Good morning

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Morning Dean. I think we had our last freeze of the season for southern New Mexico. Yippee. Been a longer winter than normal.
Good morning. 61 here with light rains. Seems like the rain will never end. The pollen is in full swing too.
Overcast in the Valley, no rain yet. Warming up a bit but I still lit the heater this morning.
Good Morning. 57 this morning with you guessed it, rain. Monday we drop into the mid 30's. Better than 90+ degrees and 90% humidity though.
Sitting here with a cat on my lap. Summer weather is here in the Valley. Almost too warm in the motorhome yesterday.
G'morning Dean and Buster! Is this whole thread you saying g'morning here everyday? I love it! No idea why I never checked this thread out before. Maybe I wouldn't have thought it was as neat if I checked it out 96 pages ago. Love it. Have a great day!

Dean and Buster said:
I do the good morning to help us have a good day

Dean and Buster said:
And some of us are alone like me and it's nice to say good morning

Probably the best reasons to do it. Once I figured out what it was, it brightened my day! I really enjoy positivity. Sometimes I get mired in something else if I'm not reminded that positivity is a great medicine(of sorts).
I lost my wife 5 years ago to diabetes and we use to say good morning and now I share my good morning with everyone that will listen.
Good morning! Fifty eight degrees on the way to 38 tonight with low overcast ~500 ft. That cold weather you got Dean is headed this way. Monday and Tuesday in the 30's to about 50 and then a warming trend ending next Sunday at 74. Of course rain from Thursday onward. I will take these wild fluctuations in temp. Not looking forward to Summer at all.
Dean and Buster said:
...I lost my wife 5 years ago to diabetes...

Sorry to hear that Dean(please correct me if Dean is the wrong tag). I've never really lost anyone close to me. There's only one person in my life that I can't even think about going before me. There's plenty of people I would be very sorry to see go first, but it wouldn't destroy me. If that makes sense.

Whenever I see this thread in the morning, I'll be sure to say hi! Weather for Ehrenberg today was a beautiful 58° this morning. Great sunrise. Supposed to be sunny sunny today with a brisk breeze. Off to the east this morning, right before sunrise, the sun was glinting off something is space. Not sure if it was the ISS or just a regular satellite. Either way, always neat to see the sun reflected off a man made object in space.

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