covid-19 (new corona virus)

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Quote of the week from Brazil president on herd immunity of Brazilians: "I'm hopeful that's really a reality." Good to have hope altho the numbers in Brazil are not reflecting herd immunity.

 On the bright side, although total cases in US are high, the death rate in the US is lower than many countries so far. It's nice to know that Gates are funding a total overhaul of how vaccines are developed so next time we will get vaccinated instead of shutting down the country (from last nite's cnn town hall).

 In southwest AZ, we have our 5th case so far and still low numbers in the counties along the river. Cali side of the river has a few more cases (and more people). I am thankful that Bob had so much hand sanitizer and clean facilities at the RTR this year. I met tons of cool people from all over without getting sick. I'm hopeful too, considering that the millions of winter visitors to this county don't seem to have made a dent in people's health- so far. To quote the Pres of Brazil: "I'm hopeful that's really a reality."

crofter said:
.... It's nice to know that Gates are funding a total overhaul of how vaccines are developed so next time we will get vaccinated instead of shutting down the country (from last nite's cnn town hall)....
Here is that link regarding Gates foundation work on vaccines (caution it's dated). But is anyone still fertile after receiving a Gates vaccine, or was that a conspiracy theory?    -crofter

Link to CNN town hall
This being a new virus, we couldn’t have already had a vaccine for it.

Nor are there antivirals to treat it, because it is a new virus.

Work is underway now to develop a vaccine, but it is expected to take a year to a year and a half before it will be ready.
WanderingRose said:
This being a new virus, we couldn’t have already had a vaccine for it....
In the interview, Gates says they are developing a new way of doing vaccines that does not take a year. Something about RNA base modified for each new virus that comes along. He also says he predicted this in 2015.

I can't say that I was listening to news about viruses in 2015, either.  I was working in healthcare during the H1N1 virus, but MRSA, cancer, MS  turned out to be the big killers at our facility.    -crofter
That’s good to hear, crofter.

There is also a lab working on a test which can give results in 15 minutes.

As Dr. Fauci’s CNN interview today says 100,000-200,000 in the US could die from this.
The "TED" interviews on YouTube were really something that governments needed to take seriously but sadly did not. They pointed out that a virus knows no boundaries and several years ago many individuals were and still today were doing everything they could on their own to fight the development and spread of new virus. The one that caught my attention was on the spread of rabies which is also a virus. An attempt to vaccinate the bats that carried the virus was being tested to stop the spread of the virus. They realized bats groom each other and were developing a paste that they could smear on their backs that do the vaccinating for them. Makes you wonder what would have happened if more studies had been done in China concerning bats and the transmission of virus. It also makes you realize the World Health Organization is an important tool that should have been supported and encouraged to work for all of us as individual countries can not seem to get along well enough to prevent what is happening today.
B and C said:
Chill people.  I keep hearing chicken little in my head.  We lived through the swine flu, the bird flu and sars.  What makes this so different?  Sometimes the heard gets thinned.  If it is me, so be it.  We don't get out alive anyway.  I think driving is far more dangerous.
Brian,  Chicken little was right when you heard him in your head. The sky fell and it took the economy down with it and lots of people have died in just a few weeks time and the sky is still falling as the peak has not yet arrived. The current predictions for deaths in the USA related to Covid 19 is 100k to 200k, possibly higher.

However driving is now not nearly as dangerous as when you posted that message because of the current travel restrictions and stay-at-home directives in the most populated areas. Covid 19 fatalities will indeed be significantly higher than traffic fatalities in 2020. For a baseline view of it  in 2019, an estimated 38,800 people in the USA lost their lives to car crashes. Covid 19 will likely exceed that 2019 figure with 3 to 8 times as many lives lost.
Call me chicken little, but I work on my immunity every day through exercise, a healthy diet, and mega doses of the immunity vitamins C,A,D,E. I have been doing this for a long time and rarely get sick.

If you are truly concerned about your situation, you should act to improve your immunity and overall health. Stay out of the stores as much as possible.

I think the New Yorkers who relocated to their summer homes did a good thing. They acted to reduce pressure on an overwhelmed hospital system. And they have paid taxes supporting the hospital located where their summer home is.

Here is that state by state survey to help you evaluate your options and act if necessary. If your situation is stable where you are, just stay home and clean.  -crofter
megadosing fat soluble vitamins a, d, e, k can lead to hypervitaminosis. little to no immunity effect.
1047 deaths today and over 216,000 confirmed cases. I guess we should listen to Chicken Little and avoid other people. Very little evidence that infection is spreading through other than close contact with infected people. Slowing the rate of spread is far more important than manufacturing more respirators.
I'm a dweller and cannot afford the thousands of IU needed to OD on vitamins.

I found a source of breathable fabric and my project for tomorrow is to start making masks out of it. I found a vid that shows how. So soon we will have some masks to wear. 

I am committed to surviving this, but I'm in a risk group so realistically I need to do all I can to stay healthy. We have been at home for over a month now. It is really no big deal. Only had cabin fever a couple times so far. 

14 days at home in Canada:
crofter said:
I think the New Yorkers who relocated to their summer homes did a good thing. They acted to reduce pressure on an overwhelmed hospital system. And they have paid taxes supporting the hospital located where their summer home is.

We already are low on ICU and Hospital beds down here. People coming here from hotspot locations may make it worse.
A local fast food place was running a special: A free roll of toilet paper with every $10 purchase.

No, I'm not shitting you. Ooops....poor choice of terms.

At any rate, a friend of mine bought $30 worth of food for himself just to get 3 rolls of TP.

An ancient curse stated:  May you live in interesting times.

I believe this qualifies.
I am presently living in a city where the first Covid 19 USA epidemic started. Things are now very calm and quiet with people following the Stay at Home and social distancing protocols. The panic buying phase is over. They are getting used to being at home. Things have shifted to a "new normal" in Seattle. The same has happened in other places.

I would tell you to go out and see it for yourself but that would not be the right thing to do...
Guess what, we're all gonna die.
The more peace I make with that the beautiful the world is.
Yep, no one gets out alive. I came to this realization years ago. I still haven't wrapped my head around "passed away" versus "died". What's up with that? People die, it is a fact of life.
MaTaLa said:
Guess what, we're all gonna die.
The more peace I make with that the beautiful the world is.

Have you read how it feels to have Covid? Unless you're a masochist, it really is something to avoid at all costs. Give me an ordinary fatal stroke any day.

That said, yes, I have found that being OK with dying adds immeasurably to the quality of my life.
I am not one bit afraid of death. It is the process that leads to it that is the problem but then we have only a little bit of choice in how that goes.
They flattened the curve in Washington state. No new Covid 19 cases reported by the WA state public health system since March 27th.

True story, but not because there have not been new confirmed cases or deaths. It happened because the reporting system software had a melt down when the testing increased.