Hey, F2E ...
It looks like you've got some good input from some other, much more qualified folks that myself. I'm chiming in simply because this is one of my current wrestling matches as well. Space vs mobility.
One difference driving my thinking is that my oldest daughter may be coming with me. I am blessed to have her! But, she requires space just like I do. Ideally, each in our own discrete space. One solution I looked at was the van + cargo trailer. One of us could have the van, the other the trailer. Comments like some of the above like backing up and the ability to get away from crowds (if I can see another camper, I'm in a crowd!) have influenced my thinking considerably.
Where my thoughts are currently hovering is two vehicles. I already have a Hyundai Santa Fe, and I've been shopping for another 4X4 or AWD vehicle to add to the fleet. My daughter could have her own space AND transportation, and likewise, so would I.
But, if I were traveling alone, if for some reason my daughter decides not to live on the road just yet, I'd opt for a 4X4 van with a high top, and a trailer hitch carrier for extra cargo capacity.
Again, just my humble opinion, only offering some thinking points that crossed my radar, not making a suggestion.
Good luck with your choice! Maybe I'll see you on the road ... assuming I can get to it!