Going for it.... Making the move to an RV

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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One topic that often receives attention on this site is.... <br><br>"How do I make the life changing step from a house to an RV...." or some question along those lines. &nbsp;<br><br>I wanted to post a bit of info that might help others make the move.<br><br>I currently live full-time in my truck camper. &nbsp;I have been doing so since I sold my house in Aug of 2010. &nbsp;Since then I have also worked overseas for 18 months at which time I place the truck and camper into a locked storage unit, put it on blocks and hook up a battery tender and I'm GONE. &nbsp;<br><br>Since about the 1st week of April this year, I have been back in the USA, on a small farm I own in central Kentucky. &nbsp;I live full time in the RV and I am not hooked up to the "grid."<br><br>Why did I make the move? &nbsp;I did not like living in a big house with a big mortgage, living to work instead of working to live! &nbsp;Additionally, with my job taking me overseas for 6 to 12 months at a time, it didn't make sense to own a big home and have the worries and mortgage while overseas. &nbsp;<br><br>Since 2010, as I mentioned, 18 months have been spent working overseas and about 7 months have been spent on the road making two trips from Kentucky to San Diego / West Coast and back. &nbsp;The rest of the time I am on the farm in the RV.<br><br>For those of you thinking about moving into an RV or Van etc.... here is some food for thought,<br><br>-Remember you and only you are responsible for your own happiness! &nbsp;That is not to say that other people cannot contribute to your happiness (or unhappiness), but just that they are not responsible for your happiness ... you are!<br><br>-Remember, no matter what path you chose in life, someone will not approve! &nbsp;That is to say, stop worrying about what others will think of you living in an RV! &nbsp;Your true friends will support you and those who can't support your decision were probably not true friends in the first place. &nbsp;Most of my friends think it's cool that I live in my RV and wish they had the cajones to do the same thing!<br><br>-Try to travel as light as possible and still have the basic comforts you need. &nbsp;I find that the more "stuff" you take with you the more time you spend worrying about your..."stuff..." &nbsp;Remember, just because you are moving into a small home on wheels doesn't mean you need to get rid of all your personal belongings! &nbsp;That's what storage units are for! &nbsp;I recommend downsizing as much as possible, but put those important things into a cheap storage unit. &nbsp;I did that for 5 years when I was deployed to South America and Iraq, 2001 to 2005. &nbsp;Everything was fine what I got it out of storage! &nbsp;Let's face it, if you move into an RV or Van now, you are more than likely NOT going to live like that for the rest of your life?! &nbsp;You may, but probably not. &nbsp;Personally, I know I will eventually find my favorite spot to let the air out of my tires and move into a SMALL Home or Apt! &nbsp;And if I don't fine that Eden, I'll have one hell of a time searching!<br><br>-Don't be afraid to make friends on the road! &nbsp;Just do it... strike up a conversation with someone, who knows they may become life long friends! &nbsp;Too many people I see on the road, pull into an RV park, Rest Stop, Wally World Parking Lot and close their blinds and are not seen again until the next morning as they are preparing to depart.... try not to do that all the time... do what your mother said and go out and make friends or at least acquaintances!<br><br>-Finally, GO DO IT!!! &nbsp;What are you waiting for? &nbsp;We all have an expiration date and we never know when that will be.... next month.... next year? &nbsp;Who knows, so why are you waiting? &nbsp;I know, you are waiting for the perfect moment, when you have a little more money, when this or that will happen... I say bull-cookies! &nbsp;Do it now! &nbsp;For those with the cajones, they will find a way to make it work... for those afraid, they will find and excuse!<br><br>-Thanks for taking the Time to Read My Post, AK<br><br><br><br><br>
Excellent advice and suggestions. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Thanks, I'm glad you ladies enjoyed the post!<br>-AK
Fear of the unknown. Once it's known, it's not feared. So get to know it!<br>I don't have to fear having enough money to pay for rent and all the other dumb things that go along with a house. That's a huge relief.&nbsp;<br>Start. Start with what you have. I feel lucky to have my extended cab truck to sleep in the backseat. I could lament that I wish it were a motor home, or a whatever. Hey, I have the truck. Eventually I can get the whatever.&nbsp;<br>Great post, akblack10.
Bull cookies????<BR><BR>(sounds like something my Grampa would say to me....) <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif"><BR><BR><BR>Great advice!! The hardest part of it, though, is following it!!&nbsp; <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif">
Patrick46, Your Grandpa was evidently a very articulate man! &nbsp;They often say the first step is the most difficult.....<br>-AK&nbsp;
I recently saw a sign that I thought was appropriate for this post....<br><br><em><strong>"The price of Freedom, is LESS than you think"</strong></em><br><br>Think about it.... make sense to me!
great post akblack10.&nbsp; I really like the, &nbsp;make friends on the road.&nbsp; I do this all the time. &nbsp;talk to the locals you will meet great people and some not so great.&nbsp; anyway great post.&nbsp;&nbsp; highdesertranger
highdesertranger, thanks! &nbsp;Glad you liked it.<br>-AK<br><br>
Remember nervously heading down to Ky to meet a bunch of people I really didn't know. Lol a nice trip with nice consequences.

