Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

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Yup Rick and you don't see the one they deleted prior to that...... thanks though...
cyndi said:
A Quartzsite fb Group recently teamed up with BLM to clean up 2 trashes campsites that included abandoned motor homes

That's the reputation we want.  If we reduce rather than create expense we'll be able to ask for exceptions.
jjbond I am the one that deleted your posts. don't blame Bob like you did in the deleted posts and don't accuse people of being high when you were not there. stop hating and I will stop deleting your posts. highdesertranger
You can add me to those that have removed a similar post and also one quoting it.
highdesertranger said:
jjbond I am the one that deleted your posts.  don't blame Bob like you did in the deleted posts and don't accuse people of being high when you were not there.  stop hating and I will stop deleting your posts.  highdesertranger

They admitted to being high on the video and I said videos like Bob's.. doesn't matter, don't care, you delete my contribution to the board which was no worse than anyone else's, I delete my substantial contributions to Bob... enough said...
frater secessus said:
I wonder if a future RTRs/gatherings could team up with BLM to clean up a different blighted spot each year.   Maybe BLM could provide containers/dumpsters and we could provide the labor?  We could make it a day or half-day on the schedule, depending pm severit.  A few hundred people could make a huge difference.  Able-bodied folks could do the physical stuff and differently abled folk could do organization, communication, etc.  

BLM could even suggest spots for the RTR that would benefit from our efforts.  The land gets improved, the BLM gets stuff done for near-free, we get exercise, the satisfaction of helping, and an even better relationship with the BLM and rangers.

Now this is the best thing I've heard on this board, (well, one of the best.) This is what stewardship of the land and cooperation with the BLM officials looks like, it's a win-win situation. I bet it would get great publicity. Instead of whining, go out and make a difference in the world.
Get me out there and I pledge one weekend a month for stewardship projects like this idea. You heard it here.
Good idea, it seems to me. 

In Texas we have the "Dont Mess With Texas", Adopt-a-Highway program. 

Groups, organizations, families, and charities, are all eligible.

When you sign up, you agree that the group will clean up litter along a designated 2 mile stretch of the highway, three or four times a year.

In return the group gets a sign on that stretch of road and a lot of pride.

Maybe an informal, Boondockers "Adopt-a-Desert" program?

Or, "Adopt-a-Forest"...either one, depending on where it is. 

Using social media, an interested group could coordinate a time and place to clean up a few litter piles, and possibly get some 'respect' and/or thanks from the locals and the district offices. 

Might even work!
frater secessus said:
I wonder if a future RTRs/gatherings could team up with BLM to clean up a different blighted spot each year.   Maybe BLM could provide containers/dumpsters and we could provide the labor?  We could make it a day or half-day on the schedule, depending pm severit.  A few hundred people could make a huge difference.  Able-bodied folks could do the physical stuff and differently abled folk could do organization, communication, etc.  

BLM could even suggest spots for the RTR that would benefit from our efforts.  The land gets improved, the BLM gets stuff done for near-free, we get exercise, the satisfaction of helping, and an even better relationship with the BLM and rangers.

That's a good idea!  Definately something I would be willing to help with!
Three thumbs up frater ! (just don't look to closely at #3 )
BLM rangers would be crazy to not want this idea to happen !!
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
If you scroll back up somebody posted a video of talking to a ranger about the rules of the BLM in the RTR and stuff like that it is informative and might help a little bit it's worth watching

Sent from my Z799VL using Tapatalk

That was shared by Bob Wells :)
ZoNiE said:
X2 on the fact that they came out and told everyone their 14 days starts now, regardless of how long they'd been there, That was cool, and  very respectful of the citizens who pay taxes which pay their salaries.

I Deal with the BLM and they are very professional and pretty easy to work with so long as you just follow the rules.

We have to have a porta potty when we host events on BLM land, so consider it lucky that is not a requirement for RTR. That potty costs $150.

Regarding the LTVA land permit, $180 for 7 months is $25 per month. Pretty cheap.

There will be porta potties at the RTR this year
I do want to make clear, if it hadn't been for the other Ehrenberg campers that posted on this thread we would not have been aware of the new enforcement policy. So thank you for those posts.

