Nomadic Mario's Life Adventures Log's, Pic's, Vid's & Other...

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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Hi everyone, I decided to start a "Captain's Log" of my adventures and more. First, I had posted an announcement about my camper and wanting to sell it, I'm trying to get adjusted and may not sell it after all, yet! Anyhow, here is a pic of the Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 before and after. The fridge is not working and not sure why and dont have the patience to figure it out right now. 

These images are taken from Colorado BLM land and another somewhere in Springs. I left Colorado permanently and decided to head south and even farther, Baja and Sea of Cortez. My ship has been under California palm trees and boondocking until I get the bank to get my contract settled,I had to buy this truck under a dealer due to being poor and on a limited income so... oh well! It also surely beats sleeping in a tiny Nissan Frontier non 4x4 and a 5ft bed! The truck still needs a few repairs and after that I'm heading South, Ensenada to start finding campgrounds and stay for weeks if possible before leaving to Sea of Cortez. I am a certified open water SCUBA DIVER with all my gear and hope to dive Sea of Cortez. I am also Bi/gay(don't be scarred to post/join or be friend ladies, all are welcome in my life). I don't wave a rainbow flag to announce my Bi/gay but am posting it here in case there are others who would like to make friends and possibly travel as a group or not alone, I"m alone, just me and my dog.. thats it! Having a friend to talk/support and keep each other eyeing one another for safety would be great. I"m also both US and Mexican Citizen so I speak Spanish well. I am not a felon nor am a loud abnoxious drunk just so you know, I'm pretty mellow and also a multi-instrumentalist but do enjoy a beer here and there and I don't expect anyone to be [font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif]squeaky clean we all have some sort of skeletons.[/font]

 This is my first post and I will be posting more along with getting my U Tube channel for logging videos and not so much asking for financial help though if you feel to give a few bucks for gas that would be grateful since gas in Mexico is about 4 bucks a gallon, I'm not in a diesel, its a 5.7 liter Hemi engine. When I saw the engine of this truck I really felt comfortable to get and work on it if ever needed because its not cluttered with tons of crap all over, I can actually see the engine and not a bunch of sensors, covers and what not like my Nissan! Anyhow, thanks for readding and please reply if you have any advice or positive words but most important let me know if you have been to Baja, Sea of Cortez, and names/locations of the places you went, it would really help my journey. 

Thanks for reading

Nomadic Mario
Interesting "Captain's Log" Oddly no pictures showed for me. Sounds like you have a great fuel to be nomadic. Diving is an awesome hobby and skill. It would be awesome for those who can meet up with you. Have fun, BE SAFE, and hopefully smooth out the path!
Hi ClassyGlobal? I have had a strange life and the diving pic's have not been uploaded for a number of reasons which I'm not exactly read to post, yet! They where though one of my best times of my life and have pic's of Kona, Cozumel, and other places. However, you would not ever recognize  me if you saw them, you'd/people would probably freak and then again should I care? I should not but perhaps I will once I'm heading to Baja. Sometime tomorrow I'll be at the library uploading some videos of my trips, my U Tube channel is called "Nomadic Mario."


N. Mario.


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