Arrrrrrrrrrrrr YOU a PIRATE ?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2015
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9/19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day
Start practicing your Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhh's

From here forward this thread is devoted to all things Pirate !

ESPECIALLY Pirate Jokes !

A Pirate walks into a barrrrrr.
There is a ship's wheel in his pants.
The bartender is curious but decides better not to ask .
He gives the Captain a mug of rum and they start talking about the life of a pirate.
After a while the bartender decides to risk certain death and asks....
"Skuse me Captain , but I can't help wondering about why you have that ships wheel in your pants ?
"Oh that!" the pirate replies , " Well , I don't knowwwwww but it's drivin' me nuts !
How does a pirate know that it is talk like a pirate day? He checks his calendarrrr.
Krispy Kreme is celebrating. Talk like a pirate, get a donut, dress up with three items, eye patch, shoulder parrot, etc, get 2.
Ha, same day as my birthday!

How did the pirate become boxing champ?
Nobody was ready to take on his right hook.

Why don't pirates go to brothels?
Because they have all the booty they need!
Drinking Rum before noon does not make you a alcoholic,,,,,,, It makes you a PIRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gsfish said:
Short video of a Pirate's horse winning race...

I can't believe I just watched deserve demerits for even posting that link   ;P
Most will say that it's Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and some say C but...X is actually the pirate's favorite lettarrrrrr.
Cuz X marks the spot where the treasure's located and everyone knows that treasure is the most important thing to a pirate !

The C be a pirate's favorite note....thouggggggghhhhhhhh and Arrrrrrrrrrrr be his favorite thing to say !
What's a Pirate's favorite letter? It's P. Without the P he is just irate.
P is just like R with a leg missing. ARRRR!
Good one Trebor!

Shiver me timbers in Willy's post is a you tube link fer those that be data impaired.

OK , I'm going to confess........ I spent a summer aboard a pirate ship (yup, Captain Popeye!)
in a theme park. And they even paid me ! Most fun job ever..... I can speak popeye , pirate and popeye if he was a pirate.....

I asked every "crew" if they knew any pirate jokes (when we had time between battles and searching for treasure) I learned a LOT of 'em but you guys are coming up with some I didn't knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww .
An doncha be fergettin' September 19th or you'll be shark bait , and more rum fer th' rest of th' crewwwwwwwww !

Keep 'em comin' mateys !
Arrrrr you going to the renfest this weekend? It's our local renfest's pirate weekend. Arrrrrr
Unless it's 30 miles north of Portland Me. ......
You'll have to go and represent me.
I'll post a couple more jokes if it helps !

What does a pirate do on vacation ?
Drives an Arrrrrrrrr Veeeeeeeeee.

What goes thump , thump , arrrrrrrrrr , thump , thump , arrrrrrrr , thump , thump , arrrrrr?
A pirate falling down the stairs.

What do you call a quivering ship at the bottom of the sea?
A nervous wreck.

Sadly there arrrrrrrrrr no Krispy Kreme's here in the North East Alaska......(Maine)
Aye, twas in da Navy back closer to the days of wooden ships and iron men.
Ya knows da difference tween a fairy tail and a sea story?
Fairy tail starts Once upon a time.
Sea story starts No **** this really happened.
Another pirate , same barrrrrrrrrr has a wooden leg a hook instead of his right hand and a patch over one eye.
The bartender asks about how he got them.

The pirate replies...
"Twas in a mighty sea battle , I was knocked overboard and just as I was climbing back aboard a Great White claimed me leg !"

"A year later we were boarding Captain Blackbeard's ship and I lost me hand to his sword."

"Now , the eye be me own fault ............
A seagull shat in me eye and I wasn't used to me hook yet!"
Why did the pirate go on vacation? He needed some arrrrr and arrrrr.
Where did he go? He went to his favorite place, Arrrrrgentina.
He took his wife Peggy with him.
While he was on vacation why did he play golf? He likes to shoot parrrr.
What else did he do for fun? He went to the carrrrrnival.
In addition to rum the pirate indulged in a wee bit o the sea weed.
When the vacation was over the pirate was so sad he cried a private tear.
Where does a pirate throw his trash?
The Garrrrrrrrrbage.

Where did all the soviet pirates come from?
The USSArrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?

What did the doctor say to the pirate?
Open wide and say Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

What do you call a pirate that steals from the rich and gives to the poor?
Robin Hook.

What has 12 legs , 12 arms , and 12 eyes?
A dozen pirates.

What fish always makes a pirate laugh?
A clown fish.

Why couldn't the 10 year old pirate go to the movies?
It was Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rated.

What do you get when you cross a pirate with a zuccini?
A squashbuckler.

What does a pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A Buccaneer.

What's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot.

How much did the pirate pay for his hook and peg leg?
An arm and a leg.

What happened to the pirate Bluebeard when he fell into the red sea?
He got marooned.

What was the pirate's wife named ?

Why are pirates called pirates ?
Because they Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

How do pirates know they exist?
They think therefore they Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Are pirate jokes lame?
Most of them Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
rvpopeye, arrrrrrrrrr you done yet? :p

I arrrrrrrrr getting lots of chuckles outta this thread. ;)
I be just gettin' starrrrrrrrrrted matey.

Tomorrow be the 19th.............
Talk like a Pirate day? haha does that translate to railroads?


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