Good morning

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Hope you have a great day today!

I was much too grumpy with the humidity today, it made me very impatient with people including myself while I was working on projects. I need patience pills that still allow me to get things done without making errors in measurements ;)
yea the humidity is a killer. does make ya grumpy, been there also LOL

Good morning
might rain soon, hoping for sunny hot day for boogie boarding the waves. will have to check weather etc.
might just take kid out and about and shop for a few hrs....ugh....but rain means boring will think on what to do in the rain today

leave to go home tomorrow and then life is all about getting kid into her first yr of high school.

aw the countdown begins, 4 yrs high school then freedom for us soon to follow. sell it all and wander. get kid in college and settled then....then...finally. but don't count my chickens right? ugh
Hi dwellers have a great day.need to repare the gear shift on my 07 Ford e350 van shifter is getting looser every time I I use it next van repair going to try to do it my self
Good morning. Hopefully it is just an easily replaced bushing Dean.

Nothing new to report here. Everyone have a great day.
went from kinda rainy cloudy to 110 heat index and super sunny and we are f'ing melting.
sometimes summer IS TOO darn hot :) ugh---off to the beach now to die and fry HA
:D Today will be a great day!  I got a free salad and orange when I went to pay for my lunch at my favorite convenience store.  Then a nice, very handsome, young man offered to carry a very heavy box to my car for me.  Chivalry is dead after all!  May the sun shine for you as well! :cool:
I do but the humidity combined is a killer. I am real good up to like 97 or so and when it crests over then I start to weed out......but ya know the older I am getting the more the heat is effecting me in a bad way. huh
annapearl said:
:D Today will be a great day!  I got a free salad and orange when I went to pay for my lunch at my favorite convenience store.  Then a nice, very handsome, young man offered to carry a very heavy box to my car for me.  Chivalry is not dead after all!  May the sun shine for you as well! :rolleyes:
good morning all

packing up the few things and driving home this morning

back to reality, stinks but very fun beach trip so all good :)
Good morning. Hope the checkup goes well Dean. October is fast approaching.

I have never like the pack it all up and go home part. I always want to stay.

Already 91 but topping out at 92. Feels like temp is 106. I hate sweating especially when it doesn't evaporate.
yea weather is brutal all around

home and doing laundry
got a lot of crap to unpack
I hate packing and unpacking, I can't wait for full time when my crap is just the crap that stays in the rv LOL