They came quickly through our camp (I did see them slow enough to take a picture of my rig as they went by) and although they stopped to ask about a car parked in the road (dropping off firewood for another camper) they did NOT notify anyone in our group. And, they also went through too quickly to be flagged down. To act in such a manner 'indicates' to me that they are hoping to write tickets and generate fine revenues in a couple of weeks. There was nothing "polite" about it. In fact seeing the Ranger slow by my rig, I stepped to my door to ask if I could help. As I did he took the photo and sped off.

It felt intimidating and I have felt uncomfortable since. And, at the time I felt targeted until the posts/word spread the next day of what was going on.

Of course they have every right to enforce it, and without notice. I'm sure it's in their regulations that they don't have to give notice. But considering there are many people that have made this there winter camping spot for years, it could have been handled better, imho. It initiates and escalates an 'us against them' mentality. But, I am not naive about law enforcement and the culture it breeds, so it is not surprising they acted in such a manner.

It's public land, however - meaning it's our land and we should be working in tandem to protect and preserve it.

And, with that in mind, our group has cleaned out fire pits of broken glass, spent bullet cases, cigarette buts, picked up left garbage, etc (the only thing I see left is a rusted car door) and I fully expect we will leave our area cleaner than we left it. We've discouraged others from trying to gather firewood. I've also heard of others monitoring the free stuff area, ensuring "trash" that people behind (thinking it can be used), gets properly disposed of. So I think partnering to clean up is definitely a great idea, if only to have those efforts recognized and the RTR tribe not being blamed for trash prior campers leave. I can get behind an organized effort.

If you don't want to be regulated, regulate yourself :) And, ultimately, recognize what JiminDenver said - our parks need revenue, and with so many people and so few rangers, they may feel the pressure to control growing populations. Hoping to push those that want to camp more than 14 days into the more controlled LTVAs is a way to do that–and the trash may be a convenient tail to pin on the donkey (or wild burro down here!).
NomadforNature said:
There will be porta potties at the RTR this year

Just curious, who are they coming from? We have only been able to get River Septic to support us off of Hovatter road and I-10.
I hope that if an organized clean-up between the BLM folks and RTR folks happens, it isn't made public. You can pretty much bet that if locals find out that there is a big group cleaning up trash and junk they'll just think: "Hey, I can dump my crap out there and those RTR people will clean it up!". Probably see an increase of old tires too. Tire shops have to pay to have them recycled and charge you recycle fee to do it. This could end up a profit center for them. Keeping it low key and maybe some signs saying if you dump trash you will get reported would be better. Someone is always out camping and the threat of getting reported with license plate numbers might be a deterrent.
geogentry said:
Sigh - not much point in fighting to get through snow, sleet and hail to arrive in Ehrenburg now - ahh well.  I liked looking at the maps to find camping anyway.

I read online they are shutting down slab city too.  Makes a body wonder what is going on that they are shutting down all the long term places.

There is a lot of desert out there & you only have to move 25 miles every two weeks.
That is true if you take and put attack we're the RT are is supposed to be and do a 25 mile circumference around that you will find their are a lot of places to go that are still free to camp

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becida said:
There is a lot of desert out there & you only have to move 25 miles every two weeks.

This is true.  Knowing where it is would only be part of the equation.  You still must enter the areas in a way that has the least harm to the resources.  So the need for the looking at maps to find the roads to properly enter a BLM area to camp
frater secessus said:
I wonder if a future RTRs/gatherings could team up with BLM to clean up a different blighted spot each year.   Maybe BLM could provide containers/dumpsters and we could provide the labor?  We could make it a day or half-day on the schedule, depending pm severit.  A few hundred people could make a huge difference.  Able-bodied folks could do the physical stuff and differently abled folk could do organization, communication, etc.  

BLM could even suggest spots for the RTR that would benefit from our efforts.  The land gets improved, the BLM gets stuff done for near-free, we get exercise, the satisfaction of helping, and an even better relationship with the BLM and rangers.

I think that's a great Idea.
There has been some of us doing that on a smaller scale from time to time. I would be glad to help.
Personally I am sick of looking at the junk cluttering up the area I currently am calling home.
Maybe we can bring that up Jan 10.

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