Audiobooks anyone?? Updates, suggestions?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2018
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sitting on a river-bridge playing the banjo...
Anyone listen to new sci-fi vampire evil man from space-ish novels lately??

Anyone here read the "Coyote" trilogy?

New members into sci-fi audiobooks?

(NOOK or FIRE users too. Digital novels in any format, actually.)
Recently wandered back to some types of SciFi but stick more with guess what is called space opera. Less blood, guts, monsters.
Even going back and starting to watch some of the TV series, Battle Star, StarTrek variations, the CBS All Access -something show

Thank you.. am tracking down the Coyote Trilogy and Chronospace. Hate to pay so an adventure to find.
If you are an Audible member appears there is a sale of 50% or more. Seems many of Steele’s audiobooks are $12.++ Some could be less if you bought the Kindle book first. Coyote (book and audio) looks to be $10.50 if you buy the Kindle first but $12.++ if you just buy the audiobook.
Libraries tend to have good collections of ebooks, including some sort of audio variant ("e-audiobook") which I've never tried.
Blanch posted an excellent overview thread.

Many of the great SF classics are now available in one or more digital format.
For example, if you'd like to really grok the "Gaia Hypothesis", I recommend Poul Anderson's Orion Shall Rise. I'm also a huge fan of his Time Patrol series. :)

And, of course, if you want to grok "grok", much of Robert A Heinlein's bibliography is available in digital formats, including Stranger in a Strange Land.
Many of the audio books are read by RAH-mega-fan and SF author Spider Robinson, whose work is also worthwhile, particularly for those with oddball senses of humor/humour. :)

Sorry(not!), no space vampires in that list.

Some of the Trek novels are quite good, and fill in background stories that the series never had a chance to do.
I too am rewatching old favorites, all on DVD (since I'm mostly dispersed camping with zero or limited net access).
Started with Firefly (of course), now half way thru Babylon 5, with ST: DS9 coming up soonish. :)
If you have Overdrive on a PC machine when you borrow an MP3 audio library book it downloads to a location. The audiobooks do not go away (I periodically move them to another folder) so you can listen on the PC or move to another device like a phone, tablet.
It’s useful to do that because a reserved volume 3 of an audio series might come up before vol 1 and 2.
If you download to Overdrive or Libby using the App believe it returns on due date.

There are also some audiobooks on YouTube. I’ve downloaded them to the PC, the files are quite large. Had to use a download manager to get them to download properly. They can also be moved to another device to listen. They are not audiobook files but mp3 so pausing, bookmarking, well I haven’t figured how to do that. Maybe need to do some sort of conversion in iTunes but don’t know what.

Off to Check out the suggested books
Firtree said:
They are not audiobook files but mp3 so pausing, bookmarking, well I haven’t figured how to do that. Maybe need to do some sort of conversion in iTunes but don’t know what.

Off to Check out the suggested books

Not sure what you use, but one of the small audiobook players will solve this.
They keep track of where you stopped and all the rest of it.

Do you use Windows? Linux? Droid phone/tablet? Mac? (gag) *cough hack*
Another limited source of audiobooks is during Spring and early Summer

It is really for school age children sort of a Summer reading program, but anyone is allowed to join. Each week they allow you to download and keep forever 2 selected audiobooks. Have only that week to download. Usually one current book and one more classic. Mostly for older teens but once in awhile something for late grade school. As you’d expect many oriented to teen issues of sex, cliques, race, who am I. One of the first years I joined got The Hunger Games when first out. I download them all then weed out later. You use Overdrive to download. The new selections come out on Thursday so you have a couple days to get last weeks and on Thursday will be the new ones. You can signup for email and/or text notification for the new releases
Not audiobooks but old time radio stuff. I follow the podcast of 'great detectives of old time radio' Adam Graham is the host with a very unique voice. I've bought the App (1.99) for ease of use but is an actual free podcast. M-Sa he puts out a podcast with a detective show. ex Friday is Johnny Dollar and Saturday Dragnet.

