Ehrenburg Rangers to enforce 14 day camping limit

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It was to be expected, the BLM is very tuned into us because of the huge turnout at the RTR. We are on their radar and always be from now on.

It would help if you went to this video I made of a BLM Ranger answering questions at the RTR:

Go to the 1:33 mark and he tells us that there is no enforcement at the Tom Wells Road area, which is Ehrenberg. No enforcement at Ehrenberg is not something I made up and lied about--it was at least "unofficial" policy of the BLM. He also tells us where we can go to after our 14 days is up.

As has been said, this is no big deal. Moving every 14 days is not an issue in that area there are tons of places to go:

  • LTVAs
  • Victorville, CA
  • Barstow, CA
  • Anzo-Borrego/Salton Sea, CA
  • Holtville, CA
  • Slab City, CA
  • American Girl Mine, CA
  • Yuma, AZ
  • Ajo and Why, AZ
  • Parker, AZ
  • Lake Havasu, AZ
  • Wickenberg/Congress, AZ
  • Tonopah, AZ
  • Tuscon, AZ
  • Tombstone/Bisbee, AZ,
  • Pahrump, NV
  • Lake Mead NV.
And these are just the well know places, if you're willing to be away from the crowds, the amount of BLM land is unlimited!

The problem is it makes it much harder to have a tribe. If we are going to have meeting places it will have to be spontaneous and moving. But, that's okay too. This forum is in the perfect position to be the message board of a nomadic tribe.

People will gather and form and then drift apart. Friendships and bonds will be made that endure through time and space.

Like the waves of the sea, we will form, move together and then separate--only to come together again at a different time and different place with different people.

Like a balloon, squeeze us at Ehrenberg and we'll just squeeze out and pop up somewhere else.

Your choices are almost unlimited, gather together, decide where to go next, and go there!
Ok, makes me wonder as a first timer...where are people going to gather? I’m coming a bit early to the area so I could meet people and go RTR knowing a few people to camp with. I’d like to be fairly close to the fire pit, meeting area, not too close! Walking distance would be nice. So....where are you going to gather beforehand?
According to the ranger I spoke with Ehrenburg is in a different district than Quartzsite. So no problems
Myself I'm going to stay and you can move until they tell me I have to leave so far they're not pushing the 14-day limit. I'm going to try to save my 14 days over with our TR is at 4 when the RTR starts so I'm going to stay here until they throw me out that's so far they don't seem like they're wanting to make that an issue they are going to be pushing it at the RTR though

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If you scroll back up somebody posted a video of talking to a ranger about the rules of the BLM in the RTR and stuff like that it is informative and might help a little bit it's worth watching

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Its not a huge deal anyway. You could jump from there to parker (and hit up wally while you are there) and then back every couple weeks. Sure it was nice while it lasted but hey, no point really complaining about no longer getting a sweet deal you weren't technically supposed to be getting to begin with.

edit: didn't see this last page
I agree but there's always those chosen of you that want to take things too far and ruin it for everybody they don't care about their own lives so they don't care about the lights of others or the life that we are surrounded with in nature. If they want enforce the 14 days then we have no choice but to accept it because the law is the law. And you're right if we don't sit around and complain about it but take the time to think about it we can work around it

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Well, OBVIOUSLY it's all a Big Government Conspiracy. I mean, it's not as if that rule has been in effect for how many decades now?

It always amazes and amuses me that some people seem to think they have some sort of "right!!!" to park anywhere they want for as long as they want.

They don't. (shrug)
skyl4rk said:
The 14 day stay rule on BLM land has always applied in Ehrenberg, even if it was not enforced.  I suspect there were problems which caused the sheriff to request BLM to enforce the rules.  I saw a video in which the sheriff was called on a drunk and disorderly person on the river in Eberg. 

Alas, THIS is always the real problem, whether it's a camp in BLM land or a Walmart parking lot in Podunk, Illinois. There's ALWAYS a handful of dumbshits who have to wreck everything for everyone else by making a PITA of themselves.

(sigh) It's why we can't have nice things.
lenny flank said:
Alas, THIS is always the real problem, whether it's a camp in BLM land or a Walmart parking lot in Podunk, Illinois. There's ALWAYS a handful of dumbshits who have to wreck everything for everyone else by making a PITA of themselves.

(sigh) It's why we can't have nice things.


    You hit the nail on the head that time.

    BTW ? PITA?
    what's a PITA?
    I hate acronyms.

In asking questions, I was told that there will be a cleanup of the Ehrenburg BLM in January. This was to help make it easier by having less people to deal with.

This was brought about by the giant piles of trash that some are creating. In all honesty I don’t see any of this group doing it.

The problem at RTR was brought about by vandalism at the last one. Someone put a motorcycle tire on the arm of a saguaro in the middle of camp. Otherwise keep things clean folks. The fact that Bob organizes a cleanup after the RTR is what made the difference between allowing or not allowing it to happen.
Don't mess with the Saguaros. Class four felony.

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maybe I didn't make this clear,
it's NOT Bob's fault, there are dozens of tubers saying go to Ehrenberg you can stay as long  as you want.
there has ALWAYS been a 14 day limit,  just like all BLM land except for LTVA's
this is why I hate guide books,  parks,  and websites that tell people to go here or there.  sooner or later the places get over run and the authorities must step in.
this is the main reason I don't tell people where to go.
Quartzsite is in the same ranger district as Ehrenberg see map.


you are not being harassed by the rangers they are just doing there job enforcing the 14 day limit.  THAT is NOT harassment.


  • map_agency_blm_az.jpg
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X2 on the fact that they came out and told everyone their 14 days starts now, regardless of how long they'd been there, That was cool, and very respectful of the citizens who pay taxes which pay their salaries.

I Deal with the BLM and they are very professional and pretty easy to work with so long as you just follow the rules.

We have to have a porta potty when we host events on BLM land, so consider it lucky that is not a requirement for RTR. That potty costs $150.

Regarding the LTVA land permit, $180 for 7 months is $25 per month. Pretty cheap.
The area close to the freeway is state trust land, where you need a paid permit to camp and the limit is 14 days total per year. The sheriff could have enforced this. I think the California border is the dividing point between the Yuma BLM office and the El Centro BLM office.
I spoke to someone at the propane shop in Quartzsite today and they said it is happening to all of the areas there too. She felt that they are pushing all the long term folk int the LTVA's.
What is quite hilarious is that in Seattle they won't make you move for months if you are parked on city property or the street and are living in your RV/van.

14 days if you are out in the wild bothering nobody, 180+ days if you are parked in the city blocking access and taking up parking spots.

Kind of strange system.