Looking forward to hearing more from ya! Best of luck.
Welcome, Duckie! I'm staying in an RV park temporarily until my trip to CA on the 18th...anyway, there's been someone around here who also has a broken leg and has been running around on one of those special scooters. Just thought that was ironic.
Nice! I really recommend the knee scooter. I was very lucky to hurt my lower fibia, so I could use one of those, too! I even use it in Walmart and push the buggy ahead of me and then scoot to it. I don't think the employees liked it, but they didn't say anything... :blush:

I hurt mine hiking on a mountain. There was snow and melting snow, and I slipped down the trail. The US Forest Service came to my rescue and extracted me by helicopter. I don't think my hiking partner is going to make fun of my "over-prepared" backpack again any time soon. :p
Welcome Duckie.
You picked a good time to join the group. The forum is back up and running after a lil hiccup. I've learned a lot here from a lot of people who've been living a vehicle dwelling lifestyle and are generous enough to let us learn from their experiences.
My advice would be to read all of the forum subgroups. I've learned a lot from the nuggets of wisdom hiding in places I initially wouldn't have thought would apply to my living situation.
Peace, Angie

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Being able to think things through on the road is one of the most empowering things about van dwelling. You sound as if you have that down. I've injured myself hiking as well. I fall hard so I watch every step.