Nice post...
<span style="line-height: 16px;">
Too many people I see on the road, pull into an RV park, Rest Stop, Wally World Parking Lot and close their blinds and are not seen again until the next morning as they are preparing to depart....&nbsp;</span><span style="line-height: 16px;">try not to do that all the time... do what your mother said and go out and make friends or at least acquaintances!</span><span style="line-height: 16px;">
</span><br><span style="line-height: 16px;">When I spent several months on the road many years ago the two things I enjoyed the most, and the two things which stick in my memory, were the beauty of the world we live in and the wonderful people who inhabit it. &nbsp;I rarely had encounters that did not leave me feeling joy. &nbsp;I remember meeting one fellow who had done a remarkable conversion of a cargo van with teak cabinetry throughout. &nbsp;This man was a master cabinet maker and he told me a lot about his lifestyle. &nbsp;While I was just sojourning in my van he was living in it&nbsp;full time&nbsp;and permanent and it was the first time I had imagined such a thing possible. &nbsp;That same rest stop also brought me a terrific couple who cooked me a full breakfast in&nbsp;their&nbsp;RV. &nbsp;I was determined at that point to make my life on the road a full time reality. &nbsp;There were not-so-nice people as well, but they were the exception, not the rule. &nbsp;Now, 12 years later, I am finally about to make the transition to a mobile lifestyle and your words strike to the heart of why this life beckons to me. &nbsp;Long term relationships are forged from humble beginnings and all beginnings require some initiative.</span>
Seraphim, &nbsp;I was very fortunate to have met so many wonderful people like you and Gail last year... I really want to do it again!<br>-AK
Kayaker, &nbsp;I enjoyed your post, and I agree with you...."<span style="line-height: 16px; text-align: left;">Long term relationships are forged from humble beginnings and all beginnings require some initiative."<br>You are so correct!<br>-AK<br><br></span>
Started the Big Purge. I am actually enjoying it, altho my husband is not. My biggest problem was going to be my designer handbags, so they went, first. I had (notice the"had") a closet full of good Coaches, Dooneys, Tumis, Kate Spades and others. What I actually use is one Dooney hobo, one small crossbody, and my ancient fanny pack. So, I invited my daughter-in-law to take whatever she wanted. The hobo, the crossbody and the fanny pack are all that are left. Next, I need to do a final purge of my clothes. Not much left there as I tend to purge twice a year. But I'm sure there are still a few items.

Getting the house ready to list is helping. There is the inevitable paint getting on items that will go into the trash when the job is done.

The kitchen is going to be a killer. We both love to cook and we will both want to take our favorite items. In some cases, it is proving more sensible to get rid of both of our favorites and replacing them with something more practical, like replacing aluminum pots that won't work on an induction burner with steel pots that will.
We downsized from a house full of antiques I had taken years to collect and polish and enjoy. We liked our 150 year old dishes and all the cool old decor. it wasn't easy, but after 1 1/2 years in our motorhome we wouldn't trade back.
We've had lots of fun and met good people in some great places.
We're totally hooked.
I still have my house, But love my Bounder too-but it's needing "work" now.& all 6 tires.(whew),I do have vans & a Casita camper as well.
take care. Glad you all are enjoying Life.
sparky1 s,Va.

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