Another Good Source for Bonndocking Spots

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I have been traveling with the creators of this site off and on over the past two years and they are beyond being good people.
these free camp sites should say something like cool free campsites. I clicked on the Nevada link at it showed like 20 sites. well 80% of the land in Nevada is a free campsite, so I really don't get it. highdesertranger
You're right highdesertranger. Most of Nevada is public land so you can camp almost everywhere. However if you're going into an area without any idea of what it's like a website like this is a big help because it shows many camping spots that have fairly level, opened terrain and good access roads.
Thanks for the link.. I am in Michigan now and well I will be starting my truck living in April, and then after finishing up loose ends here I will be heading that way early October. I am wondering any ideas on what is better. Nevada or Arizona as far as; living in your vehicle outside of when I will be at work, parking and sleeping safe at night.
Southern Arizona will be much warmer in the winter than Nevada. Where are you planning on working and what type of work will it be? If you chose a city like Yuma or Quartzsite you should be able to get a job for the winter season fairly easily plus there are many boondocking opportunities close to the cities. Cities like Phoenix or Kingman don't have nearly as many places to boondock that don't involve a long drive to get to the city. Each city will have advantages and disadvantages so if you have an idea of where you might end up it will be very helpful.
At the moment I have no idea, right now I am in school getting my Bachelors degree in human service, so I will be sending out my resume that way and see what I can find. Also the job that I am at now have a office there in different parts of Arizona so I will also be looking into a possible transfer. The point of this for me is to, work, save money, and then purchase a used RV to live in full time. My choice to do this is I am tired of being tied down to a house and only living from check to check.
Nevada is all high desert and it is surprisingly cold in the winter but is just as hot in the summer. I've spent a couple winters there and would not do it again willingly. Arizona has a lot more options of where to stay.

If I were you I would go to Arizona, and I am a Nevada resident! :p
I agree with bob most of Nevada is bitterly cold in the winter unless you are around he very southern tip. in the summer though Nevada has a lot of higher elevation areas that are not bad at all. highdesertranger