covid-19 (new corona virus)

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I feel we are looking at months yet before moving freely about, and around the country, will be feasible.

Peaks are happening in some places, while really just getting started in others.

The virus is going to roll around the country for awhile.
I agree, I think summer will be well under way before travel loosens up, and even then, I think people will - and should - continue social distancing.

Trucks will continue rolling no matter what, but people [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]in many places [/font]will be wary of nomads.
I am an eavesdropper here, and I think in a van would be safer.
Apartment living feels like being a fugitive.
You are afraid to be comfortable. Your not in control of anything and
left with a bill and an obligation.

I heard of a man in Canada 63, working at Home Depot
who died. He washed his hands etc...After going in an ambulance to the hospital, they sent him home.
He was dead 4 days later. Family said he was saying odd things, and later learned it could be due to oxygen lack.

My Landlord is still making unnecessary repairs with family over, and showing this place for sale to others, no precautions.
Cash is King.
Hi notsosure eavesdropper. I wouldn’t want to be in an apartment either. I’m still in my RV but in my driveway and am lucky enough to have land to roam on. Not much has changed in my little acreage. Still have mowing to do. I can’t imagine being cooped up in an apartment.
A few pluses like lower gas prices and less traffic on the highways, and now auto insurance companies are providing some discounts on auto policies, which should help ease the burden of paying those premiums.
The best charts and data that I have seen, easiest to understand, are from the John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource center. This is good quality data, not manipulated for the news papers or government authority presentations data. You will find worldwide data as well as USA.

There are also maps in this data set.. There is quite a lot of information available both for the world and the counties in states withing the USA. Pick the country from the list on the left. When you choose the USA you can look at the state and even statistics for the counties of the state you are in.
I never thought that social distancing and stay at home orders would work when I first heard about it.  Here we are weeks later and I am not sick.   ~crofter
As to being "trapped inside" of course I am not trapped inside. No one in Seattle is, unless they have a known exposure, or are confirmed ill with Covid 19 is trapped inside. There is a little pocket beach next to here, sometimes I go out there. I got outside and work on my travel trailer build. I can go to the hardware store, grocery store, pharmacy if I need to do so. On normal days I can walk up the street to a beautiful park, but not this Easter weekend, they closed the park on Saturday and Sunday because it would have been mobbed. I can get in my little SUV and go for a drive out of the city if I want to and be gone all day on a lovely drive around Puget Sound. Or even find a quiet places to pull over and spend the night. However I don't feel trapped so I don't need to escape and I would rather work on my build since that has its own rewards.

It would be trickier to stealth camp if I was in an obvious camping vehicle such as a motorhome. Or if I took my travel trailer along. But my Honda Element is perfectly fine for urban camping in smaller towns in the State of Washington.
gsfish said:
"I had to look him up, British politician. "

Yes, I should have noted that he is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. His fiancee is showing symptoms as well. This virus is the great equalizer. It sees everyone as a potential victim, no one gets a pass.

Wash hands.

But he is out now. If we all get the care he had we will be doing fine too. 

One death in Yuma county AZ, that is just awful to know that someone local has lost their family member. I know most of you have already dealt with the first local to die of this. So sad.

Here is  a link to ear mask that extends to your chest, also other types all longer, not the plain face mask.

I am able to look at the number of confirmed cases as well as the death from the two adjoining zip code that make up the 4.6 sq mile Seattle neighborhood I am in. It is a mixed area, single family home, lots of apartments and condos, a couple of thousand boats with a lot of people living aboard, a number of major arterial streets with businesses of many types plus and industrial area along and the waterways, plus another good sized section of industrial activity now earning the name of brewery gulch because so many micro breweries have moved into the industrial buildings. There many waterfront areas has always been a lot of pubs and bars in the neighborhood dating back into the late 1800s. Fortunately also a hospital and many medical clinics.

