Ballenxj said:About the top, I have never heard of a high top leaking, but I'm going to leave that to somebody here that actually knows about them.
Almost There said:Because taking the entire roof off and replacing all the butyl tape would be way more than a very large PITA, I'm going to end up using a sealer on the outside that will do the job but isn't the optimum fix.
The gray butyl tape that most RV shops use only has a ten year life expectancy... I knew that (hand smack against forehead ) and the van was 14 years old, but in my haste to get the interior started, I was a *******..what can I say!
Obligatory song with 'Juanita' in the title
SternWake said:
AbuelaLoca said:So, my next question is about the high top... Is there something I need to do to reseal it? I will take it to the car wash to see if anything leaks (there's no evidence of any leaks inside), but regardless, the van is 24 years old and I'm afraid that's "rubber" that may need to be refreshed?? Any suggestions there would be appreciated!
Now "that's" a good tip!hepcat said:Most "leaks" from RV windows are actually from window tracks and weep holes that get filled with debris. The track can't drain, so it fills up and overflows inside the RV causing water damage. Clean the tracks and weep holes and presto-chango... no more leak.
Ballenxj said:Now "that's" a good tip!
Gary68 said:the wam bam would be to clean under the rubber and add a sealer
the proper way,any competent auto glass shop can remove and replace the seals,could be done yourself but i wouldnt recomend it