Anyone Want to Camp with Us?

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Dec 19, 2018
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Hi all! I’m very new to this community and this is my first time attending a WRTR and RTR. I’m currently in Quartzsite, but my pass expires tomorrow (the 20th). I know there’s a cleanup happening in Erhenberg, but I’m not sure I want to travel out of the way before the WRTR. I also need to go to Parker to load up on some more groceries. 

Is anyone in the area (around the WRTR/Parker/Quartzsite) at a free campsite and want company? Or does anyone have advice on where to go? I’m trying not to show up to the WRTR location too early...though I’m tempted haha. I know there have to be others lingering around like us haha. 

A little about “us”. I’m a young single mother at the moment with a child. We are in a class A that we’ve called home for almost a year. I recently went through some really traumatic stuff (including losing my second child to a still birth two months ago). I’m in a place where I’m an introvert, but I’m craving community. I think the WRTR will be life changing for me and bring me everything I’ve still been seeking in this lifestyle. We are peaceful, plant-based, artistic, musical and loving. I myself am a healer and focused on raising my child to be free, respectful, empowered, enlightened, and above brainwashing of society. 

I am SO looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible and hopefully make some lifelong friendships. ❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine ...

Are you on facebook? There are lots of women on the WRTR fb page in the area

And there's another group, RTR chatter
I appreciate you saying that. It has hands down been the most difficult thing to deal with.

I’m not on Facebook for personal reasons which has made it difficult to be able to reach certain people. I wish there was another platform like that for people like us that is easier to navigate than a forum. I appreciate the info though. If you wanted to share my email and post in there so people can reach out to me, I’m down for that.
[email protected]
Hello Cyndi:

Your post was very touching and made my heart ache for you.

If it were possible, I'd be there with you, but will not make it to the WRTR because I cannot depart the Chicago area until Jan. 4.

I hope you find someone to meetup with soon.

Good luck and be safe.

Joining one of the caravans might be a good solution for you.

The information for them is to be found under the section 'Gatherings'.

I suggest this because rather than having a totally unknown person to you volunteer to camp with you, you can join a group already in progress and get to know a few different people. Chances of finding someone to relate to are much higher that way.

They have been deliberately set up to help out new people to the CRVL community.
Good thinking, AT! DAMN! you're smart!
I have my moments.... :D 

But then I've also been called a smartass too! :p
Almost There said:
Joining one of the caravans might be a good solution for you.

The information for them is to be found under the section 'Gatherings'.

I suggest this because rather than having a totally unknown person to you volunteer to camp with you, you can join a group already in progress and get to know a few different people. Chances of finding someone to relate to are much higher that way.

They have been deliberately set up to help out new people to the CRVL community.

Thank you Almost There!  I did not know that and it is nice to know.  :)

So sorry to hear of your terrible loss, MM.

I’m glad you are reaching out, and think the caravans are a great idea.

May you find comfort and companionship, and good luck to you.
I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss, MM. I lost a baby 35 years ago, midway through the pregnancy, and I just can't imagine the pain of losing one full term. I'd like to offer you a free acupuncture treatment at the WRTR if you're up for it. No worries either way, just letting you know I'm available for that. See you soon!

The Dire Wolfess

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