So today's confirmed Covid 19 case count total for the hood is 100 with 7 deaths. For sure you can most likely double that 100 to cover all the mild cases as those folks are told to stay at home and self quarantine, there are not enough of the test available to give them one.

I have to be very careful when I go out on essential trips. Still a lot of people in the stores not wearing mask. I do wish the stores themselves would require them but they don't have enough on hand to provide them for customers or gloves either. Not enough PPE for everyone going out on errands has been one the real issues that has let things get out of control. When I went to the grocery store yesterday it was fairly well stocked but not as much meat on hand as normal or flour. But there was plenty of paper products, rice was also available, but not a lot of pasta left on the shelf. Plenty of dairy and eggs as well as a fully stocked produce section. The frozen food section was also well stocked. So only lacking in a few sections within the store but nothing I noticed was sold out other than peroxide and rubbing alcohol. The store had staff sanitizing every cart for the customers. Plus staff at the doors to make sure there was no overcrowding. It was not at all crowded at 3:00 in the afternoon, no lines at the check out stands. This was a small local chain store, not tiny but not a super sized store. The owner's have always had a well run operation.

If you want to know how many truly local to you cases there are try seeing if your county provides it by zip code. The states don't always break it down that way. But it is the counties who are reporting it to the States so some of them do have that data available even if there is no state wide data at a more local level than the data provided for each of the counties within the state.
Social Distancing has been shown to flatten the curve, in so many countries.    The alternative experimental conditions have just been created in a few places across the USA.   One side of the polarised debate regarding Lockdown vs Open Up will win out in a couple of weeks.
I can tell that the Pacific Coast states are not going to be in a screaming hurry to reopen everything. I am not complaining about that.

But in saying so I fully realize how different I would feel about it if I was a parent with one or more children and I was the sole provider in the household.
Good news at last, not a cure but an important lab test. Not to show who has the virus but instead to show who has already had the virus and has developed antibodies.

There are still some serious questions about virus reactivation in persons recently recovered and also question about if and how long immunity after being ill with it will last. There is not yet a lot of data accumulation to finalize answers about that. Remember a Novel virus is a brand new one, never before seen so it takes time to accumulate enough information to say such and such is for sure the way this virus works. Those things take time to find out and not enough time has passed yet for any real certainty. That in itself is causing a lot of anxiety at present. One big experiment that can turn out OK or turn into another round of infections and more shut downs.

We need more good news like this and but the best day yet to come will be the day there is a vaccine for it.

Reports are coming out of China that people believed recovered and cured are much later testing positive for this virus.

I don’t believe I’ve read that these people are becoming sick or hospitalized again, but the ability for people to just carry the virus around is a bit frightening,
Oxford university in England are 80% sure they have a vaccine, have already had positive results on animal trials, human trials starting.
Makes sense, exercise & rest cycles is how the human body works and repairs itself. The link is a Newsweek article about a univ research study on exercise and ARDS.

The article lists aerobic exercise and weight training as producing the most antioxidants blocking ARDS. The mice in the study had to run 10 miles a night, but humans only 30 minutes per day. What gives?
-crofter (can go 10 miles a night but when would I sleep?)

Definition: ARDS is acute respiratory distress syndrome, what you do not want if you get sick for any reason.
Several vaccines in develop phase and laboratory trials. But the only one that I know of is in human trials and that one is happening in Seattle. Way too early for them to have any results to post. It began March 16 2020 and the estimated completion date of the trial is June 1 of 2021. That will give you a good idea of how long these things have to be tested in humans before even being considered suitable for release as a vaccine. It is not an exaggeration when they state we won't have a vaccine for at least a year. It is going to be a rough year to endure.
I wouldn't count on a vaccine too much.We have had a flu vaccine for several years and it is only about 30% effective.Still many hundreds of thousands of death every year.If we didn't have epidemics and pandemics,the earths population would have long ago passed a sustainable number.Pollution will kill many millions of people in the future as the world becomes too hot to survive.We have met the enemy and it is us.