@ MJ - I raised/supported my three kids without a degree - was it hard? YES, of course it was! <br><br>There were times when I had wished I had went to college before any of my children were born. But at the time my first son was born I was married and had already served three years in the military. My second son came at five years in the military, and my daughter came at seven. It was a financial struggle all the way to their adulthood. But the ex-wife and I did it. I learned more from those years then I will ever learn from any university. But, unfortunately that kind of learning doesn't count, at least when trying to earn the big bucks.<br><br>A college education is never a waste of time and it is well worth the effort, I will always push my children toward higher education. But if they decide it's not what they want to do, then that is their decision, and it's OK with me. I would never try to make them feel like they are less than someone who has a degree - I've always told them, whatever you do... just be happy. Knowing that they are happy, makes my day.<br><br><ul><li>Is a college degree valuable <span id="post_message_1278517586">in it's interaction with today's world</span>, that would depend on the degree earned.</li><li>Do you need a degree to be valuable in the job market, NO!</li><li>Do you need a degree to earn a lot of money, NO! There are some technical trades that can, and do make more than I have the potential to make with a degree. But I'd admit, it isn't typical.</li><li>Do I have regrets about college, YES! The type regret that are sort of like, If I only knew then, what I know today (see previous post above)! But that's life.</li><li>Did I earn my degree for the sole purpose of making the big bucks? No, Absolutely Not!</li><li>Is it nice knowing that I can make very good money if need be? Yes! I made an excellent choice in choosing a high demand, professional career - but did I mention, it wasn't about the money.</li></ul>At the time I earned my degree, my children were all young adults and out on their own... and I was, and still am, a divorced/single man - how much money do I actually need. At the moment I have ONLY three monthly bills total - and I can pay those without working.... am I rich, NO! Not at all.... but nowadays, for the most part, I am poor by choice. <br><br>My oldest son is in the Army. I know he doesn't make a lot of money, and he does not care to hear me tell him to get some college under his belt - I am still very proud of him - but for me, it's nice knowing that he will have the funds for college after his military career, if he decides to attend later in life - just as I did.<br><br>My youngest son has worked with the Veterans Administration for nearly six years now - he has taken a few college classes, but he didn't have a degree when he started with the VA, and I'm not sure if he will ever get a degree. But I'll leave that up to him, because he seems to be doing surprisingly well for a single young man.<br><br>My daughter! Well I really wish she would consider getting a college degree - I believe she depends too much on her future with the man she is with (he has a degree), but he also has very bad credit and has made some very poor decisions.... yep even a college education doesn't make you intelligent. For her sake, I hope she can better herself and her situation. I don't want her to have to depend on anyone, but having a college degree wouldn't necessarily change that. But for now she seems happy with life, and working at a Bank - So I'm happy for her.<br><br>My replies seem to be getting a little too deep. I can't recall what member of this forum has it posted as his/her tag line, but it goes something like this; "<em>I reject your reality and substitute my own</em>"... I love it! <br><br>I offer my own opinion based on my own experiences - it's my reality! <br><br>It's like they say, "Opinions are like butt-holes... everyone has one"! Although, I think some of them do stink more than others - and that's based on professional experience - my reality.... literally! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">