Nomadic Mario's Life Adventures Log's, Pic's, Vid's & Other...

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Aug 7, 2011
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Hi everyone, I decided to start a "Captain's Log" of my adventures and more. First, I had posted an announcement about my camper and wanting to sell it, I'm trying to get adjusted and may not sell it after all, yet! Anyhow, here is a pic of the Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 before and after. The fridge is not working and not sure why and dont have the patience to figure it out right now. 

These images are taken from Colorado BLM land and another somewhere in Springs. I left Colorado permanently and decided to head south and even farther, Baja and Sea of Cortez. My ship has been under California palm trees and boondocking until I get the bank to get my contract settled,I had to buy this truck under a dealer due to being poor and on a limited income so... oh well! It also surely beats sleeping in a tiny Nissan Frontier non 4x4 and a 5ft bed! The truck still needs a few repairs and after that I'm heading South, Ensenada to start finding campgrounds and stay for weeks if possible before leaving to Sea of Cortez. I am a certified open water SCUBA DIVER with all my gear and hope to dive Sea of Cortez. I am also Bi/gay(don't be scarred to post/join or be friend ladies, all are welcome in my life). I don't wave a rainbow flag to announce my Bi/gay but am posting it here in case there are others who would like to make friends and possibly travel as a group or not alone, I"m alone, just me and my dog.. thats it! Having a friend to talk/support and keep each other eyeing one another for safety would be great. I"m also both US and Mexican Citizen so I speak Spanish well. I am not a felon nor am a loud abnoxious drunk just so you know, I'm pretty mellow and also a multi-instrumentalist but do enjoy a beer here and there and I don't expect anyone to be 
squeaky clean we all have some sort of skeletons.

 This is my first post and I will be posting more along with getting my U Tube channel for logging videos and not so much asking for financial help though if you feel to give a few bucks for gas that would be grateful since gas in Mexico is about 4 bucks a gallon, I'm not in a diesel, its a 5.7 liter Hemi engine. When I saw the engine of this truck I really felt comfortable to get and work on it if ever needed because its not cluttered with tons of crap all over, I can actually see the engine and not a bunch of sensors, covers and what not like my Nissan! Anyhow, thanks for readding and please reply if you have any advice or positive words but most important let me know if you have been to Baja, Sea of Cortez, and names/locations of the places you went, it would really help my journey. 

Thanks for reading

Nomadic Mario

PSS I posted this post on another section by mistake and if I can get it removed by moderators I'd appreciate, sorry. I think its on Modifications threat. I'll have to get new glasses, sorry! 


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Mario I'm happy to read that you are giving the camper another try. Plenty of time to fix what's not working. I hope you come to enjoy it enough to keep it. I have a feeling you will. Once you are in Mexico the issues will not be as important. The joy of adventure will take over. Happy trails.
Hi Ratfink56? IHope your having a great day. Yes, I going to work with it but I also can actually sell for more in Mexico or at least get my 2K back if I decide to sell it. The reason is its sagging a bit much and its gonna cost me about $500 for some coil spring shocks in the back to hold another 1K pounds I was told or get air bags and those they said where like 1500! Either way, I need to get it off the truck to get it inspected plus for some reason DMV registered it as a "Comerical" vehicle???!!!!!!??? 

Friday, I was cleaning the outside when I noticed some oil on one of the doors and as i was removing it words come out and said "Hay and Horsee rides"  on the passenger rear door! This truck was used as a commerical vehicle in the past and not sure why they put mine! Either it will benefit me or screw me with insurance or if I ever get to Baja and put a BBQ stand?!?!? 

I also have a mini apartment fridge at storage and found out it can be converted to propane with some kit! The camper has a 3 say prong connector also. I'm wondering if i can attach my 400 watt inverter to the batteries and plug the outlet so i can get some lights at least and my fan until I can make up my mind on what to get, solar or the distributor to charge the batteries using the engine. I read a lot of people in Sea of Cortez main power is either solar or wind power but those are for people who are also there permanently and not sure if i will stay permanently but for legal and income issues I'll just say its temporary. I'd like to get over to Renogy over in LA to get a nice set up going as i have an electronic drum set and a guitar amp plus some audio setup going and see what amount of solar I really need. For now, I'm stuck with this and will continue working with it. Thanks for your comment. 

