Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

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I believe lots and lots of newbies are probably freaking out about now. This was not at all what they were led to expect...and being forced out by January 2nd is going to cause lots of heartache.
There's nothing to freak out about as far as a newbie out here in ehrenberg. So far the authorities have been cool about things it's up to us how they treat us

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I know the pictures are blurry but I would be pissed if I found this on my property so I could see why the authorities are getting upset over the trash when I came in from getting water I noticed a couple hundred people around here maybe we can work something out pull together somebody with a trailer load up all the trash and take it to this one spot at the beginning of the road where they can pick it up that might show them we're respecting our property and they'll back off

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I don't get it, what's so hard about moving down the road, seems to be enough land for us all. The ones who might be really hurt are those in tent set-ups, that takes more effort to relocate.
I dont think I understand all the fuss.

For van, TT and truck campers it is not a big deal.  For tents a bit more work but still not a big deal.  I have mostly tent camped in my life.  It takes a little longer to take down and put up but it is not monumental - unless you have a tent like HDR showed in his pictures.  

i thought Bob came up with good suggestions.  If you want to stay together move together.  Sit around your campfire, or whatever, decide where to go and then when the time comes it is all settled already.  This forum is like a CB used to be in the old days - only better.  No matter where you are in the US or Canada you can find the part of the tribe you want to meet up with.

If the whole idea is to stay by Ehrenburg - go across the bridge to CA.  There are a ton of places just west of Blythe.  Stay there two weeks and come back.  I mean when you were not camped in Ehrenburg, in the past, didn't you move every two weeks anyway?

I know I could probably finagle a way to move into another stick and brick.  But I don't want to live in a cracker box the rest of my live.  And that is not living anyway - that is existing.  I have a better option so I choose the open road.  A touch more work but much more rewarding.
Jeremiah Diminovich said:
If you scroll back up somebody posted a video of talking to a ranger about the rules of the BLM in the RTR and stuff like that it is informative and might help a little bit it's worth watching

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Yeah,  who WAS that guy who posted that video? 

Looks familiar, though
Laughing my ass off rolling in the dirt and the rocks love the Santa Claus come back

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Jeremiah Diminovich said:
I know the pictures are blurry but I would be pissed if I found this on my property so I could see why the authorities are getting upset over the trash when I came in from getting water I noticed a couple hundred people around here maybe we can work something out pull together somebody with a trailer load up all the trash and take it to this one spot at the beginning of the road where they can pick it up that might show them we're respecting our property and they'll back off

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Shades of Alice’s Restaurant run through my mind. 

Taking the trash in little piles on federal Land and dumping it in a big pile on Stare Land is not a good idea. Officer Opie will be angry. 

It all needs to be hauled to a “official” site, by people with insurance and recent hepatitis shots. The location has been noticed, so it will be taken care of. The people have options of other districts Ehrenburg is in the El Centro district. Quartzsite is in the Yuma District, and just North is the Havasaw district. 

The amount of computer time needed to just enter the 14 day passes would be huge and expensive. Just go from district to district and nobody cares. The powers have more important things to do than find you camping a day over your limit.
I have posted this like 3 times Ehrenberg and Quartzsite are in the same "Ranger District" it's called the "Colorado River District" there are only 4 districts in Arizona. see the map I posted. Yuma is not a ranger district, Yuma is a field office, so is Havasu and they are both are in the "Colorado River District" highdesertranger
They goes back to what I was saying about my brother in law being a share he would rather sit in his car and listen to the radio then deal with the b******* going on out here so if they come out here its only because somebody is complaining and there having to respond legally so there not hold responsible is somebody gets hurt

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Is all that trash from the pre-rtr gathering or was it there when you all arrived?
I was here about 5 months ago and it was here then but there is more trash here since I've been here 5 months ago and like I said I don't believe it's or two are people but it doesn't matter in the eyes of the law we are the biggest group out here so we will catch the blame

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One of the aspects of this lifestyle that I especially appreciate is that I live on wheels.  If I don't want to stay, or if I can't stay, it's easy enough to go someplace else.

Ehrenberg was a gift for a while, when the 14-day limit was not enforced.  As a tribe we made it a habit to stay there before and after the RTR.  It's kind of sad that we can't do that beyond 14 days now.

For the newcomers, I can see why it may be a bit disconcerting to have your plans changed all of the sudden.  It happens.  And it won't be the last time in this lifestyle.  Flexibility is key.

So, if you are experienced, help a newcomer by pointing out options other than Ehrenberg.  Show them where they are on a map.  Let them follow you to the general location of other dispersed camping.  We've got lots of options, as Bob pointed out.

As for me, I'm leaving Q and heading to Pahrump, NV.  If anyone wants to meet me at the Pahrump Walmart on Saturday, I will show you where you can camp on BLM land.  Just be aware that it's 4.5 hours from Eberg and Q, and 10-15F colder.  PM me.
My phone says almost 29 miles from where we were camped in Ehrenberg to the RTR. Maybe Google tracking can be your friend. "Yes Mr. Ranger but you can see right here where I was and where we are now and the distance I traveled". Of course he could always say, "But you took the long way". HeeHee.
Motrukdriver said:
Sooooo, each tribe that goes to the RTR and other gatherings in Southwest Arizona and wants to stay there most of the winter chip in some coin and buy a 30 to 40 acre piece of land.  Set basic rules of keeping your trash picked up and who can come and go.  Pretty easy solution and you actually would own a piece of your winter home.

I've often wondered if this could be s viable solution. A gofundme, perhaps?
Capricci wrote:
"I've often wondered if this could be s viable solution. A gofundme, perhaps?"

This would be more geared towards your tribe. I wouldn't invest with strangers. I'd wanna make sure those around me were of similar mindset. But that said, I could come up with $1000 to chip in, maybe more, towards a purchase when the time comes. Leave it just undeveloped land or eventually put in a solar powered well and a septic system to dump your tanks.
I wonder if a future RTRs/gatherings could team up with BLM to clean up a different blighted spot each year. Maybe BLM could provide containers/dumpsters and we could provide the labor? We could make it a day or half-day on the schedule, depending pm severit. A few hundred people could make a huge difference. Able-bodied folks could do the physical stuff and differently abled folk could do organization, communication, etc.

BLM could even suggest spots for the RTR that would benefit from our efforts. The land gets improved, the BLM gets stuff done for near-free, we get exercise, the satisfaction of helping, and an even better relationship with the BLM and rangers.
frater secessus said:
I wonder if a future RTRs/gatherings could team up with BLM to clean up a different blighted spot each year.   
A Quartzsite fb Group recently teamed up with BLM to clean up 2 trashes campsites that included abandoned motor homes
These two posts that talked of an organized clean-up reminded me of what people who care are capable of. The program may start with a relatively small number of people but can truly take off to historical proportions via word of mouth, forums, & media coverage enabling interested people to be the change that they want to see. This is what happened with the couple that started with an idea that became this...