Buying a TT this fall to live in FT

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Jan 15, 2013
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Hello, I'm selling my big old house, getting rid of my massive mortgage, and buying an RV to live in full-time starting in sept. I'm so excited. <br><br>I don't know the first thing about RVs but I think it will be a fun adventure and a learning/growing experience. I am moving to Texas to get away from the freezing winters in Minnesota, and will be living in an RV park in the middle of a national forest. <br><br>I don't know how i'm going to make an income but i have lots in savings so i will have room to figure it out. It will just be me and my two cats. <br><br>I am so tired of owning a house and all the expense and headaches that goes with it. And i won't even be able to afford the house when I retire so i figure it's best to bail out now (13 years to go to retirement) and find a cheaper, more simple way to live. I eventually want to build my own tiny house. <br><br>I'm happy I found this forum.
Dazzlecat,<br><br>As a new RV owner I can tell you the headaches of RV-ownership are NOTHING compared with the headaches of a stick-n-brick.&nbsp; At least IMO.<br><br>You'll learn a lot on this forum.&nbsp; <br><br>I wish you many happy&nbsp;experiences&nbsp;in your new way of life!<br><br>
IMHO, a TT is a very good choice and probably the most cost-effective option of all, especially if you already own a tow vehicle.
Welcome aboard Dazzlecat.&nbsp; A word of caution to you, don't blab that you have lots of money or even any money.&nbsp; I think your plans are good just don't tip your hand.&nbsp; There are many vipers out there in cyberspace who will pick your pocket clean if given half a chance.
<br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Welcome aboard, DC!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>I'm just now nearing completion on the project of doing exactly what you're planning.... sacrificing the large home, ditching the mortgage, &amp; moving into a TT, full-time. It took me 2 months to sell, give away, &amp; throw away everything, &amp; get moved outta the house. Then, 4 MORE months to get the TT all set up as a more-or-less-permanent dwelling, but I'm nearly there.<br></strong></span><br><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>There may be something helpful or inspiring in my transitional story. Details here</strong></span>:&nbsp;<br><br><br>
YAY for smaller living! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>Welcome to the forum.&nbsp; I solo in a van, full-time and enjoy it.&nbsp; I wish you as many wonderful times and successes as I have had, and hope your transition is less painful than mine was (it wasn't bad as transitions go, but it wasn't exactly pain-free either).<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Wow, thanks for all the welcomes and responses. I truly feel welcomed here. <br><br>I am so excited about moving into an RV and getting rid of this big old house. I am hoping to make it through the next 2 months of winter without more ice dams backing up water into my kitchen. I'm just sick of this type of stuff so i'm heading south and ditching the house. <br><br>I hear people can have problems with leaking roofs in RVs but it can't be anywhere near as bad as the stuff I've had to deal with in this house. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><br>
You ain't going to believe the sense of and actual freedom. &nbsp;You'll be saying "I shouldda done it earlier!"<br><br>We did it 6 years ago and have not looked back. &nbsp;Best thing we ever did and indeed we frequently say "our only regret is we shouldda done it 20 years ago."<br><br>Welcome and Good Luck!<br><br>-- &nbsp;Kevin
Welcome<br><br>Leaks do happen, some makes and models more than others....a little homework will payoff.<br><br>You did not say much about the size, age, value of TT your looking at, but good advise is to rent something and try it out first.<br><br>I have a small 13 foot fiberglass egg that is as simple as they come and really pretty cozy....I have been thinking of jumping into it and leaving for a few months.&nbsp; They are a bit pricey, but so easy to sale and there are bigger units with bathrooms and such......nice thing is they really only have a few areas that can leak and it is easy to seal them up.&nbsp; $4500.00 ish<br><br>I have another older trailer 1962 Rancho that I got for about two tanks of is clean, pulls well, but would need a little more upkeep.&nbsp; $600.00 ish<br><br>From there the sky is the limit.....tipout/sliders, disc balls, patios and two story units are out there. $1million<br><br>I'd recommend starting slow.....if you enjoy the lifestyle you can all ways upgrade......just don't start so simply as to make it un-enjoyable for yourself. &nbsp; <br><br>I actually started my nomadic fever years ago getting on my motorcycle just for the weekends ....really learned how far I could go and how little I needed to carry.<br><br>I recommend you pay attention to the advise of starting with as little as possible and then adding what you find you really must have as you go along.<br><br>Then a few years ago I started driving 18 wheelers.....went out and bought all kinds of stuff I thought I needed......seemed every time I changed out my semi (happened a lot for me with the big national trucking company I started with) I found many things I had not used so I would leave them at home next chance I got......pretty soon I was down to not much more than a duffel bag....I did eat at truck stops/fast food places most of the time and bathed at truck wife has gone out with me a few times for weeks and enjoyed it herself too.<br><br>That is way to expensive for me now, so I plan to live as frugally as I can and this is a great place to learn ways to do that.<br><br>I found great people and great memories most everywhere I went.
Welcome to the group Dazzlecat! Good luck on your search for the right RV for your next home. I'm sure the change from living in a "sticks 'n' bricks" home will be quite a transition but I'm sure you'll adjust as well as can be expected.
Welcome DazzleCat!<br><br>I am still in a bricks-n-sticks... but I have started the process.&nbsp; <br><br>Recently, I spent my first night in my camper (just a camper top on my truck) in a serious rain storm!&nbsp; This camper is very old and I bought it for $100 installed... and... it leaks.&nbsp; Crazy as this seems, I was so content in there with my drip, drip, dripping FREEDOM FORTRESS!&nbsp; It just reminded me how little I needed to have so much more than so many others on this planet have.&nbsp; I was mostly dry.&nbsp; I was warm in my sleeping bag.&nbsp; And, if I so chose to, I could crawl around and drive anywhere in the country.<br><br>Anyway, WELCOME!&nbsp; It is an amazing journey!&nbsp; Enjoy!<br><br>Peace, Love and Simplicity!<br>Bodhi