Good day, 

Nomadic Mario. 

PSS Here is a pic from my past truck I was living. Before and after. It sure feels great to wakeup in the camper and make my coffee in my French Press and warm up a bagel thats for sure! I also love my oven!


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a mini-fridge CANNOT be converted to propane. 2 completely different types of systems. highdesertranger
[font=arial, sans-serif]Hi ya'all, [/font]

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I'm in Tijuana visiting my aunt and currently outside with my niece. Here is a video of us now, I'm outside using WiFi from my aunt and Luna (my niece is playing on the swings). This beach is camping but not sure if they have connections, they said it was VERY nice to park but you can walk up to one of the available free cabanas and plunk yourself down or you can stay in your vehicle/camper parking spot and stay overnight, not sure how many nights your allowed though but will find out. The campsite Free Camping dot com has a number of places showing campgrounds with all amenities for hookups though they run about 10 bucks or you can negotiate them for less if you "negotiate." I'll see how low I can get it for a week, here is a pic of some of the areas.[/font]

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The following shot is in lower Baja (Ensenada) and it says 5 buck plus extra for hookups! I've been to Ensenada but am curious to find out what the extra costs are and its worth it. I like Ensenada as is more relaxed and food is cheaper. There is also a lady I want to see again, she sold me the straw hat at a swap meet and wanted me to teach her English though not sure if she's married or what but it seemed like she enjoyed my  brief company and I did hers, I'll stop and say hello.. maybe, invite her to camp???? This particular camp is more towards the "Blowhole." The Blowhole is a heavily traffic place with tourists and the time  I briefly lived there the traffic was a bitch and turned back to the apartment I rented. I think the most I can afford to stay this visit is 2 weeks because of the costs of smog, DMV fees, etc..etc..etc... Oh,my truck did pass smog $50 bucks plus I'm assuming another 25 for the certificate. They are going to fix the steering damper also, total about $350 bucks. I return Tomorrow Thursday and then return Sunday AM to vote in Mexico for a President and stay a night here then leave further South Baja on Monday morning towards those campgrounds and hope to stay for a week if they are nice.[/font]


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NomadicMario said:
Wow, I don't get this forum! I try and try to upload images and constantly says they are to large plus it deletes all my paragraphs!

Images need to be 800x600 or less.  The tips and tricks section will give info.
Hi everyone, I just my U Tube Channel going and here is the link for those who wish to follow. 



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BAJA: PT1. CAMPING & LIVING. This is my actual camping spot and the owner is looking for other mobile dwellers to visit. I will be composing a U Tube video on my channel "Nomadic Mario" very soon but have been learning how to use DVD editors and busy at the beach. Camping in Baja, cheap and what a view! Sure beats desert and high mountains. I've also been learning a lot about my overhead camper on my pickup. Comfort is key and also getting power has been a real treat.


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That looks nice.

What area of Baja is that? I'll be heading down within the year and looking for a place to stay for a month or so.
Hi Bud Smiley? the little town is called El Campito and it's just a few minutes south of Primo Tapia past the sand dunes right next to a restaurant called Splash.  the place is a little funky as far as the campground goes but if you have your own toilet you're much better off  unless you just want to urinate but to do the other thing you have to grab a bucket of water outside the toilet/shower area and  pour It into toilet there's no flushing toilets here. I use my solar shower bag to heat water so I can shower but building an indoor shower in my camper soon. I also go down to Primo Tapia and refill my own drinking water. The owner "Chuy" provides free  electrical outlets but he's very firm on no air conditioners unless you want to pay him a shitload of money extra. and to be quite honest with you the only downside of this place is during the weekend when all the loud drunks come over here and I mean really loud in their music. however if you tell the owner the wife will come out immediately and tell you to either turn it down or leave, really nice lady but very firm and she doesn't mess around if you do have a complaint with someone playing loud music. there's nothing mre annoying when you're waking up to have your coffee and you sit outside to relax n hear the ocean waves when all of a  sudden some fkr comes and cracks " Los Tigres Del norte" at 10am but it's also not every weekend from what I've seen Love Sundays though. after 4 p.m. all the way up until Friday mid late noon it's very enjoyable and peaceful. Some come here for a few hours play music and drink and then they leave. However the lastfamily that was here to my left was a very big family and tHe SOBs had an actual p a system outside extremely loud tO some stupid umpa lumpa mexican music which was really annoying. Paying monthly is worth every dollar and I am not sure when I personally am leavingall I know is that I am paying for another month and prepare for my future drive to Sea of Cortezand go scuba diving.


