Camping at Quartzite

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There is a guy in Quartzsite who sells produce and sets up in the VFW parking lot. I don’t know what days.

As Quartzsite is filling up the markets are getting more crowded and at least half aren’t masking. We are shopping in Blythe for that reason.
Me [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]too. Everyone is so much more conscien[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]tious abou[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t i[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]t [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]there [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]than in Arizona.

I also plan on s[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]taying away from [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]the RV and gem shows. And a few mon[size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]ths ago, I was really looking forward [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]to [size=small][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]them...[/font][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size][/font][/size]

Not intending this to be a long discussion topic. It is purely meant as an information only topic on a particular  heath service in Arizona.

Was just looking at a Maricopa county wegbsite on the C vaccine schedules.  while it is of course not the county Q is in I was very hapy to find out that  temporary winter residents from out of state will be able to get vaccinated along with the residents of the state of Arizona. I dont know for absolute certain but I imagine that all the county protocols will follow a state standard regarding this temporary visitor issue.

Below is the link to the website it is discussed on. You can read through it at your leisure if you wish to do so. No use asking me any other questions, this the only official reference source I have at present. But at least you know it is not rumor, fake news or just another newspaper story. It answers a question a lot of us temmporary Arizona residents have been wonderring about. That topic is not right at the start of the page
Just as a note, the reference to "your turn" is related to the class you are in such as 1a which is the essential workers, nursing home residents, over 75. Followed later by groups such as 1b, 1c etc.

"Temporary Residents

For people who are in Maricopa County temporarily (such as winter visitors or temporary residents), you will be able to get vaccinated in Maricopa County when it is your turn. You will receive a vaccination record with the date of your vaccination and which vaccine you received so you can get the right vaccine at the right time for your second dose, even if you return to your primary residence between doses."
Cammalu said:
There is a guy in Quartzsite who sells produce and sets up in the VFW parking lot. I don’t know what days.

As Quartzsite is filling up the markets are getting more crowded and at least half aren’t masking. We are shopping in Blythe for that reason.
Southwestern AZ has turned out to be a hot spot as a result. Be very careful. We are not going outside anymore as you cannot predict what others will do.

Lots of time to learn a new song on your ukelele, look up recipe that will use the food you have there, hone your blackjack skills.  Stay safe.
Freelander said:
Make my way to Salt Lake City, then Reno for the Air Race, visit a Cousin in California, make my way down to Giant Rock, back up to Las Vegas, visit Hoover Dam, and then spend a week or 2 at the Grand Canyon, before finally arriving at Quartszite by Thansgiving.

I have added a few side trips I didn't list here.

If you pass thru the Texas Panhandle on any of the 'side trips' then look me up....I have room to park an RV for a few days and a 30 amp hookup plus water.
wayne49 said:

The rotten cherry on top is when the owner(s) laugh because "you're afraid of their precious pet".
How about when the big dogs run up on small children flushing them into an instinctive  panic run into traffic, hazards, who knows what, these idiots then just say that the  dog is friendly and the "stupid child" is suppose to know that.
One of the reasons I like National Parks is they require all dog owners keep their dogs on a leash that is less than 6’. There are several good reasons for this. It gives the owner little reason to not be aware to pick up after their pet, although it does happen, a lady talking on a cell phone while walking her dog said it was not her dogs deposit as we watched the dog finish up! It prevents people from being distracted and injuring themselves, I have had to pull several individuals and dogs out of the lake after stepping off the dock. The list goes on. As areas become more crowded dogs and owners will have more required constraints, which is one of the reasons I will no longer own or be responsible for a fury friend.
My new canine bff is named Sam and lives a shout away at La Posa South. She is naturally chill and happy and adorable and is my new incentive for walking more than I would without her company.

I have learned about me that I don't like dogs. I like particular dogs. Same is true of people. And children. And, well, just about every living thing. The one thing that tips me to liking individuals of all stripes is manners. Good social manners guided by good etiquette go a long way in my world. My doggo friend Sam has lovely manners =)
Rav is trying to steal my dog by taking her for walks. My dog is a traitor and will happily go anywhere with her.
Ravella and X said:
My new canine bff is named Sam and lives a shout away at La Posa South. She is naturally chill and happy and adorable and is my new incentive for walking more than I would without her company.

...The one thing that tips me to liking individuals of all stripes is manners. Good social manners guided by good etiquette go a long way in my world. My doggo friend Sam has lovely manners =)
OMG I have no manners. Am I doomed???

Please do a thread on manners so I can be liked. As if reading about manners would help, maybe not. Link to tome on manners. A post on post.

Oh crap! Now we need manners... I hope to escape Yuma this coming week. Get back to where the action is.
Ravella... your not giving Sam those good bake goods I hope. Haha! I want to be there Thursday. But I have a zoom meeting with our fire department Wednesday so if I come I may be isolating myself to that a couple hours or more.
I'm trying to remember when the RV dealers fill up the vacant lots. Something in my old brain thinks they usually show up between Christmas and New Years. As of today (Jan 3) none of them are here. But the Big Tent isn't until the 16th, so I guess there's still time. I want my free pancake breakfast at La Mesa RV.
Cammalu said:
Rav is trying to steal my dog by taking her for walks. My dog is a traitor and will happily go anywhere with her.
Now now Cammalu, I only want this one doggo-fun fling. Sam and I will enjoy the sunshine and the thrill of passing the scary class A with tons of myaterious yard junk, then part with a fond farewell : )

It is a pretty great feeling to see gow darned happy she gets when she sees its me and races to me with her huge doggo smile on her adorable face.
NctryBen said:
Oh crap! Now we need manners... I hope to escape Yuma this coming week. Get back to where the action is.
Ravella... your not giving Sam those good bake goods I hope. Haha! I want to be there Thursday. But I have a zoom meeting with our fire department Wednesday so if I come I may be isolating myself to that a couple hours or more.
Holler when you're here and the next bake will be yours.

Sam has never asked for bread. I did see her pick up and scary down a random filthy piece of what looked like cooked chicken breast in the middle of nowhere. There will be NO doggy kisses anywhere near my face!

The manners that count most for humans these days are keeping your neighbors/contacts safe from any cooties you may have picked up, and refraining from bringing up politics in mixed company. (Meaning those who vehemently disagree with each other and forgot what their 1st grade teacher said about having two ears and one mouth lol)
MrNoodly said:
I'm trying to remember when the RV dealers fill up the vacant lots. Something in my old brain thinks they usually show up between Christmas and New Years. As of today (Jan 3) none of them are here. But the Big Tent isn't until the 16th, so I guess there's still time. I want my free pancake breakfast at La Mesa RV.

Mr. Noodly you are definetly clocking in as an optomist regarding this year being anything resembling previos yesrs. But.I will make you a stack of free pancakes if you are hankering for some ;)
A couple of locals told me La Mesa is not bringing rv’s this year. Not going to open the Quartzite location.

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None of the RV dealers have anything to sell unless used. Almost all manufacturers are back ordered. The recreational industry has had an unbelievable run on them in 2020. Wait times can be up to a year! It is a good time to sell as prices sky rocket but you won’t be able to replace it.
I posted the Off-road races in Parker were Cancelled..............

Promoters have changed the race-routes to avoid the CRIT lands and are still holding the events.....
Jeffroe said:
A couple of locals told me La Mesa is not bringing rv’s this year. Not going to open the Quartzite location.

Aw man, I guess I'll have to accept maki2's offer.  :D :p :D

But I blew town yesterday. I'm down by Yuma now. However, I'll be back to pick up some packages.