Finding Caravans??????

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Cammalu said:
Who cares if someone follows the forum and doesn’t post?  Why would anyone want to stalk a caravan anyway

I can think of a reason or two... neither is good? lol

I had an item for sale, someone posted, I immediately PM replied with my CL ad.. and immediately regretted it after actually LOOKING at the person who had send the request; seeing they never post. ugh.. SO far I'm still alive! lol :) 

There ARE bad people out there.  (Not as many as TV/medial would have us Believe.. but you get my general idea!:)


I was kind of disappointed there weren't more going on; but I guess at this time of year it's too damn hot everywhere else!  I'll keep an eye on MeetUp group in the future. It seems like a good tool.
I'm sort of a forum lurker on CRLV. Low posts for my time as a member. Definitely not a stalker! Basically a learner because I will need to find a way to survive when the land I live on is sold. That almost happened this summer.

Worrying about stalkers: is it happening while van living or is it media induced paranoia? If it's a real worry, then I will avoid caravaning and association with other van dwellers. I'll assume that stalkers are a problem if the there's no feedback from the caravaners. Otherwise, there's so much to learn for a beginner by reading posts of the caravan participants as they live the life I think will be great. Getting real time feedback will also tell me whether I have a good chance of fitting it with the participants.

I have learned true RV living reality while following threads on this forum and appreciate the effort it takes to keep it going.
so I would hope there no stalkers here. but reading some of these posts it seems some members think there are. if anyone is feeling unwanted pressure or attention from any member PM me with your concerns. highdesertranger
Some people are that way. I was on a eGroup forum back in 1999 and one member made the complaint, that there were people who could read their posts and they didn't know who they were.
I gather these people don't understand the internet.

"On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Dog"

Lurkers are probably what many people are, before they bother to become a member. Putting a toe in the water.
Originally, I lurked observing the flows. I joined CRVL just to access the button for new posts since last visit for convenience.

As to stalkers, central figures in controversial movements always attract enemies, whether disappointed followers or plants seeking to disrupt the group.

HDR, and the other mods, patrol the Forum.

The Caravans have their gates and gatekeepers.