Concealed Carry

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
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There was shooting in Arlington, a decent sized city close to me, a guy walked into a restaurant/bar and yelled some racial slur and killed a person. A concealed carry individual stood up and ended the threat. Double tap to the head. 

Bad guy had two pistols, dozens of rounds he never got to use. It's terrible the one person got killed, but good to read the system works.

Concealed carry works many places - other places, it is verboten.
I'm sure the mainstream media will ignore the story.

Now, if the Good Guy had MISSED the Bad Guy and killed some innocent bystander, they'd be all over it nationwide . . .
Gunny said:
There was shooting in Arlington, a decent sized city close to me, a guy walked into a restaurant/bar and yelled some racial slur and killed a person. A concealed carry individual stood up and ended the threat. Double tap to the head. 

Bad guy had two pistols, dozens of rounds he never got to use. It's terrible the one person got killed, but good to read the system works.

  Crazy people! :( 
Amazingly, that news video did tell the story of the legal ccw person taking him out before more people got hurt.

 Now I'm wondering how long before this thread gets closed.
As long as it takes for those with opposing views to come in and state their beliefs, after which it'll be reduced to mud slinging fairly quickly
i'll be opposing view,if the system works so well why did nutjob have a gun?

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Gunny said:
Let the countdown begin.
Is this a test? I'm going back to the paddling thread before this nuke detonates.
Where's that guy who's tag says fighting censorship one post at a time when you need him? :p
Ballenxj said:
Is this a test? I'm going back to the paddling thread before this nuke detonates.
Where's that guy who's tag says fighting censorship one post at a time when you need him? :p

Right here. And yes, this thread is fine. A man standing up and defending the public. BRAVO!
Indeed, the system does work.
As do the many times a gunowner uses his or her weapon to protect family and friends. Calling 911 is what we do after the perp is down, not before.
Gary68 said:
i'll be opposing view,if the system works so well why did nutjob have a gun?

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Lets say guns are hard to come by. Here are two examples of someone with a knife doing harm. Lets say you are there. Are you going to take out your pocket knife and go after the bad guy?

Guns are the great equalizer. An old frail lady can take out a bad guy. No hand to hand combat necessary.
I deleted a bunch of post because they had nothing to do with concealed carry. now I am going to close this tread because some of you can't play nice. highdesertranger
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