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Mar 12, 2013
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So here's the deal me and my girl are wanting to van dwell together, we've spent months on the road hitching hiking train hopping, and have lived ia Toyota Carroll for about a month, I got 1200 bucks, and my Toyota which is 220000 miles, it runs good has a few problem kbb said about 3gs, we at my moms who charges 450 a month, so should I full time in the corrola or upgrade to a van, its either full time in a car and save the money I got pay rent here for 3 more months till my savings is gone, I just lost my Jon in search for another one but u know how it goes, should we move into the car save 450 for next month and then find a mum wage to get me a better chance at a nicer van? Thank you for your time <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> AMD your opinions the advice is greatly needed
A little More space goes a Long ways when it comes to having room for a few more amenities and luxuries, but get whatever you can afford to start out with, upgrade later. It should be all about Fun and Adventure, as well as Living Space.
Personally, I would find it intolerable to sleep in a car. My Matrix has fold down rear seat and fold flat passenger too so it sorta makes a flat sleeping area. But to have my possessions with me and having to pee at night etc. - forget it. Add another person. - wow! That would be rough.

But I respect you if you must live in a car. Do what you need to. But upgrade to a van ASAP!
I agree, stop paying 450/month. Give notice, and move out. I agree get a van if you can, especially for 2 people. Then you can take your time, and plan for how to proceed, maybe with odd jobs, or going back to school, or whatever works for you both.
A cars not bad compared to sleeping in the outdoors when its cold if I'm goin with the the car I'm heading to socal i tired of Missouri, livin in a car is more just like a warm place to sleep I do good with very little to say the least lol.. I just hate looking for something at night, and when you gotta piss when its freezing lol :b I use a gaterade bottle or ocean spray for number 1 wide mouth, and a heater after words! &lt;img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0"align="absmiddle"&gt; and train hopping will get you some place warm fast if your with the rite people when ur on the road. I always feel sorry for my girl www hen she has to go though a.d its cold out has to go pop a squat when its cold lol. It's a damn hastel to get out of the trunk/ back seat, I'm gonna insulate the trunk soon, another reason why I love it is that you feel much more secure in a car rathee than sleeping in the dark woods, and your wondering who's watching u to see where you going cause they see you with you gear and you just think if their gonna stake you out a Rob I or somethin later, plus all vicious animals a raccoon has jumped me for a bag of potato chips before when I was sleeping behind a church no joke lol my gf mased it...
While I have slept in many vehicles with the front seat reclined, nothing beats a flat bed. <br><br>&nbsp;Tolerance for the former is directly proportional to age and accumulated back issues.
I agree I sleep on my side so trunk is rough, my gf can sleep ANYWHERE no matter how cold makes me jelease you lose a lot of heat in the trunk though to. Are van in the 100k to 150k range reliable? That's abouty budget would allow I'd be out of money to... So its a hard decision for me
I was a soldier for many years and I've lived with really basic conditions for long stretches of time.&nbsp; I can see where a car could certainly be made to work, but all things being equal, it would be far more advantageous to have a larger vehicle if you can make it happen.&nbsp; You can keep your things more secure and better hid out of sight.&nbsp; You would also have far more room to be comfortable in sleeping, especially if it is two of you in the vehicle.&nbsp; You can add things to a van pretty easily as you have funds to make it more homey and comfortable.&nbsp; You can only stretch a car so far.&nbsp; <br><br>The van is probably the single best all around vehicle to live in for many reasons.&nbsp; If you can make it happen, I definitely recommend that.&nbsp;
I had a car that I was planning to make into a "camper car"<br>Then a salt truck backed into it while it was parked and totaled it.<br>I bought a nice 01 Chevy Astro AWD and it turns out that that salt truck was a really good thing.<br>I'm finding a lot more freedom with my little Astro.<br>Even the planning is more fun.<br>Get a van.
I'm not remotely a mechanic...<br><br>My van has 199k miles on it, and I drive it everywhere.&nbsp; But you don't really need a van that's reliable, you just need van that doesn't leak! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; I'm told it's very much worthwhile to have a mechanic look at the van before you buy it.&nbsp; It sounds like a reasonable plan to me!<br><br>Because you don't need to be driving it around and putting all that money into the gas tank.&nbsp; Instead you can use that money to invest in whatever it is you need for your lives.... a path to financial independence, a plan for a better vehicle so you can travel, whatever it is your heart desires!<br><br>I wish you lots and lots of successes!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
&nbsp;How 'bout selling the car, getting a cheap van, and taking it from there? More space gives ya more options and ya won't get as squirrely after a while in it. ..Willy.
Get a 4 cyl minivan like a Ford Aerostar. Bigger vans and gas is going to kill your funds compared to the Corolla.