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Oh she talks to me too ! ! !<br>In fact she has done a pretty good job at the whole training thing, she's taught me about three phrases I know exactly what she means <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
pretty dog.<br><br>i cant wait to get a dog of my own.
Hi Fireman,<br>Layla sure is pretty girl....and Yep, they are water lovers. I had a retriever, she loved the beach in California. Kind of scared me a few times.<br>How's the van running? I read back through your posts, but didn't see what the problem was as you entered NM then turned to go back to the Firestone place. <br><br>Any new pics?&nbsp; I am interested in the insulation and paneling, oh and solar too. I will travel with a musical instrument, a harp, yeah, a harp, so I need the solar and good insulation to help maintain a reasonable temperature, not a thermostat control, just reasonable temps.&nbsp; I just purchased my Dodge Cargo MaxiVan and picked it up in California on Saturday then drove it back to Arizona. I am excited. I can't wait to do the build up. <br><br>I did enjoy looking at the pics you already posted though.
Hi Phyllis Anne, yes Layla thinks she's a pretty girl too,&nbsp; Of course me telling while I brush her everyday probably has nothing to do with it.&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img" title="Big Grin - :D"><br>She was entertaining herself while I was on the laptop...<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="uw xO bbc_img"><br>( Just about as modest as I am when she gets to playin')<br><br>Wow new pics, work on the SS Phoenix has slowed a bit waiting on payday.&nbsp; Though yesterday I finished framing the drivers' side wall. I will make some minor changes in the morning before I put on the panel.&nbsp; I promise to post some pics.<br><br>There are 1" poly-iso panels cut to fit snug in all the windows that don't open.&nbsp; There is 3/4" cut to fit the body profiles glued to the walls and then 1/2" foil backed polystyrene covering those.&nbsp; <br>Being east of the Rockies in Kentucky I hope this works out.<br><br>As for solar I'm using a "suitcase" folding panel at the moment. I'll be putting a ladder rack on top (with ladder for show) and then mounting panels under the rack.&nbsp; This will hopefully help with the "stealth mode", you know the old wok van. This may be important since my situation will be in the city for a while.<br><br>Keep us posted on the build out of your maxi-van.<br><br>Fireman428<br>Dan<br><br><br>
<p>I thought my dog was weird for playing like that. I've got a black lab I rescued a little over a month ago, she was almost starved to death, now she's starting to get fat! She will start playing with a chew toy and then roll over on her back and use her paws to hold it while she chews on it.<br><br>I do a lot of work in Kentucky, and I'm in sort of the same line of work, but I do automation for water and wastewater plants mainly. SCADA and PLC programming. Quite a few systems out around Lexington.</p>
Thanks dusmir, now I know my dog isn't just weird.<br>Maybe when you're in the area we can grab some coffee or something.&nbsp; I work second shift sort of hours, so PM me if you want and we'll work it out.<br><br>Dan
Progress continues even if it is ss-ll-ooo-ww.<br>Some framing, this time on the drivers' side.<br>You can see the 1" poly board in the fixed window, not sure how I'm gonna handle the windows that open.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>The shiney stuff down lower is polystyrene covering the 3/4" poly board on the walls.<br><br>Got one of the wall panels in place, maybe tomorrow get another one.&nbsp;<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br> I want to go camping this weekend to work on some of the other things.&nbsp; But, may just save the gas money and put it into flooring instead.<br>One last pic today....<br>Added a stealth touch, If you can spot it and figure it out... post a reply&nbsp; :)<br>Let people see what they want to see... "Just an old work van"<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Hope to see ya'll on the road.<br>Fireman428<br><br>
FM428&nbsp;- like a license # or something. The van looks, great Dan and it's good to see Lola!
Thanks Cyndi, Hope to get the van walls and floor done this weekend.

And the # reflects my screen name FireMan428 :)

Layla is doing fine, hope we make it to the GTG in Tumbling Creek in Tennessee.
I wanted one of those roof vent fans but I have a 9x9 vent and I'm too chicken to try to cut through the layers of roof in my motorhome (fiberglass roof and ceiling) to make it bigger, so I had a new 9x9 vent put in since the RV shop wouldn't cut the hole bigger either.
Hi Cubey,&nbsp; yeah I know what ya mean. I felt a twinge of panic when I saw how big the hole was!<br>But, it worked out fine.<br><br>I went this weekend to the Paragon Rd site on one of the back waters of Cave Run Lake Ky.<br>This was my view this morning...<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Had hoped to get more work on the van done than I really did. It was just too nice a work place.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>Layla and I went swimming, then she supervised supper.<br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br><img style="width: 640px; height: 480px;" rel="lightbox" src="" class="bbc_img"><br>So we didn't get as much done as I had hoped.&nbsp; I'll post more on the "work" we did next.<br>Actually did do some work ;-)
Awesome build and awesome dog. There will be plenty of time to work later. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
Layla was heard saying, "Now Dan, measure it twice and cut it once."<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="uw xO bbc_img"><br>Got the sub-floor finished.&nbsp; And here's a view of the build up, though you can't see the bottom layer of celtex, then 1/2" poly-iso with foil on both sides, and finally the 1/4" plywood sub-flooring.<br><img rel="lightbox" src="" class="uw xO bbc_img"><br>I hope tomorrow to work on drivers' side wall some more.&nbsp; Gotta make up for this last weekend.<br><br><br>Hope to see ya in the forest!
SS Phoenix is having to go under the wrench....
Seems the seal and maybe bushing between the torque converter and the tranny is hemorrhaging ATF. Hope to get procedure scheduled for some time in the next week or two.
Prayers are appreciated, donations even more :D just kidding I'll be able to put together the funds next week just gotta wait on my mechanic.
SO Layla and I will not be adventuring much for now, chance to clean up and build some more.
Glad I found your build thread over here. I was still replying to the one on the old forum. :p
I actually just this morning moved over here. I guess I'll check the old one for replies for a little while. Anyway good to hear from ya ... wherever :)
Thanks, I'll reply here, to your answer there. :p
I didn't notice your water jug until you pointed it out. It was much higher up than I expected. ;)
Since I'm still putting together shillings to have the transmission work done, I decided to work on stuff that cost little or nothing.
Added the spice rack above the sink to keep things handy, built from wall scraps.
Got the microwave mounted, old shelf board and brackets I had in storage.
Used same shelf board to finish fold up (or down) shelf for stove, hinges were less than $5.

Yes Layla I'm hungry too after all that work, let's cook.

Now if I can just get the tranny fixed at the end of the month.
Leaving out Saturday morning for a trip somewhere during the week of Thanksgiving. I'll have to revert back to my nomadic ways of tent camping. ;-)

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