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                                                            MAJOR TOM
I don’t have a wife and I don’t have a husband and there is no ground control other than my vessel and my faithful dog Max. I titled this log “Major Tom” after hearing David Bowie song, I’m not sure what the title is but I believe its either “Major Tom” o r “Ground Control.” Can you hear me Major Tom? Your circuit is dead, there’s something wrong, can you hear me Major Tom, can you hear me Major Tom? 
I woke up this morning feeling a bit lethargic but not quite apathetic. Apathetic and lifeless I did feel horribly in Colorado and even constant thoughts of suicide. I still feel as if I’m in a dream here in Baja as its day after day endless beauty I wake up to and feel its going to end soon or someone or something is going to disrupt this wonderful camp I’m staying at and return to the stress-ridden life I have always lived with. I was and have been a failure at everything and even at following the “Jesus” thing! I wrote a song “I am an outcast” in Colorado and yet to finish it. Some of the words may be shocking to some and the subject is surely to scare you but the act never fruitioned all because of stress, worry, and money to go through with it. In fact, I do plan to write two versions of it, one for the lifestyle of which we are all in, you reading, yes you and the 2nd version for its original motive. I’ll give you a hint of what the original version subject is… crossroads! I’ll leave that to your own mind to figure the subject out.
My dog Max wakes up sometimes on the floor of the walkway in my camper or on my full size bed of the camper. This morning I woke up with Max on my bed and began to caress him for his faithfulness and great companionship but and as with many other days, not daily, I always think about the many times I had the opportunity to love or simply be initiate with someone. There are times when I wonder what it will be like to be with a woman when I meet one, one who really will love me and us get along! Women are like delicate flowers and they are beautiful in many ways that a man cannot offer you. Yes, I have been with men many times and they are things a man does not have. There is the softness a woman’s skin that you cannot ever find in a man. You cannot ever find the curvature of a female in a man or even running you hands and fingers through her neck to pull gently to begin softly kissing her neck and hair.  A female can offer you a child and a child I might never have now that I’m at 51yrs of age but do have hope to find one yet at times seems an impossible thing due to my fear of approaching them and at times I wonder if my taste in them are way out of my league. However, I have seen now at my older age that a slightly older female would make a great companion and would have hopefully a more stable head and knows what she wants and has experienced life more than a younger one and still possibly be able to bare a child. Now, you might ask, why a female if you also like men? It’s very simple! Although men have been fun I always tend to desire a female more than anything unless a man came into my life and would have to be an amazing miracle to find love in a man, true love! And that true love would actually be in both but harder in a man because of the things a female offers. I’ve met hard core gay men who say they would vomit if they saw a vagina, one SCUBA dive partner I knew in Los Angeles once said that once when I told him I was Bisexual but preferred a female more. See, women have a beauty that men do not have and I’m attracted to that beauty much much more than anything in the world. Much more on that in my autobiography.
Here in Mexico you can find very young (legal age of course) barely 18yrs old and offer you sex for a fee but have yet to go through with it. My fear of approaching them and speaking to them scares me. I have seen them at the red light district and many very beautiful young girls with skimpy outfits ready to sell you anything you want. So why do I not go there? I have the money, sure! I might one day, soon, maybe! But the real truth is I feel it might be an unpleasant and unmemorable experience. It will satisfy me for a quick fix but there is nothing more than I’d rather be with someone who I can call again, get to know, meet, go out, and or even a friends with benefits where I’m not going to be told “times up” and have someone knock at the door fifteen minutes later with one of these girls at the red light district! There are some whom you can visit at their home or they can go to your hotel but after C-List removed the dating services from their website not one is found anymore. There is a site called “Doublelist” but not for Mexico.
