@trkcmpr,<br>Your questions suggest I may have given the wrong impression. Here are the answers: Yes, north Texas, no pressure, $2k+/-500, yes, little else would meet my goals, not really.<br><br>From what I have gathered from posts on this site three general categories of people live this lifestyle: Retired, true homeless, and "alternative lifestylers." The first group has passive income and this life is entertainment, the second are in a rut and probably lost their brick and mortar, the third CHOOSE this life out of conviction. I'm working for option three.<br><br>I have a job, it pays the bills. I have a house, mortgage not rent. I have a car, and a payment. Big tv and large sofa, yard and dog. Add a wife (nope) and kids (nada) and I suppose its the "American dream." I have found myself building a life stipulated by American culture which does not fit my personality or desires. My job supports my lifestyle, but my lifestyle stifles my desires.<br><br>I spent a week on the Texas gulf coast living out of a small SUV with my dog, while surviving on canned ravioli, nutrigrain bars, and powerade. And you know what...I had the best sleep of my entire life, felt healthier than ever, and never wanted my tires to hit pavement again.<br><br>Why all of this rambling? Cause it is hard to get started. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"> Option three, live from your vehicle, hold a job, and enjoy your lifestyle. First, obtain suitable vehicle/ relinquish current conveyance. Second/concurrently purge possessions. Third, vacate homestead. Sounds easy enough, but is proving more difficult than anticipated. Not being cheap, but more likely not sure what my true necessities will be. I have no sentimental connection to my stuff, just trying to liquidate at maximum value. I could nearly give all my stuff away but that would just leave me stuck in this town without any cash to get to where I want to be. Yes I do have a house with equity, but in this economy who knows how that sale will turn out.<br><br>I would really like to hear from some option three people. Still MUST work, still MUST commute...maybe, real "lifestylers."