Cargo Trailer Conversion - Looking for location to build

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Apr 7, 2019
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I'm buying a cargo trailer, and I intend to convert it into a camper so that I can live on the cheap while I get back on my feet financially.  While I already own many of the tools I need to do the conversion, I don't have a safe place to park and work on the trailer by day and sleep at night.  I recently lost my job, and my apartment lease expires this month, so I'm about to become homeless.  My plan is to leave Miami, Florida, (where I've been stranded since Hurricane Irma) and pick up my trailer in Georgia (if it meets my expectations) on April 18th, then head to Texas, where I'd like to become a resident again.  (I used to work in Houston.)

I'm looking for a safe place to park my SUV and cargo trailer in the southeast along the route between south Georgia and Austin, Texas, to do the work.  (Texas is preferred, since I need to register with the DMV fairly soon.)  I envision a level driveway or backyard with a 120 volt outdoor electrical outlet and potable water (a garden hose spigot is fine) at a home filled with non-smokers.  (I know I sound like I think I'm special, but I'm a disabled veteran, and it hurts to breathe after 18 months in Miami apartments, buses, and work environments.  The residents of this community smoke very heavily, even inside elevators, where it's illegal, but no landlord enforces it.  Why didn't I just move to a new apartment?  This is my 12th move in 21 months.  I've tried.)

I'm on an extremely tight budget and can only afford a very, very modest rent, but free would be even better, given my financial situation.

As a former aircraft mechanic (Marine Corps F/A-18s) and house renovator, and with a college degree in engineering, I have most of the knowledge and skills necessary to do the work fairly quickly once the materials arrive.  (I need to order some items online.)

Any volunteers with a spare driveway?  Thanks!
Good luck with your project, I'm doing just about the same thing because of my hurricane damaged RV to the point it was leaking in six different spots on the roof and in the walls were full of black mold and couldn't get any help through FEMA although they help people with homes just not RVs that I know of which was the only thing I had to live in. Living on a very limited social security budget I managed to find someone that let me convert a cargo trailer into a camper so there are good people out here it's just a matter of finding somebody that's willing to help. After 2 months I have all my windows in it's insulated the floors are done and I'm working on the restroom shower and commode and some of the electrical and plumbing. The bathroom is going slow because of the cost but I'm slowly getting there. Good luck on that person that's willing to give you a space to complete your build I couldn't have done it without a person like that, good luck and hang in there. All the materials I have left to buy are a small refrigerator a 10-14 btu portable air conditioning and microwave. I wish there was a way to post some photographs of my progress.
Welcome to the CRVL forums W5bmw! I'm so glad that you found a place to work on your cargo trailer. We love to see photos of builds! Check the links below for tips on posting photos.
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