covid-19 (new corona virus)

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Not to be taken lightly. 
Chris Cuomo interview on his Covid19 symptoms
FinallyFree said:
Something else to consider that I've heard very little discussion on anywhere, if it's been discussed here I missed it. Mid May and June represent a harvesting window for a large part of our agriculture crops. A huge majority of this is picked by seasonal workers from Mexico. That's not going to happen this year. I hope we are making provisions now to mobilize a workforce in time before crops start rotting in fields! Talk about a major disruption to a significant part of our food supply (and the world's).  

This one has me worried too.

And it's not just the harvesting that they do either.
I read an article that they are fast tracking returning workers at Mexico City and another departure point
Even though the US consulates are closed. -crofter
come on people keep politics out of the conversation. I delete a series of posts and I am not going to PM everybody. highdesertranger
And now a tiger in the Bronx zoo was coughing and tested positive for coronavirus...which means the virus has jumped BACK to animals. I believe this tiger is supposed to have recovered...depending on which article you read.

And there a few anecdotal reports about pet cats developing a high fever and then they die.

Oh joy.

So now I think we may have to worry about our pets also.
But I don't have a pet tiger. 

Now I understand those masks on animals pics from China.  -crofter
The BBC world news on PBS is a good broadcast to watch, it is on nightly.
No news is good to watch, it is all bad news. I haven't watched or listened to news in a couple of years unless I am somewhere where it is on. Same news, different day. I am happier for it.
As of last night at midnight the county I live in now is under the same stay-at-home orders as all of the surrounding counties....we are a little behind the curve with either 1 or 2 cases of covid, depending on which source of information you use. 

Doesn't stop anyone from doing essential 'bidness'....

The roads and highways are eerily deserted....reminds me of all the movies we have seen that show a post-apocalyptic world...but its really weird to be living it.
Today I was using this site to look at downtown traffic cameras in some cities in the west like Phoenix and others, and the traffic was rather light in most places. When I went through Phoenix, I-10 and I-17 were backed up for miles in both directions, but fairly clear today. The LA highways are mobbed at 7:30 PM. And turning off everything but "incidents" shows there are currently 100 or so car accidents in the LA area. Those drivers are totally nuts. There is currently only "1" traffic accident shown in Phoenix.
This is the cleanest the air in the US has been in decades.
I drove across my Seattle neighborhood to the post office just after 5:00 pm. For the last week it has been very quiet in Seattle with few cars on the road and few people walking around. Likely because it was somewhat windy and cold at least part of the day. But today it was sunny and in the mid 60s and lots of traffic and crowded sidewalks. The road I am on has a bike trail along it leading to a park with a beach. The bike trail was busy, there were lots of walkers on the sidewalk. Very few people had on cloth masks. The city of Seattle has the highest concentration of Covid 19 cases in the state of Washington. But there they were passing a mere foot or so away from other people on the sidewalk, face to face passing each other, totally ignoring the rules of social distancing.

Despite the news stories of the curve flattening the death rate has tripled in the USA in the last 7 days. When they say the curve is flattening that prediction is based not on the actual facts but instead it is based on what software programs are predicting. But as this is the first pandemic that has happened since the software was created it is of course just a guesstimate as to how this virus will act and how people will act. It is predicted on people using common sense but when the sun comes out in Seattle common sense takes a holiday. The best thing that could happen in Seattle to flatten the Covid 19 curve is for there to be a miserably cold and rainy spring and summer. I would of course not enjoy that but in the long run it would be for the best.
Seattle is projected to be in pretty good shape for June 1st.

Looking at projections for the whole country it will take until at least the middle of June. Perhaps even July in the hardest hit areas on the east coast.

I was looking at the projected needs for hospital beds and ICU beds. Most states except the cluster of states in the NE around and near New York state are not in too bad of shape. But wow does that area have a major shortage happening. They had just finished setting up a temporary hospital space for non Covid patients in Seattle and now before any beds were ever needed it is being dismantled and sent to that region in critical need.

Great news that it never became needed in Seattle and Washington state has already passed the projected peak which happened just over two weeks earlier than predicted. That is of course also good news. But I will still hold off on going to trips to any stores unless truly essential because there is still a long ways to go.
What are you looking for your statistics, maki?