Yes, a friend is worth more than a whore and a friend with benefits is worth more than no friend. And why has “Nomadic Mario” not found a companion?  Much of that answer will be found if I ever complete my autobiography but all I can say for now is that my life was destroyed about 25yrs ago when I ran like a **** ******* anything that moved but amazingly my penis never got anything. According to the doctors my body contracted something that has become “controllable.” Controllable through lifetime medicine and as much of a man as I am I want to cry every time I talk about this because my life truly has been ****** up when I found out I had this issue! I went into a life of total seclusion and fear of never ever loving or being loved again so I went nuts and began to live in a shell behind four walls (there is a huge lump in my throat at this moment) thinking no one would ever love me again, ever! And in those twenty-five years of isolation I met others who cared less about their bodies and safe sex as long as we go high on meth, crack, or both! It was endless sex and free drugs constantly; I had found my escape but never found love, real love. I’ve been sober for quite some time now and although I have fallen a few times its always much better being sober because you get to enjoy things you could not do when you high. When your high you hide from everything, I did. I’d love to go through the list of things I hid from but unfortunately it’s a very sad subject to talk about and the pain will only come grow especially after knowing that my father died five years ago knowing I was a drug addict and “other” things and it breaks my heart talking about it because his son came back to life but he never got to see him the way he is now, a new truly born again son. I love you father and I am extremely sorry for hurting you. Ok, enough of that before I start to shower my keyboard with tears! And if you truly wish to know way more about those twenty five years you will find very graphic details on my autobiography but only if I ever finish it and this is why I began these posts at this campsite, its so peaceful for most of the and the perfect place to write but again, I fear its not real and it’s a temporary thing and then what? Where would I go next? I would love to go to Sea of Cortez but I have to stay put for a bit a work on my camper and do some upgrades on my new/used truck to take the strain on a 4-5hr long drive and be confident my truck will be reliable, there is no AAA in Mexico. Is there? I wonder if there is other AAA type of services for Mexico? Let me know.
Well, it is almost 11am and though I don’t give a **** about time since being here I do today. I have ended my cell phone usage with “Moviestar” and will switch to “Telcel.” I was hoping to get Internet installed but they have a company called WiNet that for 120 bucks they give you the installation and equipment (satellite) but I hear its not hard-wired, its WiFi and I need hardwired. My routers both have WiFi capability but in order to use the desktop to edit my videos I need hardwired, my laptop only has WiFi but no Ethernet port, and they do make an adaptor but why waste money on that. I also need to go find out about cable TV as I only see one satellite dish company on people’s homes and I’m assuming they are the only one around. The WiNet offers 120 for equipment and free installation but the service is unlimited and go from 3mb’s speed for 25 bucks, 5mb’s speed for 40bucks, or 60 bucks for 10mb’s, ouch! 5mb’s might work if I was out in Sea of Cortez and it was the only service around and out in the middle of nowhere, which I kind of am right now but not exactly as there are tons of taxi’s that for a few pesos you can get on one and takes you to “Priomotapia” or farther North to “Rosarito.” If you do come this way you have to make sure you get on board by 7pm in Rosarito to get here or your left at Primotapia and catch a car cab which will cost you more. I made the mistake of taking off to late and got home (did I just say “Home?”) at around 11:45pm. I did go to the Primotapia market, which is not very big but was surprised there was one and opened very late, the taxi was the hardest because you have to wait and not many run that late around here but they do run 24hrs. And as far as the internet, I’m sure if I’m ready to spend 120 bucks for a satellite internet dish when I’d rather use that 120 bucks on a lift spring for the rear suspension and I do need a much better phone service with some internet that will be more stable so I can upload my logs and rid of the constant dropped calls Moviestar cell phone company continuously enjoys doing. Bye bye Moviestar. And bye bye everyone…
Singing off
Nomadic Mario


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