Group purchase of land for RV community

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Within two years, and I'm being generous, as it would probably happen a hell of a lot sooner, there would be so many rules that it would take a front end loader to lift the book they're written in.

There would be meeting after meeting using Robert's rules of order (people feel important when that's going on) and before the end of bringing up and discussing "new business" there would be mass suicides
highdesertranger said:
yeah try to do a micro hydro system in Oregon.  doesn't matter if you own the land or not you will be in court, unless you jump though all the hoops and get the proper permits.  highdesertranger
Northern California is trying to get rid of the small dams and other obstructions to salmon migration.  For example, look at 5counties.
MotorVation said:
There would be meeting after meeting using Robert's rules of order (people feel important when that's going on) and before the end of bringing up and discussing "new business" there would be mass suicides.
Adam Smith?
I imagine it would be like having a cottage on the lake, a really great idea when talking/dreaming about it, but socked in a tiny spot, next to people you don't care for, and have to listen to. You would also have the guilt of leaving, and the stress of worrying about it when gone, not to mention finding those you trust to take care of it in your absence.

I like the freedom of being able to move at will without explanations, or guilt.

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