Heavy handed moderation

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Well, good! Wasted enough space discussing issues that most of us didn't know were issues in the first place. Frankly, I still don't know where it all came from. And, plenty of other places to be called bad names on the internet without having to come here! Also, I have emailed Bob a couple of times without issue. He puts in the effort to be fair with everyone. The whole thread's purpose still has me scratching my head. "What?"
“Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one . . . “

Enjoy CRVL; learn from it where you can; thank Bob for his idea and guidance in the world of Vandwelling. But also realize that this site is a crosscut of society, and if you are expecting anything else then you need to reassess your perspectives.

CRVL should not be the center of your life. Enjoy it, or turn it off and move on.

Just my opinion . . .
Reminds me allot like high school actually.
In oh so many ways.... Lol.
Movie clip about high school

. :p
I guess I didn't realize how grateful I should have been for all that "expertise" and "knowledge".  Gosh I hope this forum doesn't have to shut down now.  Reminds me of an old song that went something like "got along without you before I met you; gonna get along without you now.  Have a nice day.
And this movie clip has soooo many parallels to all involved it makes me chuckle.
Can you? Lol.

From the mouth of Charlie Sheen of all people in the greatest movie of all time?
For your entertainment pleasure.

Lighten up already!

Not recommended for those with data limits.
Sincerely, not in a "don't let the door" way:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back. 
May the sun shine warm upon your face; 
the rains fall soft upon your fields 
and until we meet again, 
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Translation from traditional Gaelic
Two mods suddenly show up...
Time to be quiet now and pretend like nothing's happening.
Dum de dum, how's it going officer?
Slow day at the office?
Whistles a tune and wanders off....

Usually a post like Technomad's last one would be deleted because it breaks Forum Rule 2) "Don’t ever attack, belittle or denigrate anyone. If you have something bad to say about someone, keep it to yourself. This includes politicians, police officers and the homeless. You can hate them if you want, but you don’t get to spread your hate here. "

I'm leaving it up as an example of the type of posts we delete. (another moderator may decide that it should be deleted though) We also delete posts with videos and no description, posts that are totally off topic, and any others that break rules.

I want to thank everyone who has posted their ideas and opinions calmly and reasonably so that this thread could remain opened. :)
Technomad said:
By the way, for the record I have a great deal of expertise and knowledge. I have spent a lot of time here answering questions. I actually know things because I’m a professional, not because I did something and it worked and that makes me think I’m an expert. 

I was happy and willing to contribute that knowledge.


Now I’m just another of those people who left and you’re still counting to tell yourself everything is fine.  But I won’t be back.

As several suggested, if I don’t like it, I should find a place not run by _________.

No problem!


If your super ego and butt hurt feelings override your desire to be genuinely helpful to others, then your usefulness here is at an end. 

This forum is is all about helping others. Self-proclaimed experts with a wealth of experience and knowledge have actually come and gone because they lose sight of the forum's goal. When you lose sight of that target, and keep missing it, you are wasting your ammo.

I have had posts deleted many times. And I am not a mouth-piece for Bob, or the mods or anyone else. I don't hit 'Thanks' just because of WHO said it...it's WHAT they say that matters.

I stay here BECAUSE I have knowledge and experience to share, and if I don't share it here, and other places, it will die when I do.

Hopefully I have been helpful to others along the way. If I stop being helpful, I might as well not be here.

Thanks for your articles that you have posted, and that did help someone. 

And good luck.
I'm another moderator who dearly wanted to delete the Sayonara post. I left it for the same reason RVWandering did.

As an example!

I'd like to thank all of you who do support the moderation around here. Also all those who are mindful of the rules day after day even when they would like to take another approach!  :rolleyes:
Well that escalated pretty quick. It went from "I don't like how things are happening" to "cuss cuss cuss sayonara" in just a day or two. I guess the teapot was whistling.
^^^^ I still don't know exactly what the dude's beef was, nor do I particularly care. It seems pretty simple to me that if someone's not happy here, the best thing to do is mosey along on down the road. Preferably without the big long "I'm leaving now--watch me leave--look, I'm leaving--here I go !!!!" performance. (shrug)
As to "the dude's beef", my guess is that he may have had one or more posts deleted. As a veteran of over 20 forums (active daily on 4 or 5), I can say this The fairest method of moderation doesn't single out one person. If a thread goes south, it should be locked. Singling out one person only angers that person. Done in public makes it worse. Anyone who has successfully supervised others knows this. If you did something wrong at work, would it be right to be called out in front of your coworkers? No. That's why narcissistic bosses don't keep good people. And narcissistic moderators run people off.

Now, I'm new here. I've met a few good people. But this, and other things have made me rethink joining. To quote Danny Glover in the Lethal Weapon movies, "I'm too old for this $*%t".
The only thing I have a problem with is when a thread gets locked before anything happens because it just "might"
gsfish said:
... I have been a member of this forum for awhile and have seen some OUTRAGEOUS posts that were only a few minutes old. These posts WERE singled out.  A few minutes later the post was gone and only a limited few members were aware. Chances are the post was not mentioned by the moderator and if it was it was in a general manner to maintain guidelines, I don't remember there ever being an individual being called out "in public"...

This has been my experience as well. If one day a post of mine gets moderated(gawd forbid) I am confident that it would be "legitimate" on the mods end. They are pretty fair even if you're not one of their favorite people. Saying that, knock on wood I don't get modded. I'm pretty mature though, so I don't see that happening.
Aww, it is pretty painless actually. I get posts deleted quite often. Sometimes I go a step too far and poof. Other times I do it intentional to keep them on their toes. More like target shooting actually. They gotta hone their skills like any other sport so I figure I'm just doing my part here...
Aight sucker....throw down....lets git wit it.

Just HOW many deletes have you got under your belt?

I'm bettin I got mor'en that puny little number...

I'm a wonderin if there IS some kinda score card?

Wabbit said:
"legitimate" on the mods end. They are pretty fair, even if you're not one of their favorite people.
Hi Wabbit,
How can a new member find out ? who every mod's >Favorite people/friends< are.
maybe a better question is: How do people here get to be... a mod's (his, or her) friend ?
er, is that even the right question ?

I think ultimately it boils down to people sincerely ASKING........ "what was/is your Intent ?"
(BEFORE ever dispensing 'discipline, or punishments').
of course that implies that another human actually CARES... to know another human as another Individual worthy of love :heart: ...
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