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ccbreder said:
As this site is opened to the public, as is a lunch counter, do differing rules apply than if it were a home with friends
State and federal civil rights laws prohibit discrimination in places of public accommodation for reasons of race, color, national origin, sex, religion and disability (physical and mental). These are what's known as protected classes. A business owner can’t arbitrarily refuse service to someone because they don’t like the way that they look.

Normally, refusal of service can be warranted where a certain customer’s presence would somehow be distracting to the well being, to the safety, to the welfare of the other people in the place of business or the business itself.

This forum, blog, etc. is a income generating business and just like any business the owner retains the right to sustain their business as long as it doesn't violate above mentioned state or federal laws.
I think it is important for everyone to remember that each of us is in different situations, budgets, locations, etc. we also have different ways of looking at things, goals and requirements.

Quite simply that means that more than one person may be right even though they go at it a different way. I know that some of the things we do with our system we were told we couldn't do but we just got back from 9 days in the hills and ran more of the rig on electric than propane. Does that mean everyone should have a system like mine? No, but you may find things in it's design that will help you in yours.

I appreciate everyone's input from all angles, it's the best way to see something.
Differences of Opinion became differences in writing style. Wow!

We all ave the ability to pick and choose how we react to what we read.
Just my cheap 2 cent opinion.

When I first saw this forum and joined,  the title "Cheap RV Living" didn't position it in my mind as an English Honors Class where members theme & form, spelling, grammar, and punctuation would ever come under such scrutiny.   I appreciate those who have it but I don't dismiss, out of hand,  those who don't possess it in such abundance.

I've been on a number of message boards since the late 90's and have seen first hand the splits that occur over such indignation where some go to form their own message boards while taking a faction of others with them.  That climate isn't good for growth & retention or longevity of the original board.

No one is bending anyone's arm up behind their backs to make them read any given thread or post.  Furthermore, those possessing  superior language skills should try to refrain from using it as a chip on their shoulder unless they don't mind being seen by other members as a narcissist.
Here is the FINAL and LAST word on spelling and grammar: there are no requirements or skill tests for them on this forum.

ALL are welcome no matter their status in life or abilities.

We do have a problem with those who look down on others and try to make them feel bad about themselves. That will get you in trouble on this forum.
Thank you, everyone, for weighing in and sharing your thoughts and opinions, and thank you, Bob, for allowing us to clear the air.

I too love this forum and can't begin to calculate what I owe the members here in terms of both friendship and advice. Off Grid 24/7 has been particularly helpful to me behind the scenes, as well as on the forums, and while even I don't agree with him on the matter of insulation, I still felt (and feel) that people ought to be able to stand up for what they believe in. I can see both 'sides' of the argument, as in I understand why Bob said what he did. I just hate to see disagreements occurring in what (to me) is a spectacularly well informed and friendly community.

I sure hope Off Grid comes back.

As far as finances go, I'd be more than happy to chip in a few dollars to help with the upkeep of this forum.

Shabbat Shalom,

When I think about what should be removed or moderated in the forum, I think of YouTube. I don't try to have a conversation on there anymore because racist rants and incorrect facts abound. So much garbage exists in the comments section that I don't care to take the time to sludge through the mess to find the gems. Wheres, on this forum that seldom exists. (I've unfortunately contributed a poor comment a time or two, but humbly realized my mistakes, corrected them as best as I could, and moved on.) Being on a forum such as this is such a joy and quite a rarity among Internet forums.

As we get more people on the forums, we will have more problems. One of the penalties of doing a good job.

YouTube lets everyone say what almost whatever they want in any way they want, but it severely cripples any kind of intelligent conversation. A forum of any significance will need to be moderated. We won't always agree on what exactly should and shouldn't be moderated, but Bob has a great aim and hits close to the bulls-eye most of the time.

I have a problem with someone stating something that is factually incorrect, yet touts it as their "opinion" then promotes that "opinion" to neophytes who could be damaged from that misinformation.

As far as grammar, we do need some standard. Most of us can handle some poor paragraph structure, some misuse of apostrophes and commas, a few misspellings, or a the occasional misplace modifier (misplaced modifiers, while a pain, can be quite humorous! lol). What most of us can't handle is complete lack of capitalization, no periods, no commas whatsoever (or like me- too many commas!), etc. If you don't know that "Internet" is supposed to be capitalized or misspell/mispunctuate "youre", you'll be fine. If non-native (or lazy native) writers don't capitalize the beginning of a sentence or forgo any kind of punctuation, that person will have a much harder time articulating their idea no matter how awesome that idea may be. Surely, there are gradations, but even those of us who use English as a second language, know the most basic of rules. If you won't make some sort of effort to elucidate what you are trying to say, I, too, won't make the effort to try to decipher what you are trying to say. However, I would like to make it very clear that those of us who are ESL and simply can't communicate in English worth a darn, I hope you stay around. We are a patient group and will work with you. As you get better, it will become more enjoyable. The lazy ones will hopefully move on to other forums.
I have been one of Bobs staunches supporters, but when someone makes a post on a thread I started, and the whole thing got nuked and I was blamed for attacking people with disabilities~~~ Many of which I (or my family) have!!!

Then I try to go through "channels" to contact Bob, only to have my emails rejected by an overly aggressive spam filter.  The Moderator was no help at all.

I gave up and only contribute when directly approached. 

It i too bad that many old members are run off for having a different opinion.  :dodgy:

I'm with Brian_and_Jesse on sharing some of the cost for the blog. I remember a loooooog ago and faaaar away time when there was a donation buttom. What happened to it? I was looking for it once because I wanted to give and it was gone. I asked Kate at the time but she said it was not needed. Well I would like to renew my offer. Any thoughts on having the donation button back.

(I know I'm off topic but that's just the kind of trouble maker I am)

Hmm. Canine, I like Youtube. The are places you find drama and places you don't. Your choice.

As for writing skills, I am old and so are my eyes. I can't even see the keyboard without my trifocals. If a post gives me eye strain, I won't read it.
Pissing contests rarely make one look very dignified.

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