Downsizing, any survival tips?

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2017
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Hi All.  Like it or not, I'm going full time.  I need to sell a few items and have an estate sale.  There's not much here so I hope the car sells well.  It's a change in direction for sure.  Does anyone have any survival tips for this part of the process?  I wish I could skip this part and be on the road.
Do the sale and if there are leftovers donate them and be on your way. Just keep telling yourself you don't want to pay for a storage unit and you don't want to be too crowded in your vehicle of choice. Be responsible - take electronics that are dead to where they go to rest and not in the trash to harm the environment and keep that attitude up while on the road.

If you are getting too anxious about leaving before you are ready start making notes on your route, places to stay and go etc.

That's what I've done. LOL, I've been downsizing half my life but I'll get there.

Have fun!!!
At times an issue is having put a financial value on some items. While you do want something reasonable for these items, mostly you want them gone. In the end it's a win win in that you don't have them and someone else does, and reasonably cheap at that, and you can then move on. Sell what you can and the donations that are left will certainly be appreciated by someone in dire straits, and in your heart you'll know that you've helped. All that you want left are purposeful items that you can carry, nothing at a friends, nothing in storage. The lifted burden and sense of freedom are your goals, without the excess baggage or storage fees chipping away at your fun money.
I lost some money on some of the stuff I wanted to sell. If it didn't sell, out the door it went. No regrets. No storage units making me slave away at work longer than I want so I can afford the monthly rent. I can't think of one thing off the top of my head that I wish I had back. I miss some things like my MityVac, but don't wish I had it back. Not even when I got rid of sentimental things like my high school year books or when I severely downsized my pictures. I miss having two vehicles, but I don't wish I had two again. It was a lot of work to keep those things running, anyway.

I had a friend ask me if I was thinking of killing myself during the time I was either selling or giving away my junk. Lol. Be cautious how you downsize- that may truly bite you in the butt.

Basically, after I went through the cringy part of getting rid of my stuff, I felt better.
I'm at the point where I just want my stuff gone, period. I'm renting a truck and hauling the rest to the dump.
Cheat! Hire a professional and do a 'living estate sale'. Everybody wins. lol :) Although, it WAS kind of hard to disappear for the week while she was staging, pricing, and then the actual sale. The check at the end made up for it tho! :)
Cherterr, what percentage does the pro take from the sales?