covid-19 (new corona virus)

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Some statistics to ponder from the "Off Guardian"* news site. A comparison of year over year mortality for the European Union during the peak for flu seasons, 2017, 2018, 2019, and the current Corona year, 2020.

"The statistics were gathered by the European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action (EuroMOMO), an international partnership of agencies from 24 European nations aiming to promote preparedness for public health emergencies."

*"Off Guardian" publishes news and information that "The Guardian" doesn't publish. The Guardian is the UK version of either, or both, the NY Times, or the Washington Post.
What if the number of cases does NOT peak? What if the number keeps climbing? What if human extinction begins to be a possibility?

Damn. I better shut up!
nature lover said:
I am not one bit afraid of death.  It is the process that leads to it that is the problem but then we have only a little bit of choice in how that goes.
I am not afraid of death.  I just don't want to be there when it happens.
wayne49 said:
Some statistics to ponder from the "Off Guardian"* news site. A comparison of year over year mortality for the European Union during the peak for flu seasons, 2017, 2018, 2019, and the current Corona year, 2020.

"The statistics were gathered by the European Monitoring of Excess Mortality for Public Health Action (EuroMOMO), an international partnership of agencies from 24 European nations aiming to promote preparedness for public health emergencies."

*"Off Guardian" publishes news and information that "The Guardian" doesn't publish. The Guardian is the UK version of either, or both, the NY Times, or the Washington Post.
 You are comparing a statistic for a full 12 months to the statistic for what amounts to just 2 months time in Italy.  People seem to have forgotten how to use ratios.

In just 2 months time Italy has reported nearly 14k deaths with another 4k patients in critical condition and they still don't have the situation under control. Spain has had just over 10k deaths with another 6k patients currently in critical condition, and they too still don't have the situation under control. Many of the other European countries are just now beginning to deal with an increase in cases. Some of them are smaller countries, some are larger.

So please, next time think it through before you post something and do brush up on that math book chapter that covered ratios if you are going to pull up more 12 month statistics and compare them to a much shorter time span. We won't know until 2020 is over just how bad it is going to get compared to the flu season in any previous year. Also remember that for those previous years there were actually effective vaccines for the most common flu of the year. There won't be any vaccine for the Covid 19 until at least 2021.
I must be reading the charts wrong. Each chart is identified by a week -- "Week 1, 20xx"" compared to the same week in a different year.
Threads seem much more prodctive with personal criticisms.

I reported the post
Stargazer said:
I must be reading the charts wrong.  Each chart is identified by a week -- "Week 1, 20xx"" compared to the same week in a different year.
my apologies, I was using a small screen and did not see all those weeks.
tx2sturgis said:
What if the number of cases does NOT peak? What if the number keeps climbing? What if human extinction begins to be a possibility?

Damn. I better shut up!
Or your post will be deleted. 

Check past pandemics in history for a reality check.  What we are seeing is "the first wave" and China is already on another wave of cases. We may be at home for a while.  -crofter
no second wave until the fall, if at all. china is not on second wave.
China is having some new cases brought in by travelers from other countries, from what I have read.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has said the world may experience waves of this until there is a vaccine implemented.

I’m reading, too, that those who get it and survive may develop antibodies that give them immunity, but that is not known yet for certain .
Something else to consider that I've heard very little discussion on anywhere, if it's been discussed here I missed it. Mid May and June represent a harvesting window for a large part of our agriculture crops. A huge majority of this is picked by seasonal workers from Mexico. That's not going to happen this year. I hope we are making provisions now to mobilize a workforce in time before crops start rotting in fields! Talk about a major disruption to a significant part of our food supply (and the world's).  
Right now I'm helping my friend till a garden and putting the old greenhouse into repair.
Thank you for those links, I've not seen them. I hope these are accurate, we'll find out soon enough.
Just think of all the water that has been expended growing those crops!
crofter said:
asymptomatic covid cases: China reveals 1,541 asymptomatic COVID-19 cases amid concerns of second wave of infections - The Economic Times
The good (???) thing is that everyone will be primed to watch for this, so hopefully it can be stamped out quickly.

Remember what that one woman said about 2-phase strategy. First, try to bring things under control on a large scale basis, then go after the hotspots that might crop up (obviously before it gets out of control a second time, Duh).
Poor people cannot afford to not pick crops. Some of them are effectively slaves anyway, so choice does not enter into the matter. There will be people to pick your crops at bottom-collar prices at any cost, no worries.
Ah what comes to our minds while we have nothing better to do. I can't get Edgar Allan Poe's story -"The Mask of the Red Death" out of my mind. An interesting read in the context of recent events.
FinallyFree said:
Thank you for those links, I've not seen them. I hope these are accurate, we'll find out soon enough.
I start every morning listening to NPR on the radio, until I finally drag myself out of bed. They reported on cross border workers from Mexico a week or two back.