Eggs - Do you refrigerate?

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Recently I unknowingly left a dozen organic eggs in my car for 5 days in Phoenix temp's. They smelled fine and no adverse physical reactions. They had been store refrigerated.
CautionToTheWind said:
Recently I unknowingly left a dozen organic eggs in my car for 5 days in Phoenix temp's. They smelled fine and no adverse physical reactions. They had been store refrigerated.

Holy cats!  I wouldn't think they were bad.  I'd think they were COOKED.  Like hard boiled style.  LOL

And the answer to which came first, the refrigerator or the egg.  The egg came first.  And they were eaten and stored for short periods before anyone thought to refrigerate them....except in Phoenix where CTTW cooks organic eggs in the car for 5 days.  LOL
I never refrigerate eggs, and in many decades have had maybe three go off, and my cartons often last 2-3 weeks when the kids aren't around.

Very easy to tell when you crack it open too.
John61CT said:
I never refrigerate eggs, and in many decades have had maybe three go off, and my cartons often last 2-3 weeks when the kids aren't around.

Very easy to tell when you crack it open too.

That's very true.  I don't know where I learned this, but I was told by someone to always crack an egg in a vessel of some sort before adding it to other ingredients.  I imagine that's so you can dump it out if you get a bad one or fish out a stray piece of shell. 

I still do that.  I crack them into a ramekin before they go into the frying pan.  In decades of cooking, I've had one bad egg.  I guess we ate them all fast enough.  That still leaves the extra ramekin to clean though... and after all these years, probably the dirty dishes if stacked one on top of the other would reach the moon.
to test eggs do the float test. put them in a pan of water, if the float they are bad if they don't they are good. old trick. highdesertranger
i kept many hens over the years
and found all i had to do is collect and rotate
never had any probs. i did refrigerate them, but i really don't think it;s necessary. as long as you turn them occasionally and keep em out of heat/sun
I don’t refrigerate eggs if on the road. If I question if they are good I just put them in cold water and if they float then they are no good. I eat so much eggs that they don’t usually have a chance to go bad.

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highdesertranger said:
to test eggs do the float test.  put them in a pan of water,  if the float they are bad if they don't they are good.  old trick.  highdesertranger

Thank you!!!!  That's a test I can do to find out; ... I have no sense of smell, which is also primarily how the sense of taste also works, so relying on smell/taste to know if an egg had gone bad would be taking my life in my hands each time I tried it .... (though eggs usually aren't around long enough for it usually to be questionable)