There are tons of podcasts like this but I like Adam.
Another I drop into is 'old time radio westerns' little/no commentary but some good radio westerns
B and C said:
How about Larry Niven books? you are talking.

Ringworld was one of my first SciFi books I read.
(Back when I needed to hold a book. My driving time and dBase long hours always have something playing in the background.)

By the way, if you have some kids along, the Vampire Assistant (Darren Shan) books will keep them enthralled on a long journey.
There are a ton of them.

PM me and I will NEVER offer to pirate any of these.
(I have seen the light.)
(Even though I USED TO be known for sending people USB sticks loaded with years of sci-fi collections.)
(Not now.)
(I have seen the light.)
(So do NOT PM me for copies of my stuff. It's illegal to do that...and now, I follow the rules.)
Not in the vein of sci-fi but I really enjoy the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. Retired army MP that seems to find trouble (or it finds him).

I like to listen to audiobooks while traveling. Makes the miles fall away.

Same as you, never ever pirate...
Way back in the mid 70's I was listening to CBS Radio Mystery Theatre...this was on that 'new' FM radio band...imagine that!

And you can still listen to 1399 episodes online, all for free...(other than a little bit of bandwidth).

Click on episode guide.

When I lived on a sail boat, we would listen to TV shows over the radio. Mysteries were especially fun...there would be a sound of a door creaking open and the victim would say "Oh no, it's you!" and we would look at each other and shrug, having no idea who it was. Sometimes our guesses were more entertaining than reality!
Thanks all for the suggestions and sources! :)

It would help if you specified whether particular sources are simple download & play, or have barriers that may require technical compromises - thanks in advance.

I never got into Larry Niven, but love his collaborations with Jerry Pournelle. :)
Brian, can you recommend a specific Niven novel to get started?
Thanks for the Jack Reacher tip. I've seen & liked the first movie, so have added that to my mental list, when I'm better set up for audio visual stuff. :)

Speaking of "juvenile" books, Heinlein's are a great place to start in his books. Many of his late "adult" books are, um, YARC.
Given that many here are ecology/sustainable/etc leaning, his two juveniles that you'll most enjoy are Farmer in the Sky and Tunnel in the Sky.
His greatest eco related novel was his Hugo Award winning The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (an "adult" book). It's also very political, but thought-provoking not wing-nutty.
His adult novel with great advice for would be van dwellers is Starship Troopers, in particular, the protagonist's attempt to join the K-9 Corps. ;)
Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg is an oldy but goody fantasy/scifi story. It has a relationship to being nomadic with a troup of juggling entertainers living in caravans on the road. The book is available in audio, ebook and of course in print. As it was a popular older book no doubt inexpensive paperback versions are around. The book is part of a series.

The book was dedicated to some friends of mine, The Flying Karamoz Brothers, they too spent a LOT of time on the road not just in the USA but also in Europe.
Just searched for Lord Valentine's Castle and found as Kindle and on Audible$$. My libraries did not carry as regular e or audiobook but one library did carry the 3 audiobooks in Hoopla. Hoopla is offered by some libraries and is a another way to find audiobooks, movies, TV series, music. Need the Hoopla App and register with that library card. Books and such go away after the checkout period and at my library limited to 7 checkouts per month.

-Yes have read and listened to many of Heinlein’s books. Recently finished audiobook Farmer in the Sky.
Kaylee said:
Brian, can you recommend a specific Niven novel to get started?
Thanks for the Jack Reacher tip. I've seen & liked the first movie, so have added that to my mental list, when I'm better set up for audio visual stuff. :)
The first of the series is Ringworld
2. The Ringworld Engineers
3. The Ringworld Throne
4. Ringworld's Children
5. Fate of Worlds
As audio books, these are long.    The first three are over 13 hours long.  I do have them stored on my server...